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Douglas Support, formerly Rosehall





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Douglas Support Douglas Support Rosehall front mill
Note the canon View from the south Rosehall from the front The mill and falls
Rosehall pavillions gatehouse tomb gardens
Section showing pavilions The Gatehouse Visitors lay flowers on the
tomb of the
Rev Sholto Douglas
Garden and terraces
gardens gardens gardens house
The gardens The gardens The gardens The mansion house`
House house House front house
Douglas Support c1890 Douglas Support c1890 Douglas Support Douglas Support, 1905
bridge button White House avenue
Bridge over North Calder Button The White House c1890 The Avenue, 1906
estate offices mansion Douglas Support 1928 Douglas Support
The estate offices Mansion House,
from south east
The Mansion House
in 1928
Douglas Support
house in 1906 mill Demolition 1938  
Mansion House
The 'Mill and electrics'
Rosehall, later
Douglas Support
Demolition 1938 ater the fire
The Mansion House;
demolition in 1938
The ruined mansion house



In July 2020, part of the former Douglas Support estate was taken into community ownership by the Viewpark Conservation Group and a programme of restoration of the grounds was started.



The following description, dating from 2001, does not take into account the impact of the construction of the M8 motorway, which cuts a swathe through the northern section of the Douglas Support Estate.

The origins of the Douglas Support Estate can be traced back to the 17th century. The existence of a well-established and extensive area of policy woodland and parkland seems to be confirmed in a plan of 1752. By 1859 the OS plan shows the designed landscape and the later plan of 1898 shows a formal landscape setting for the mansion house (Rosehall House), gardens which incorporate riverside walks and circuit paths, policy woodland and parkland incorporating scenic drives from lodge houses. The house was demolished in 1939 and the subsequent neglect and abuse (exacerbated more recently by vandalism and fly tipping) has resulted in the degradation of the quality and integrity of the designed landscape.

During the latter half of the 19th century and first half of the 20th century, there were 2 collieries within the northern half of the site, including a series of mineral railways.

Planning permission was granted in 20/11/92 for the "Infilling, Grading and Restoration of Land and Formation of Temporary Haul Roads" within the site (ref. No. M/91/254). This allowed for the removal of the Alderston Bing (to the south of the site) which then facilitated the development of the Strathclyde Business Park. Two parts of the site (extending to around 14 ha) were raised and subsequently shaped and landscaped.

In the early 1990's, Monklands District Council and the Trustees of the estate created a joint venture company with a view to promoting the site for business and industry. This agreement lapsed following Local Government re-organisation and the applicant (Park Lane Palisade) was appointed by the Trustees to continue with the promotion in 1997.

In the early 1990's, the Scottish Office had plans to complete the motorway connection between Newhouse and Baillieston. This was designed to allow for the retention of the existing A8 as a local distributor road which was to be supplemented by a new "off-line" 6-lane motorway. Within the application site, the new motorway was to have been sited within the northern half of the site (roughly from a line from the north west corner towards half way down the eastern boundary). These plans were at an advanced stage (tenders approved and land acquired through Compulsory Purchase Orders) when they were shelved in 1997. Since then, the Scottish Executive has confirmed its commitment to upgrade the A8 to motorway standards before 2010 (Central Scotland Transport Studies: January 2003) although a decision has yet to be taken on whether this will be built on or off line. The Douglas SupportThe Douglas Support Estate extends to 120 hectares (300 acres) and is located between Bellshill and Coatbridge alongside the AS, west of the A725 at Shawhead. The boundaries and immediate surroundings are described as follows:

The estate is bounded mostly by the A8 with small areas protruding northwards at the Old Lodge Cottage and Shawhead junction. Adjoining the A8 at this location (west to east) is part of Old Monklands Cemetery, a recent housing development by Wimpy, Old Lodge Cottage, a vacant area of ground which is currently the basis of a reserved matters application by Strathclyde Homes for 33 houses industrial units at Rosehall Industrial Estate and finally Shawhead junction (including the recently completed road improvements comprising a new roundabout) with housing and industrial units within Rosehall to the north and east.

For the most part, the A725 Bellshill Bypass marks this boundary although part of the boundary extends slightly to the east of that road towards part of the North Calder Water with residential areas off North Road Bellshill to the south-east.

The wooded valley of the North Calder Water bounds the entire southern edge of the site. The north-most edge of Strathclyde Business Park and Righead Industrial Estate share a boundary with the application site at this point. The Business Park is now well established although there are further development areas at the north-east corner of the Park. At the south-west corner of the site lies a residential area which forms part of Viewpark.

This comprises a field boundary and adjoins agricultural land of Bankhead Farm further west.
The topography of the estate is one of gentle undulation, with the steep valley sides of the North Calder Water along the southern boundary. Ground levels vary from 87m AOD at the north-east corner to 57m AOD at the south-west. In general, the estate can be separated into 3 distinct areas:

The top half of the site is characterised by gently undulating agricultural grazing land interspersed by some blocks of woodland and tree belts. This is traversed west/east by electricity pylons and below ground by a high-pressure gas main. At the north west corner of the estate is the farmhouse and buildings of Shawhead Farm. A burn runs east to west towards the North Calder water through the western half of this area. There are some areas of standing water including the marshy area known as the Crow Flat pond at the north-west corner near the farm.

