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Douglas of Barloch





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Douglas of BarlochThe following is thought to have been written in about 1850

Barloch Estate, [on which our Church (Cairns Church in Milngavie) was originally built,] is believed to have been in the Douglas family for over three centuries. The Barloch Douglas family, it is claimed, were related to the Douglas of Mains, and James Douglas (who was a writer in Glasgow and lived in Barloch House, as we know it to-day), granted a tack to the Church in 1796. He was one of our first Elders and supported the Church liberally.

Mains has been the seat of the Campbell-Douglas family for many years, and not a few of them took a prominent part in national movements and historical episodes of the times. Generally their lands occupied the western and southern sides of the Allander, from Tam's Goat to Keystone Farm, with the important exception of the Milngavie Grain Mill. In 1800, probably Main Street was the most extensively built up area in the village.

Barloch House. This house, now the oldest dwelling in the Burgh, having been erected about 170 years ago, was the home of the Lairds of Barloch. As already mentioned, when our congregation was formed and the church built, James Douglas was the laird and became an elder early in the Church's history. He proved a strenuous supporter and helped in many ways to maintain the Congregation in being. The house to-day stands much as it did in 1800, and is occupied by Mr. James D. Ogilvie, one of our Elders. To-day, we have a descendant of the Douglas family in Dr. Carstairs Douglas of Garwhitter, who has felt the home call of his ancestors and come to make his residence amongst us.



Two sons of Douglas of Barloch having been drowned, crossing a river at one time, the father was induced by Janet Douglas (renowned for identifying witches) to believe that the calamity was the effect of witchcraft.  Barloch consequently caused John Gray, Janet McNair, Thomas and Mary Mitchell to be apprehended and carried to Stirling Tolbooth. Barloch, being 'a gentleman of mean fortune' could not afford the cost of their detention, and on 5 July 1677 an investigation was ordered into their alleged crimes.  The outcome is not known, but Janet Douglas was 'banish(ed) beyond the seas'.


... a well- known citizen of Glasgow, learned in the law, and moving in the
first society of Glasgow, viz., Mr. John Douglas of Barloch, writer, in Glasgow... 24 Dec 1938


..a handsome man, for which reason he received the name of 'Adonis', suffered from 'infirmity of his lower extrmities' to cover which he wore large pantaloons - his 'loose habits'.


. John Douglas of Barloch, a local lawyer, politician, and wit. The latter was physically a large and dignified personage, and it was wickedly suggested ...


..Douglas of Barloch, chief proprietor of the Glasgow Chronicle, 1836


Mr. John Douglas of Barloch, otherwise called " The Old Whig."


John Douglas of Barloch (58) a Radical from Glasgow who also contested the Wigtonshire burghs, 1838 as a Liberal


In 1827,  John Douglas of Barloch  was Croupier at a meeting the the Glasgow Stirlingshire Charitable Committee, meeting in the Black Bull Inn (1) on 15 January..


In about 1830, John Douglas of Barloch was so upset by an article in Blackwoods Magazine that he set off to Edinburgh to take issue with the publishers, armed with a cudgel.  Himself a big man, he was nonetheless beaten in a fight with James Hogg, the 'Ettrick Shepherd', who with other, including Sir Walter Scott, had decided to repay this action.


In 1834, he was due to have a duel with a Mr Weir, but was prevented by the long arm of the law from attending the duelling ground.


30 Aug 1850, new Clerk of the Peace for the County of Lanark appointed following the decease of Mr John Douglas of Barloch. (He died 27 August.)


John Douglas of Barloch. Born, 1772; died, 1850. Writer, and justice of peace clerk. He took an active part in local and general politics, and was one of the most celebrated wits of his time. A Town Councillor from 1833 till 1839, and Treasurer of the City from 1833 till 1836. John Douglas of Barloch and Andrew Mitchell of Maulside were fellow- apprentices of Robert Graham of Whitehill). Portrait painted by John D. Gibson, W.S.A.


