Cookies policy

The Douglas Archives uses cookies for analytic purposes and website functionality. This helps us to discover which parts of our website are of most interest to the visitors. This information is then used when making changes in order to ensure that we prioritise the most popular parts of the website and ensure that these pages remain online during peak times. As soon as the user leaves the The Douglas Archives website or closes their browser our cookies stop. The Douglas Archives does not share any information collected using cookies with third parties including Google Inc. If the settings on your software that you are using to view this website (your browser) are adjusted to accept cookies we take this, and your continued use of our website, to mean that you agree to us placing cookies on your device.

What is a Cookie?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer's browser directory or program data subfolders. They are created when you use your browser to visit a website that uses cookies to keep track of your movements within the site, help you resume where you left off, remember your registered login, theme selection, preferences, and other customization functions. Cookies don't normally contain much information except for the URL of the website that created the cookie, the duration of the cookie's abilities and effects, and a random number. Due to the little amount of information a cookie contains, it cannot be used to reveal your identity or personally identifying information.

What cookies does The Douglas Archives use?

The Douglas Archives uses both First party and Third party cookies on the website.

First Party Cookies.

A first party cookie is a cookie that is issued by the web site that you are visiting. For example, The Douglas Archives places a cookie called PHPSESSID on your device in order to remember your language settings whilst you move around our website. This cookie can only be read by the The Douglas Archives website server and the information that the cookie contains cannot be accessed or read by any other web site.

The table below shows information about the Google Analytic cookies and the PHPSESSID cookie which are used by The Douglas Archives.

Cookie Name
This cookie is typically written to the browser upon your first visit to our site. It is used to determine unique (new) visitors 
to our site. If the cookie has been deleted by the browser operator, and the browser subsequently visits our site, a new __utma 
cookie is written with a different unique ID.
2 years
These cookies work together to calculate how long a visit takes. 
__utmb takes a timestamp of the exact moment in time when a visitor enters the site,
__utmc takes a timestamp of the exact moment in time when a visitor leaves the site.
_utmb 30 minutes

_utmc On exit
This cookie records information about how the page was reached (for example via a search engine result or a direct link).
6 months
This cookie is essential for the website language selection function to operate and is used to remember your selection whilst you browse the website. It is set on your arrival to this site and deleted when you close your browser.
On exit
These cookies, provided by ValueClick, are used to collect information about how visitors use our site. See ValueClick's Privacy Policy
tngloggedin This cookie makes available information accessible by members. When the browsing session ends

Statement from Google Inc regarding the Google Analytic cookies:

Google Analytics uses only first-party cookies. This means that all cookies set by Google Analytics for The Douglas Archives send data only to the server hosting This effectively makes Google Analytics cookies the personal property of the The Douglas Archives Webmaster, and the data cannot be altered or retrieved by any service on another domain.

Third Party Cookies.

A third party cookie is one which is issued by a site other than the one you are currently visiting. For example, The Douglas Archives uses for radar images, places a cookie on your device in order to remember the preferences which were set by The Douglas Archives when the page was created. Third-party cookies follow a standard format that makes them readable by any Web site, regardless of what Web site issued the cookie.

The following third party cookies are used to improve the functionality of The Douglas Archives:

• PREF and NID- Google Maps cookies used to remember the zoom level and other preferences on the The Douglas Archives website.

• ASP.Net_SessionId- used by multiple websites shown on The Douglas Archives to remember settings selected by The Douglas Archives. This cookie is similar to our PHPSESSID cookie described above.

• HASCOOKIES and BNETSESSID- These cookies are used by to enable our guestbook to function correctly.

Paypal: Several cookies are used by Paypal to record sales made on the Douglas Archives.  See Paypal cookie Policy for details.

Warning: If you choose to block these cookies then parts of our website will not function correctly.

How can I stop cookies being set by your website?

Please visit to find out how to stop cookies using the settings in your internet browser.

For more information about cookies visit the following pages:

Google Analytics Cookies

Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)

The Douglas Archives reserves the right to alter our Cookies Policy as needs require and without notice. Any changes will be posted to our web site in a timely manner.



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The content of this website is a collection of materials gathered from a variety of sources, some of it unedited.

The webmaster does not intend to claim authorship, but gives credit to the originators for their work.

As work progresses, some of the content may be re-written and presented in a unique format, to which we would then be able to claim ownership.

Discussion and contributions from those more knowledgeable is welcome.

Contact Us

Last modified: Friday, 17 May 2024