Further south is the remains of the planned landscape which formed part of the policies of the now demolished Rosehall House. This area comprises some areas of grazing land enclosed by mature woodlands, tree lined paths and limited remains of the house and its estate buildings. The former access to the house is still recognisable as a tree lined track which runs west/east across the south-east of the site toward s the A725.

Finally, alongside the southern boundary is the steep wooded valley of the North Calder Water.

There are currently 3 main points of entry to the site. Firstly, there is a vehicular access directly off the A8 which connects with Shawhead Farm. Secondly, pedestrian access can be taken from what was the original main access to the estate off the A725. Lastly, a footpath connection at the south-west corner of the site connects the site with Strathclyde Business Park (to the rear of the Grants bottling plant,) Viewpark (off Laburnum Road) and Righead Industrial Estate.

The northern half of the site can be seen quite clearly from the A8 corridor and the A725 at Shawhead, whilst clear views of the southern half of the site can be had from Viewpark, Strathclyde Business Park and the adjoining stretch of A725.

The estate is farmed from Shawhead Farm (tenanted) and comprises mostly grazing with some arable production. The majority of this land (85%) is quantified as being Grade 3.2 (good quality) with the remainder being of a lesser quality.

There is much evidence of neglect and vandalism throughout the site including burnt out cars (estimated to be at least 30 on recent inspection) fire damaged trees, fly tipping (particularly at the access from the A725) and evidence of anti-social behaviour including large numbers of empty beer cans.

   A desk-based study and reconnaissance field survey were undertaken in February and March 2001 towards the preparation of a cultural heritage chapter for an Environmental Statement for a proposed business park within the Douglas Support Estate, near Coatbridge.  Eight sites were noted. Two known sites were a prehistoric burial site (NS76SW 1) and a battle-axe findspot which may relate to the same site (NS76SW 20). No field remains of the burial site were observed, and its former location has been partly disturbed by a recent pipeline development.

Two former coal mines (Rosehall Colliery Pits 3 and 12: NS 727 626 and 720 627) have largely been landscaped and reclaimed, and fragments of the former mineral railway network survive in the surrounding landscape. Two annular enclosures (NS 726 624) and a curvilinear parchmark (NS 722 629) were detected on vertical aerial photographs, but no surface traces of these sites were identified through field survey.

Part of the former Douglas Support Estate grounds lie within the study area. Field survey confirmed that most of the former estate buildings, including the country house at NS 722 621, have been demolished, although the ruins of the estate offices (NS 723 623) and a mausoleum (NS 720 623) survive, and the 19th-century terraced gardens overlooking the North Calder Water remain as substantial earthworks. The former garden features of the estate have largely been removed, although surrounding parkland features survive in good, if neglected, condition. bsp;


general armory


Douglas Support Cottage
The White House, or Garden House, used by Sir Winston Churchill whilst on holiday. Also referred to as 'Doll's House'.



In 1691 Sir James Hamilton, 2nd Bt. (1682-1750), purchased from Sir Archibald Hamilton, 1st Bt., the Lanarkshire estate of Haggs, subsequently renaming it Rosehall (contemporaries often favouring the spelling ‘Rosehaugh’).

November 1791
estates in Lanarkshiress have more than doubled in value since 1783, independent of the numerous mines lately discovered. Great quantities of haugh land have been lately sold at Hamilton, &e. at IOOl. per acre, for agricultural uses merely; and so rapid has been the advance in the value of landed property, in consequence of the prodigious extension of the manufactures and opulence of the county, that Rosehall, one of the greatest estates in Clydesdale, has been sold three times within four years, its' different owners being induced by high prices to part with their purehases




He took the surname Douglas on 18 December 1850, on inheriting the estate of Douglas Support, which had been entailed to the descendants of his paternal grandmother by her sister Margaret, Duchess of Douglas.
Major Archibald Douglas Monteath served in the East India Company.
In 1850 Monteath's brother, James Douglas....

James Douglas of Virginia
m. Katherine Brent (dau of George Brent of Virginia) (She received a legacy from her sister-in-law, Margaret, Duchess of Douglas, provided she was in Scotland to accept it. (2)
((A)) Col Archibald Douglas of Douglas Support (dsp 17.01.1804 at Rosehall)
((B)) Margaret Douglas of Douglas Support (d unm 1832)
((C)) Catherine Douglas of Douglas Support (dsp 1848)
m. George Pye, later Douglas (General)

Archibald, Margaret and Catherine all appear to have died childless.  James Hamilton's grandson having married the daughter of Sir Archibald Hamilton of Rosehall, his son Archibald succeeded to that estate which adjoined, as well as to Dalzell and Orbiston. Archibald's son, General John Hamilton, sold Rosehall, and it is now called "Douglas Support."

The Flemish style Douglas Support mansion lay on the banks of the North Calder River. Owned by a branch of the Hamilton family in 1574, ...