 Francis Campbell Ross Douglas, 1st Baron Douglas of Barloch (1st ... 1950 ; KCMO, FRAS Son of Francis James Boswall Douglas. Note: This snippet does not ring true - I think the Baron's daughter married FJBD.


He (George Pollock) married Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Douglas of Barloch, and died leaving issue in Virginia. George was the son of George Pollock (son of Bessie Hutcheson) and Helen Orr, daughter of john Orr, a sea merchant in Glasgow


At the time, however, when the Every Night Club was in its zenith, the right worshipful master's jewel and sash had been transferred from the neck and shoulders of the volunteer Colonel and quondam Editor of the Glasgow Herald, to those of Mr John Douglas of Barloch, whose flowing oratory and attic wit proved an attractive loadstar to the mystic members of the Argyle Lodge;


At 42 Kelvingrove Street, on 10th instant, Robert Douglas Holmes, of Barloch, (died) aged 19 years.


 A site for a church (United Presbyterian) was subsequently afforded by Mr Douglas of Barloch, an active promoter of the cause, and the building proceeded with. ...c1873


The Laird of Barloch. — It would be a piece of unpardonable neglect, in a volume entitled the " Wit of the West," to overlook the shining abilities of the ingenious and witty Treasurer and Councillor of the City of Glasgow, John Douglas, Esq., of Barloch. At a late meeting of Council it was proposed that welts should be sunk in some parts of the town at tiic public expense, in order to supply the inhabitants with water, during the preseut scarcity, arising from the repairs going on at the Glasgow Water-Works. Mr. Douglas, who was opposed to the expenditure of the public money in this way, remarked, that '' As the inhabitants of the districts in question, were wealthy people, he would move that the we//-disposed people be allowed to sink wells at their own expense, if they thought proper."


I, James Weir of Barrachan Considering the State of my family and Affairs my Family consisting of Margaret Carse, my Wife, my Eldest son James Weir, my Second son John Weir, my third son William Weir and my youngest son Robert Weir and three daughters Elizabeth Wife of James Douglas of Barloch [farmer], Jean Wife of William Weir Farmer in Craigdow and Janet Wife of Walter Watson farmer late in Craigash


In c1832, Elizabeth Weir, daughter of James Weir of Barechan (Land value in 1880 £100) and
James Douglas of Barloch
James Douglas of Barloch
 Woodend, Strathblane, married James Douglas of Barloch.  She was one of 3 daughters, Elizabeth, Jean and Janet, and 4 sons, James John, William and Robert.  Note Is this the Mr Weir with whom he nearly had a duel?


The "Chronicle" - of which David Prentice was editor, and John Douglas of Barloch the leading spirit and principal proprietor - was Whig and steadily supported the Reform movement, but principally devoted itself to replying to the "Courier."


ROBERT DOUGLAS, second son of James D. of Barloch, Stirlingshire ; educated at Univ. of Glasgow ; licen. by Presb. of Paisley 22nd Oct. 1801 ; called 15th April, ord. (assistant and successor) 10th June 1802 ; died 17th April 1846. He marr. 3rd July 1811, Janet (died 18th April 1873), daugh. of John Monteath, D.D., min. of Houston, and had issue James, M.A., surgeon, Glasgow, born 16th Nov. 1812, died 22nd Feb. 1844 ; Anne Cunningham, born 27th Aug. 1815 (marr. 24th Aug. 1841, James Fergusson Murdoch, W.S., Procurator-Fiscal for Ayrshire) ; John Monteath, solicitor, Cupar-Fife, afterwards stockbroker in London, born 21st April 1819, died 26th Dec. 1899; Robert, engineer.


1802 James D. of Barloch, Stirlingshire; educated at Univ. of Glasgow ; licen.


Mid-Auchengillan, or Drummery Park -The Ronalds got into debt to John Douglas of Barloch, writer in Glasgow, and finally the place was sold in 1842 and 1849 to him and Robert Rankin Holmes, also writer in Glasgow.


1. This Black Bull Inn was probably in Milngavie (now a Marks and Spencers shop)


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Last modified: Friday, 17 May 2024