Major General Henry Mcdonell De Wend Douglas

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Major General Henry Mcdonell De Wend Douglas, Bengal Staff Corps

The McDonnell name comes from his mother and the De Wend from his Aunt Sarah's husband Edward De Wend(1) Major 5th Battalion of 60th Regiment.

Lieutenant Henry McDonnell DeWend Douglas, 67th Bengal Native Infantry, fought at Agra during the Indian Mutiny.

Born: 10 Jul 1834
Died: 9 Feb 1897
Major General Henry Mcdonell De Wend Douglas is buried in the Dover (Saint James) Cemetery.

He is the son of Commander John Douglas, RN 1797-1884, and his wife, Robina MacDonel.

In the 1891 Census records, he is living with his family in Charlton, Kent.

His sister Fenella married Col. Robert Sparks 7th Royal Fusiliers.

Also buried there is his wife, Mary Christiana Douglas 9 Dec 1921

The Law Times, 1908: n the 25th ult.. at Dover Parish Church,' Ou'oii Lloyd Evans, Barnlstor-at-law, Middle 'l'eniplc, to Francis J ulIu Gl'Ol'glllfl, youngest daughter of the late General Henry McDonell do Wend Douglas, Bengal Stall Corps, and. Mrs. Douglas, Dover.

Hart's List

Hart's List

Douglas Campbell De Wend is a descendant of Major Michael Edward de Wend and Sarah Douglas.  It seems likely there is a familial connection.

William Fenton De Wend, son of Captain James Douglas De Wend, Northampton; bom 7th August, 1840 attended Cheltenham College. But how does he connect? Brother of above

Several letters describing the Afghan War written by Captain J. Douglas de Wend, 44th Regiment are in the University of Cambridge archives.

The following are listed as his children:
• Frances Julia Georgina Douglas, 1878 - Unknown
• Robert Malcolm Douglas, 1878 - 1942
• Henry John Douglas, 1870 - 1921
• Adeline Constance Dumergue Douglas, 1866 - 1923
• Francis Isabella Douglas, 1863 - Unknown
• Maude Mary Douglas, 1864 - 1928
• Sholto George Douglas, 1874 - 1885
• Effie Blanch Douglas, born in Delhi, 1876 - Unknown

Research notes:
1. Sources differ on whether Sarah's husband was Edward or Michael - or Edward Michael De Wend.  He was known as 'Michael'.

See also:
•  Memorial to Commander John Douglas and his family - note that this gives a different birth date.


Sources for this article include:
  • Billion Graves

  • Any contributions will be gratefully accepted


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    Last modified: Thursday, 23 January 2025