Burgesses and Guild Brethren of Glasgow 1751 to 1846
Transcribed from the Scottish Record Society Burgesses and
Guild Brethren of Glasgow 1751 to 1846
B = Burgess
GB = Guild Brother
F = Freeman
John Douglas, tailor, B and GB gratis, on the nomination of
George Black, bailie 4 Oct 1751
John Douglas, younger, of
Mains, B and GB as eld. 1. son of John D of Mains, B and GB 23 Jan
Archibald Douglas, tailor. B and GB, as eld. 1. son of John
D, tailor, B and GB 20 Sept 1758
John Douglas, weaver, B and
GB, as eld. 1. son to dec Edward D, weaver, B and GB 16 Sept 1761
John Douglas, tailor, B and GB as youngest 1. son to John D, tailor,
B and GB 20 Sept 1763
John Douglass, merchant in Glasgow, B and
GB as mar. Cecil, second 1. dau. George Buchanan, senior maltman, B
and GB 2 Mar 1768
William Douglas, merchant in Glasgow, B and
GB by purchase 29 June 1769
John Douglas, merchant, B and GB,
as eld. 1 son to James D, merchant, B and GB 7 Sept 1773
Douglas, shopkeeper, B and GB gratis, on the nomination of Alexander
Gordon, bailie, conform to act of Council dated 30 Sept 1773 25
Feb 1774
John Douglas, weaver, B and GB, as eld. 1. son to John
D, weaver, B and GB 8 Feb 1776
George Douglas, merchant, B and
GB, as mar. Elizabeth, dau. to Gilbert Lang, mason, B and GB 2 May
Andrew Douglas, merchant, B and GB, as eld. 1. son to David
D., weaver B and GB 17 Sept 1776
William Douglas, maltman, B
and GB by purchase 25 Sept 1777
John Douglas, potter and
maltman, B and GB by purchase 24 Feb 1785
Samuel Douglas, of
Burnhouses, merchant, B and GB by purchase 7 Sept 1785
Archibald Douglas, gardener, B and GB, as eld. son to John D,
gardener, B and GB 21 Sept 1786
James Douglas, merchant, B and
GB, as mar. Marion dau. to Archibald Leitch, tailor, B and GB 8
Jan 1789
George Douglass, merchant, B and GB, as second son to
John D., merchant, B and GB 5 Dec 1789
John Douglass, merchant,
B and GB, as third son to John D., merchant, B and GB 5 Dec 1789
James Douglas, of Barloch, maltman, B and GB, as mar. Jean 1. dau.
to Robert Drew, tailor, B and GB 11 May 1791
Edward Douglas,
wright in Glasgow, B and GB, as younger son to John D., weaver, B
and GB 7 July 1796
James Douglas, wright in Glasgow, B and GB,
as youngest son to John D., weaver, B and GB 7 July 1796
Douglas, wright, B and GB, by purchase 15 Sept 1796
Douglas, baker, B and GB, as serving appr. to James Marr, mason, B
and GB 16 Feb 1797
William Douglas, wright, B and GB, as
younger son to dec John D., wright, B and GB 3 May 1797
Archibald Douglas, merchant, B and GB, as younger son to dec John
D., merchant, B and GB 30 Apr 1801
John Douglas, merchant, B
and GB, as eld. 1. son to James D., of
Barloch, maltman, B and GB
10 Oct 1804
George Douglas, merchant, B and GB, as mar. Ann, 1.
