This page was last updated on 17 August 2022

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Genealogy - our guide to finding you family roots

Some useful genealogy websites



  • Genealogy - Home
  • Abbreviations
  • Confucius
  • Cousins table
  • DNA
  • Family names
  • Given names
  • Naming patterns
  • Myths of research
  • Useful websites
  • Library
  • Wikis
  • Work chart
  • 'In', 'of' or 'at' a place
  • Handwriting
  • DNA Project
  • ScotlandsPeople
    The official government source of genealogical data for Scotland
    The National Archives of Scotland
    (1) IGI Search page
    (2) FamilySearch homepage
    Hugh Wallis's Genealogical Web Sites
    An index to batch numbers and middle names found on the IGI
    The National Archives General Register Office for Scotland
    The National Archives of Ireland The Ships List
    The Statistical Accounts of Scotland The Newsplan 2000 Project
    Old Occupations in Scotland List GENUKI
    The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments in Scotland The Gazetteer for Scotland
    Scottish Handwriting ScotsFind Site
    Poor Houses in Scotland
    select Workhouse Locations, then Scottish Poorhouses
    The Mitchell Library in Glasgow
    Commonwealth War Graves Commission Scottish National War Memorial
    Bible Records Scots Origins
    Cindy's List Tom Paterson's Roots
    Scottish Archives Network The Guild of One-Name Studies
    Scottish Catholic Heritage at home and abroad
    Census Finder
    Scottish History Online Passenger lists
    Internet Sources for Transcribed Passenger Records & Indexes
    Talking Scot
    Resources and a useful discussion forum
    BBC's Scottish Roots
    U.S. Citizenship Resources: Ellis Island National Library of Scotland - maps
    History of Ellis Island, and research tips   


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    The content of this website is a collection of materials gathered from a variety of sources, some of it unedited.

    The webmaster does not intend to claim authorship, but gives credit to the originators for their work.

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    Last modified: Friday, 17 May 2024