DNA Testing


DNA is being be used to profile the great lines of the Douglas Clan. We can now prove our link to the earliest Douglases and to each other. This is done by testing males who can trace their lines right back to William Douglas (c1174). These males carry the Y DNA of William (c1174) almost unchanged since the 10th century. The mutations which have occurred will show the divergence of these lines.

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  • For those modern lines of Douglas who have lost their links to the old Douglas lines, this DNA may provide the means of re-establishing their roots. They can test the DNA of their families and compare to the DNA of those known to descend from William. This will establish which lines have the matching DNA. Conventional Genealogy can then be focused into the correct area to find the individuals making the link.

    Testing is currently underway for the descendants of the 1st Earl of Queensberry, and, descendants of the 1st Earl of Morton and of the Earls of Angus.
    Haplogroup testing
    With detailed examination of the DNA test results it can be determined where your family (males) originated, and how they came to the British Isles .  Were they Vikings? Or were they peasant farmers? Could they have been from the Roman occupation of the British Isles or the archers of Hadrian’s Wall ?
    If enough Douglases do the test we will be able to determine where William (1100s) was among the above groups.

    For more information or to participate:   http://www.familytreedna.com/public/Douglas/

    On this site, you will find links to FT DNA, who can carry out the analysis. Their FAQ section is worth a look if you are uncertain what this is all about.
    Although FT DNA is a US laboratory it ships testing materials to the UK every day. It does seem to me  to be the best lab for the job. In addition we get a group discount on tests done through this site. This is because each surname project has a volunteer group co-ordinator, taking some of the workload away from the DNA experts at the lab.

    If Douglases test all over the place we will not be able to collate the information and actually define the lines. Comparisons between labs is not straightforward.

    But, for details of DNA testing in the UK, click here...

    Since a Surname Project in essence traces members of a family that share a common surname, and females (a) don't carry their father's Y-DNA, and (b) acquire a new surname by the way of marriage, in order to be relevant to the Surname Project, the tested individual must be a male that wants to check his paternal line (father's father's father's...). The test to be ordered is either the Y-DNA12, Y-DNA25 or Y-DNA37, and females should look for a brother or cousin with that surname to be tested. Females can also order a test for themselves, which will be the mtDNA or mtDNAPlus, but the results of this test cannot be tied to the Surname Project.

    Seven Daughters of Eve

    Over the past decade research in Oxford and other universities throughout the world, has shown that our mitochondrial DNA (or mtDNA for short), which is inherited exclusively through the maternal line, uncovers a genetic legacy which has been invisible until now.

    This female genealogy has created an evolutionary framework going back 150,000 years, and reveals that almost everyone in Europe, or whose maternal roots are in Europe, is descended from one of only seven women. Each of them founded a maternal clan whose descendants make up well over 95% of modern Europeans.
    These seven women, the 'Seven Daughters of Eve', have been given the names Ursula (Latin for "she-bear"), Xenia (Greek for "hospitable"), Helena (Greek for "light"), Velda (Scandinavian for "ruler"), Tara (Gaelic for "rock"), Katrine (Greek for "pure") and Jasmine (Persian for "flower").

    You can now find your own place within this genealogy - by far the world's largest known family tree. If your roots are in Europe, you will discover which of these women is your ancestor and find out about her world.

    In other parts of the world, twenty seven equivalent clans have been identified so far. If your maternal roots lie outside Europe, you can find which one of these you belong to and how you are connected to all the other clans.


    See also:

    •  Douglas DNA files
    •  Extreme Genealogy

    This page was last updated on 08 February 2024

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