dau. to George Douglas, merchant, B and GB 6 Apr 1808
Dunlop Douglas, merchant, B and GB, as younger 1. son to John D.,
merchant, B and GB 19 Apr 1808
Stewart Douglas, merchant, B and
GB, as mar. (-) 1. dau. to John More (-), B and GB 28 May 1810
Thomas Douglas, merchant, B and GB, by purchase 14 Jan 1813
James Douglas, wright and builder, B and GB, by purchase 8 May
Thomas Douglas, merchant, residing in Grahamston of Glasgow,
B and GB, as eld. 1. surviving son to dec William D., maltman, B and
GB 22 Jan 1821
Rev. James Douglas, minister of the parish of Stewarton, B and GB, qua merchant, as mar. Annabella, 1. dau. to
William Todd, hammerman, B and GB 23 July 1823
William Douglas,
merchant, B and GB, as younger 1. son to Rev. James Douglas,
minister of Stewarton, B and GB 23 July 1823
William Douglas,
merchant, earthernware dealer, B and GB, as serving appr. with
Ogilvie and Crawford, wrights, B and GB 1 July 1828
Douglas, merchant, manufacturer, 7 High Street, B and GB, as eld. 1.
son to James D., wright, B and GB 7 May 1829
William Douglas,
hammerman, B and GB, as mar. Elizabeth, 1. dau. to Robert
McAllister, weaver, B and GB 17 June 1830
Hugh Douglas [son to
Capt. Hugh D., Port Glasgow] merchant, 21 Carlton Place, B and GB,
by purchase 23 Jan 1832
Robert Douglas, merchant, of Bogle and
Douglas, 77 Glassford Street, B and GB by purchase 28 Feb 1832
James Douglas, merchant, B and GB, as eld. 1. son to dec James D.,
merchant, B and GB - 28 Nov 1837
William Douglas, merchant, of
Douglas and Reid, merchants, 119 Brunswick Street, B and GB, by
purchase 2 Sept 1839
James Douglas, hammerman, B and GB as
serving appr. with Archibald McLellan and Sons, hammermen, B and GB
29 Mar 1842
Robert Douglas, merchant, B and GB, as serving appr.
with John Mitchell (-) B and GB 28 May 1844
Roll of Honorary
Burgesses and Guild Brethren
Archibald Douglas Esq., of
Douglas 27 Sept 1780
William Douglass Esq., of Pendleton
Dec 1784
Douglas, Marquis of 17 Oct 1800
Hon. Charles MP for
the County of Lanark... 13 Oct 1830
Note: In both Scottish
Record Society Transcriptions on the Burgesses and Guild Brethren of
Glasgow 1. 1573 to 1750 and 2. 1751 to 1846 I think that the
number 1. indicates Merchant rank as opposed to number 2. which is
Craft rank.
B = Burgess
GB = Guild Brother
F = Freeman of
the burgh
In the preface to Volume 43 of the Scottish Record
Society - Glasgow - 1573 to 1750 it states -
...From the
earliest times the regulation of the admission of Burgesses was in
the hands of the community, and as representing the community, the
power lay with the Town Council...Burgesses were received and sworn
in presence of the Magistrates and Council, and their entries are
engrossed in the Minute Books of the town. This procedure continued
for some thirty-five years, but by an act of council dated 7th
October 1609 the right was transferred to the Dean of the Guild and
his Council, and thereafter the admissions are recorded in the Act
Books of that Court.
In the Register there are several distinct
classes of Burgesses, who, though all nominally admitted to the
burgh had different privileges conferred upon them. Up to the year
1605 the Burgess Freemen of Glasgow were all simple Burgesses and no
more, whether belonging to the Merchant class or to the Crafts...
Because of discord between the merchants and craftsmen a Letter of
Guildry was introduced in 1605 -
...By this letter a Dean of
Guild and his Council was established and provision (was) made for
the institution of the brotherhood...
A Freeman who did not
make the choice to enter a Guild remained outside the Guildry and
continued as a simple Burgess.
Another class of Burgess, the
Honorary Burgesses were persons admitted gratis by favour of the
town council.
...Burgess tickets granted to ordinary entrants
were written on small pieces of parchment, but those presented to
persons of distinction were more or less ornate in character...
Compiled by
Sally E Douglas 5 January 2013
See also:
Burgesses and Guild Brethren of Glasgow 1573 to 1750
Burgesses and Guild Brethren of Glasgow 1846 to 1876