Major William Douglas

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Major William Hew Sholto Douglas (born 5th April 1947) was an army officer who is the compiler of the Douglas Archives.

The son of Ian Fitzroy Sholto Douglas, a grandson of the Earl of Morton, and Heather Joan Maclean of Ardgour, he was born in Ardgour House. He was educated at Harrow School before being commissioned, in 1966, into the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.

He served in Aden, Berlin, West Germany, Cyprus and in Northern Ireland. Serving with the Gordon Highlanders in Cyprus in 1971, he was Information Officer for Paphos District of the United Nations peacekeeping force (UNFICYP). In 1980, following training in England and Italy, he was the Electronic Warfare Officer for the British Army of the Rhine (BAOR), seconded to Headquarters Northern Army Group (NORTHAG) and 2nd Allied Tactical Airforce (2ATAF).

Subsequently, he was a member of the Royal Company of Archers and the Territorial Army.

Amongst various charitable commitments he held a directorship of the ChildLine Trading Company, represented locally the Royal Scottish Agricultural Benevolent Institute and supported local community websites.

A former trustee of the Clan Maclean Heritage Trust, he now supports the restoration of Duart Castle.  He has supported and worked with a conservation charity in a successful bid to acquire and protect a Douglas estate.

In 2017, a pipe tune was composed in his honour - A Jig for William Hew Sholto Douglas.

William married, 1st February 1986, Frances Mary Riddle, daughter of Brigadier Robert W Blackwell Riddle and Ann Miller. She was born January 23, 1961 in Hong Kong .

Children of William Douglas and Frances Riddle are:

1. Peter Sholto Douglas, b. April 17, 1987, Dumfries.

2. Charles Robert Douglas, b. May 28, 1989, Dumfries.

3. Kerry Ann Heather Douglas b. October 10, 1991, Stirling.

4. Andrew William Douglas, b. February 6, 1993, Stirling.

5. Fiona Jane Frances Douglas, b. November 24, 2000, Stirling.

See also:
•  Pipe banner
•  William's Jig [mp4]


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Last modified: Thursday, 23 January 2025