Memorial to Commander John Douglas and his family
In the Church of the Blessed Mary, Walmer, Kent, England, carved with the arms of the Douglas family 'M.of John Douglas Esqre., J.P.Commander R.N. Born Dec.31st, 1797, ob. Nov. 11th, 1884. Also of Robina, wife of above, b.Sept. 20th, 1803, ob.June 14th, 1874.and of their children Louisa Jane, Born March 10th 1833. Died October 1834. John James, a Lieut. R.M. Lt.I. Born Feb 27th 1831, Died Feb 8th 1858. Henry De Wend McDonell Mjr. Genl. B.S.C. (2)Born July 10th 1835, Died Feb 9th 1897. George Amelius, Capt RN. Born Aug 14th 1832. Died Nov 20th 1900. Robert Gordon Douglas, Admiral, Born June 7th 1829. Died Jan 12th 1910. Fenella Elizabeth Julianna Sparks, Born 1842. Died 1924' They are descendants of the 4th Earl of Morton.
Unconfirmed description: Arms of Douglas : — Erm., a man's heart gu., cnsigncd with an imi]erial crown ])\n.; on a chief, az., a crescent betw. two mullets, ar. Crest, a dc.\ter arm embowcd in armour, in the hand an arrow, all ppr. Motto, Nutiquam posticmus. Research notes: 1. This could be Lt John Douglas who entered the Navy 14 April, 1812 and was awarded, 18 Dec. 1843, a pension for wounds of 12l. (£12) 2. Elsewhere, the General's birth date is recorded as 1834. B.S.C. - Bengal Staff Corps
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