Douglas Archives Statistics
Statistics for the genealogy database are available here:
It contains records for 194,054 people, 78,382 families who live(d) in
about 30,000 (listed) places (as at 31st May 2024)
As at 31st May 2024, there are 13,117 people listed for whom the 'Last Name'
contains Douglas, eg Douglas, Douglass, Douglas-Hamilton.
As at 31st May 2024, the History Section has: -
12,859 files (5,480 on 1st May 2013)
- 8,250 pictures (3,743)
- 83,660 hyperlinks (42,544)
65 new files were added during the last 30 days (to 31st May 2024).
The Douglas Archives had 5,269 unique site visitors during the
month of May 2024, with an average of 4.77 visits per visitor.
500 files were downloaded from the site during May 2024 (429
in May 2023)
Bandwidth usage is
regularly in excess of 150,000 MBs a month.
71 different robots crawled through the site during May 2024 (hence
occasional slow loading times)
Current popular pages in the Community Network can be viewed here:
Errors and Omissions
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Many articles are stubs which would benefit from re-writing.
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Network to keep researchers abreast of developments in the
Douglas Archives.
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