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Burgesses and Guild Brethren of Glasgow – 1573 to 1750






Transcribed from the Scottish Record Society – Burgesses and Guild Brethren of Glasgow – 1573 to 1750


B = Burgess
GB = Guild brethern
F = Freeman


John Douglas , maltman, B and F gratis, at request of my lord Duke of Levenox – 25 May 1599
Walter Douglas, maltman, B and F, as mar. the dau. of a burgess gratis – 3 July 1599
George Douglas, page to his lordship, B and F gratis – 23 May, 1601
John Douglas, B and F gratis – 1 Sept 1601
Robert Douglas, maltman, B, as mar. (-) Dau. To Patrick Drew – 3 Dec 1612
John Douglas, also his servitor (Sir Alexander Hay) B gratis – 6 Dec 1612
John Douglas, maltman, B, as mar. Helen 1. dau. To dec. John Ottirburn, maltman, burgess – 20 Sept 1621
Walter Douglas, of Keystoun, B gratis – 30 Sept 1629
William Douglas, his servant (Lord William Dalkeith, B gratis) – 11 Feb 1631
Lord Archibald Douglas, B gratis – 6 Oct 1632
Francis Douglas, brother to the said earl (Lord Archibald Douglas, B gratis) – 6 Oct 1632
Richard Douglas, B gratis – 6 Oct 1632
James Douglas, B gratis – 6 Oct 1632
Robert Douglas, brother to the laird of Glenbervie, B gratis – 6 Oct 1632
Sir Archibald Douglas, younger of Maynes, B gratis – 30 July 1633
Robert Douglas, of Blakestoun, B gratis – 30 July 1633
John Douglas, son to John D of Killiwarrane, B gratis – 30 July 1633
John Douglas, of Blaquharne, B gratis – 30 July 1633
Alexander Douglas, hatmaker, B and GB, as mar. Jean 1. dau. to Walter Douglas, sometime one of the bailies, B and GB gratis – 15 April 1645

Sir Joseph Douglas, Knight, of Poumpoherstoun, B and GB gratis – 5 April 1649
Patrick Douglas, B – 5 Apr 1650
William Douglas, B – 5 Apr 1650
Douglas, ane noble and potent Marquis James, Marquis of Douglas, Earl Angus, Lord Abernethie and Jedburghforrest, B and GB gratis – 23 Nov 1663
Douglas, Lord James, youngest 1. son to dec William, Marquis of Douglas, B and GB gratis - 23 Nov 1663
John Douglas, son to Sir John D, of Barres, servitor to William, Duke of Hamilton, B and GB gratis - 23 Nov 1663
William Douglas, page to the Marquis of Douglas, B and GB gratis - 23 Nov 1663
Robert Douglas, servitor to Major Alexander Thomesoun, B gratis, at the desire of his master – 23 May 1665
Walter Douglas, page to the Marquis of Montrose, B and BG gratis – 13 Aug 1665
William Douglas, maltman, B as serving appr, with dec. James Selkrig, wright, burgess, and William S, his son since his decease – 25 Apr 1667
John Douglas, cordiner, B as serving appr. with John Wilson, cordiner, B and GB; gratis, for reasons known to the magistrates and the Dean of the Guild and his brethren – 14 Aug 1679
Edward Douglas, weaver, B, wife – 28 Apr 1688
George Douglas, cordiner, B, wife – 12 July 1689
Rt Hon. Sir William Douglas, colonel of one of HM regiments of foot, B and GB gratis – 5 Apr 1891
Major John Douglas, of Col. George Hamilton’s regiment, B and GB gratis – 3 Aug 1700
James Douglas, factor in Camphere, B and GB gratis – 26 Sept 1700
James Douglas, quartermaster in the Royal regiment of dragoons, B and GB gratis – 12 Feb 1702