THE Rev. Sholto Douglas Campbell, M.A., second Baron Blythswood, is the second son of the late Archibald Douglas of Mains, who succeeded to the Blythswood estate in 1838, and assumed the name of Campbell. He took an active part in initiating the parochial mission movement in the Church of England, and though he had inherited the estate of Douglas Support, near Coatbridge, from Brigadier-General Sir Thomas Monteith Douglas in 1868, he remained in his English charge till 1887.  In 1873, Rev Sholto D.C. Douglas, residing at Douglas Support, Old Monkland, held 1,393 acres with a Gross Annual Value of £1,814 and minerals at a GAV of £6,429 3/-  In June 1908 his mansion at Douglas-Support, Renfrewshire, was destroyed by fire. He succeeded to the title of 2nd Baron Blythswood, co. Renfrew [U.K., 1892] on 8 July 1908

Testament of Margaret, Duchess of Douglas
...employ the free residue of my said money Goods and Effects hereby conveyed or such part thereof as they shall see proper & convenient in
the purchase of Lands in Scotland the lands so to be purchases to be called in all time thereafter Douglas Support (or Mains Support)  Support of Douglas in the Event That the said Archd Douglas my Nephew shall succeed to the Estate of Mains...

The Duchess of Douglas survived till 24 Oct. 1774. Tradition pictures the duchess as travelling about the country with an escort of halberdiers. She commemorated her own share in securing the Douglas estates to her nephew by bequeathing certain lands to her brother's son, Captain Archibald Douglas, to be called the lands of Douglas-Support, and the possessor of which was to bear the name of Douglas, and as his arms the conjoined coats of Douglas and Mains, with the addition of a woman trampling a snake under her feet, and supporting in her arms a child crowned with laurels. foundation stone


In 1892, a foundation stone was laid for a building known as The Dolls House. A similar inscription was found in the floor of the offices and stables.




On 20th and 21st January 1848, the contents of Rosehall were sold by auction.



2003...the development of the Douglas Support Estate at Shawhead. The project would see the establishment of a major new high quality business park stretching from Strathclyde Business Park in Bellshill to the A8 at Shawhead...


Douglas Support
Douglas Support Cottage
Douglas Support East Lodge
Douglas Support North Lodge


Maj.-Gen. Barrington Bulkeley Campbell, 3rd Baron Blythswood, died on 13 March 1918 at age 73 at Douglas Support, Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, Scotland.

press cutting


death noticeAuckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 282, 25 November 1916, Page 14;


Archibald Douglas Archibald Douglas Monteath ("the Major"), who resided at 146 West George Street, Glasgow, was the recognized arbiter of beauty in Glasgow. The house was pulled down to build the new Club. Major Monteath had made a fortune in India (rumour said, by looting a treasure elephant), and on his death in 1842 James Monteath succeeded to his fortune.

James Monteath was a partner with Archibald Hamilton in the firm of Hamilton, Monteath & Co., wine merchants, and Distributor of stamps in Glasgow in succession to Colonel Mure of Caldwell, which office he demitted on 16th May, 1843. Mr. Monteath was the son of Walter Monteath of Kepp (or Kipp), and Jean, second daughter of James Douglas 13th of Mains, and Rebecca Wallace. He was a man universally liked and respected, with a kind heart and gentle manners. He also succeeded to Rosehall (now Douglas Support) under the entail and took the name of Douglas. He bought Stonebyres, and died unmarried on 3rd June, 1850.


New York Times, 14 March 1918


Soldier. Born Thomas Monteath, he acquired the name Douglas in 1851 as a condition of inheriting the estate of Douglas-Support near Coatbridge in North Lanarkshire. Monteath Douglas spent much of his career in India, serving with the 35th Bengal Infantry. He was decorated for service during the First Afghan War, having distinguished himself in the defence of Jellalabad in 1841, with Sir Robert Sale. He married the only surviving daughter of Sir William Monteath Scott of Ancrum, and therefore gained control of that estate. He died without issue and was buried in a fine mausoleum overlooking Ancrum.


(1933) [Catalogue of material] for sale ex mansion house of Douglas Support near Baillieston, Glasgow, Dundee; Glasgow. 


Crest of Archibald, 1793
Coat of arms of Archibald Douglas of Douglas Support, 1793.
He was heir to the Duchess of Douglas






































Proposal for use of the Douglas Support Estate.

Community acquisition

In July 2020, the Viewpark Conservation Group, in a community led buy-out, acquired the the remaining part of the Historic Douglas Support Estate, thus saving it from development.  Read more>>>


See also:

1.  Facebook campaign to save Viewpark Glen

2.  Testament of Margaret, Duchess of Douglas
3.  The Trustee on the Estate of Walter Monteath, against Colin Douglas and Others.

4.  Archibald Monteath: Igbo, Jamaican, Moravian, by Maureen Warner-Lewis

5.  Kirkstyle cottages

6.  Douglas Support links with Monteath Mausoleum (article)

7.  Film compilation of historical photographs.

8.  Family trees for Mains, Blythswood and Douglas Support [pdf 7.5 mb]

9.  Heraldry of the Mains, Blythswood and Douglas Support families [pdf 5 mb]


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Last modified: Thursday, 23 January 2025