This page was last updated on 10 October 2021

Douglas swords









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sword crest 


Commander Francis Douglas, living 1800
Douglas Home sword
Douglas sword at Teba
Kinglassie presentation sword
Rear-admiral Peter John Douglas 1787 - 1858
Sword presented to Henry B. Douglass
Sword presented to Sir James Douglas by Robert the Bruce
Swords used at Wallace Monument ceremony
The Ewart Park Sword




•  Sir John Douglas died at Maze Hill on 4 March 1814. According to The Gentleman's Magazine, "his death was occasioned by a complaint (from which he was never since been free) contracted whilst serving with the Turkish Army in the Deserts of El Arish, arising from the quantity of sand in the water which the army was constrained to use, in consequence of the Enemy having possession of the wells". His coffin, decorated with the flag under which he served at Acre and the sword of the French commandant who surrendered at El Arish, was transported in grand procession for burial at Charlton church on 11 March.


•  Sword of Archibald 'Bell the Cat' Douglas

“The Bell-the-Cats blade, rightly considered the legacy sword of Scotland's most famous family, has been in the possession of every head of the family for centuries.
In 1745, after the outbreak of the Stuart insurrection, the family was in danger of losing this relic to a nefarious hand. The pretender's followers, perhaps out of a jealous feeling towards the Douglas, more likely out of a lack of feeling at all, hijacked this valuable curiosity from the armory of Douglas Castle, and it took long investigations in the warehouse before the old sword could find its rightful owner could be delivered again. It is now owned, of course, by Lord Douglas.” - Beyond the Tweed: A Tour of Scotland in 1858; Theodor Fontane.



Broadsword kiltpin available from the Clan Douglas Society of North America on-line store



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Last modified: Thursday, 23 January 2025