Lieut Robert Douglas, in Major-General Maitland’s regiment, B gratis – 6 May 1706
William Douglas, provisor to the Duke of Atholl, B gratis – 20 Jan 1707
John Douglas, maltman, B, father – 14 Feb 1710
His Excellency Walter Douglas, of Bads, Governor and Captain General in and over all HM Leeward and Carubie Islands, and vice-admiral of the same, B gratis – 17 Nov 1712
Alexander Douglas, feltmaker in Edinburgh, B and GB gratis – 11 May 1713
James Douglas, coachman, B and GB gratis – 10 Dec 1713
Captain William Douglas, in Brigadier Grant’s regiment, B and GB gratis – 9 Sept 1715
His Grace Archibald, Duke of (Douglas), B and GB gratis – 29 Sept 1715
Archibald Douglas, of Cavers, B and GB gratis – 29 Sept 1715
John Douglas, maltman in Barloch, B as mar. Margaret 1 dau. to dec William Douglas, maltman, burgess – 14 Feb 1717
Edward Douglas, weaver, B as eld. 1 son to Edward D, weaver, burgess – 17 June 1718
Patrick Douglas, serjeant in Shannon’s regiment, B and GB gratis – 12 Dec 1718
Archibald Douglas, son to Cavers, B and GB gratis – 5 Oct 1719
Mr James, junior, merchant in London, B and GB gratis – 17 Aug 1720
Andrew Douglas, smith in Dudieston, B and GB gratis – 28 Mar 1722
David Douglas, of Brigadier Douglas’ late regiment of foot, B and GB gratis – 27 Sept 1723
David Douglas, weaver, B and GB, as serving appr. with John Jamieson, weaver, B and GB – 6 June 1741
Neil Douglas, late servant to Mr John Poeterfield, advocate, B and GB gratis, conform to act of council dated 17 Sept 1740 – 1 June 1745

James Douglas, merchant, B and GB as mar. Mary 1. dau. to dec John McLea, tailor, B and GB – 19 May 1748
John Douglas, of Mains, B and GB gratis, at the desire of the Dean of Guild – 5 Oct 1750



Note: In both Scottish Record Society Transcriptions on the Burgesses and Guild Brethren of Glasgow 1. 1573 to 1750 and 2. 1751 to 1846 – I think that the number 1. indicates Merchant rank as opposed to number 2. which is Craft rank.

B = Burgess
GB = Guild Brother
F = Freeman of the burgh

In the preface to Volume 43 of the Scottish Record Society - Glasgow - 1573 to 1750 it states -
“...From the earliest times the regulation of the admission of Burgesses was in the hands of the community, and as representing the community, the power lay with the Town Council...Burgesses were received and sworn in presence of the Magistrates and Council, and their entries are engrossed in the Minute Books of the town. This procedure continued for some thirty-five years, but by an act of council dated 7th October 1609 the right was transferred to the Dean of the Guild and his Council, and thereafter the admissions are recorded in the Act Books of that Court.
In the Register there are several distinct classes of Burgesses, who, though all nominally admitted to the burgh had different privileges conferred upon them. Up to the year 1605 the Burgess Freemen of Glasgow were all simple Burgesses and no more, whether belonging to the Merchant class or to the Crafts...”

Because of discord between the merchants and craftsmen a ‘Letter of Guildry’ was introduced in 1605 -
“...By this letter a Dean of Guild and his Council was established and provision (was) made for the institution of the brotherhood...”

A Freeman who did not make the choice to enter a Guild ‘remained outside the Guildry and continued as a simple Burgess’.
Another class of Burgess, the ‘Honorary Burgesses’ were persons admitted gratis by favour of the town council.
“...Burgess tickets granted to ordinary entrants were written on small pieces of parchment, but those presented to persons of distinction were more or less ornate in character...”


Compiled by: Sally E Douglas - 4 January 2013


See also:

  • Burgesses and Guild Brethren of Glasgow – 1751 to 1846
  • Glasgow merchants
  • Glasgow records





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