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Andrew Douglas-Bate Andrew Douglas-Bate, MBE
Conservative Councillor, Aylesbury Vale District Council
Trustee, MapAction - Father of Andrew?
Andrew Douglas-Bate, MBE (? former Chairman) co-founded MapAction in 1997. This followed a 45-year career in industry in Europe, the Middle East, India and the Americas working in steel, shipping, commercial security and recruitment. He is also a trustee of the charity RAPID-UK and serves as a district councillor in Buckinghamshire.
Rupert Douglas-Bate Rupert Douglas-Bate
Chairman, Global MapAid
Rupert has been an aid worker since 1989 when he went to live and work in East Africa.  Since then he has worked all over the world, developing a responsive and multicultural style of leadership, based on mutual respect coupled to systematic decision-making.
Divorced; Father of Laura, Sam and Toby
  Sophie Douglas-Bate
Owner, Edible Food Design Ltd, London
Has Windsor Castle amongst her clients
Sophie and Louis Abel had a son, James Henry Joshua Mearns Abel on 29th March 2010
Went to Lawnside
Lives in London, United Kingdom
  RLE Douglas-Bate Is this Rupert?
Jan Douglas-Bate Jan Douglas-Bate
A counselling therapist, based in Bath
?Rupert's ex-wife?
  Sam Douglas-Bate, daughter of Rupert
Political author/writer
image witheld Toby Douglas-Bate,
Son of Rupert, /and Jan.   bc 1997
iLaura Douglas-Bate Laura Douglas-Bate
Daughter of Jan
Born again Christian, working for a Christian media company
  William (Bill) Cornelius Grootenhuis was a shipping agent for England and Holland and worked for the Holland America Line and Rotterdam Lloyd. His métier was sprinklers, steering gear and shipping stabilizers. He later joined the Dutch Navy and became A.D.C. to Admiral J.T. Fürstner, Minister of Naval affairs and Commander of the Navy. He attained the rank of Commander. He married Else Mary Wormald, but in later life, he was divorced from her and married his wife's best friend from the Paris days, Kathleen Douglas-Bate.
  J. Douglas Bate (Class of 1973) made a gift to Dartmouth College
  DOUGLAS-BATE, Andrew Sandys, President, Euro-Defense UK. - awarded MBE 2005 - probably same as above
  Mrs Kathleen Hay Douglas-Bate was second Officer in the Wrens (WRNS) ?1939
  Mary Douglas Bates, daughter of Douglas Bates (b1895) and Lelia Abel
  Douglas Bates, b1895, son of James L. Bates and Lou Colvin
  Husband: Harry Nigel Newson WEMYSS (24 Jan 1930, Ceylon-2007)
Wife: Susan Douglas BATE (8 Nov 1931, Bombay )
Father: Alexander Francis WEMYSS (1894- )
Mother: Alice Kathleen NEWSON (1898- )
  George Bate b. 28.09.1905 - birth registered in Wolverhampton- my (Laura) great grandfather - d. October 1988 Bedford hospital
Gertrude Rosetta Douglas b. 04.03.1907 - birth registered in Hardingstone, Northamptonshire - my great grandmother - d. March 1994 in Norfolk
According to my grandmother they were married in Northampton on 25.12.1928 (Christmas day)
George had 3 brothers - William b. 1907, Fred and Albert (birth dates unknown). His father re-married at some point - we're not sure why - and he and his new wife had another child who was half-brother to George, William, Fred and Albert - his name was Sid.
George and Gertrude (known as Rose) moved to Sandy, Bedfordshire where George ran a taxi service "G. Bate & Sons" from his home in Kings Road, they had 3 children - Philip 1929, John 1934 and Doreen Anne (my grandmother) 1939.




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Last modified: Friday, 17 May 2024