Objects with a Douglas connection

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Douglas canon
The Douglas cannon

Two-seater Douglas car
18thC Douglas of Cavers plate
Cigarette cards
Douglas (locomotive)
Douglas chair
Douglas crested pistol
Douglas fir truck
Douglas models
Douglas ointment
Douglas percussion cap & ball rifle
Douglas plate - unidentified
Douglas postcards
Douglas salt and pepper shaker
Douglas Scotti rifle
Douglas sword at Teba
Douglas swords
Douglas timber lorry
Douglas vehicles
Douglass lighter
Flintlock fowling piece
Flintlock pistol of iron
Glen Douglas railway engine
Glenbervie Chair
Hamilton serving dish
JM Douglas, Chemist
Lazy Susan
Livery buttons
Milk float
Morton Soup Plate
Robert Douglas bottle
Salt cellar - Douglas of Kilhead
Sand tee gun
Table spoon
The Bute Mazer
The Douglas Cannon
The Douglas Nugget

If you have any background information on the following items, please do let me know.

(As always, this is work in progress)
Perfume flask Tankard plate targe
Perfume flask Tankard Douglas of Baads crest? Bespoke targe
Plants: image 2 0f 4 thumb Plants: image 3 0f 4 thumb Plants: image 4 0f 4 thumb Plants: image 1 0f 4 thumb
Spare Spare Spare Spare

See also:
Crests on objects
Douglas banners and flags

Any contributions will be gratefully accepted


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The webmaster does not intend to claim authorship, but gives credit to the originators for their work.

As work progresses, some of the content may be re-written and presented in a unique format, to which we would then be able to claim ownership.

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Last modified: Thursday, 23 January 2025