Schloss Ralsviek

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Ralswiek is an old settlement site and was in feudal possession of various reprimand shear noble families. Ralswiek is located on Rügen Island, located off the Pomeranian coast in the Baltic Sea and belongs to the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

The old mansion is located next to the castle. The originally one-storey building was demolished in the 19th century and rebuilt with two floors and a neo-Renaissance gables.

In 1891 the estate was sold to the manufacturer Hugo Sholto Graf Douglas from Aschersleben. This was from 1894 to 1896 the castle designed by the Berlin architect Gustav build straw, the neo-Renaissance architecture follows the models of French Renaissance castles. The rectangular building is flanked by two towers with conical roofs. The east side of the building facing the bay. The dome of the tower, which is located at the entrance, surmounted the two outer towers. In the main building there is a covered patio. 1913 saw the construction of stables designed by the architect Franz Stralsund Juhre.

The largely preserved interiors (entrance hall, staircase, paneling, door handles, window glass) was partially designed by the famous Art Nouveau architect Henry van de Velde.

After the expropriation of the Douglas family after the Second World War the castle was used as a retirement home and later as disability and nursing home of the German Red Cross. From 1999 to 2002 the castle was converted into a hotel.

At the foot of the building located on the banks of the Great Jasmund Bodden a natural stage. On this the Störtebeker festival will be performed by the end of June to early September.

The expansive, surrounding the house Park is one of the most spectacular gardens Rügen due to its botanical diversity. It was created in 1810 and expanded and developed by Graf Douglas.

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Schloss Ralswiek and its history

The builder of the castle of Ralswiek, Hugo Sholto Oskar Georg Graf Douglas, born in 1837 in Aschersleben, came from an emigrant in 1700 for religious reasons from Scotland to Germany family. Both his grandfather and his grandfather were Protestant clergymen. His father dealt with mining, especially with the mining of lignite in opencast. Hugo Sholto Douglas studied in Berlin and Heidelberg chemistry. His professional career after graduation focused on the Kalisalz- and lignite mining. He discovered named after him potash Douglasit and founded the "Kali and rock salt mine Douglas Hall".

After a visit to Rügen, where he had learned the charming landscape of the island know, the successful industrialist decided in 1891 to purchase the goods Ralswiek to can build a retirement home there. The new owner acquired with this so-called Fideikommisgut also the hereditary title of count, which was tied to the ownership of indivisible good. On the hill overlooking the picturesque bay of the Great Jasmund Bodden, Count Douglas built his new home for himself and his family in 1893/94. With the design of the castle commissioned Graf Douglas Berlin architects and building officer G. Straw (1846-1904). This presented a concept for a two-story turreted magnificent style of French Renaissance chateaux of the Loire, the obviously found the applause of the owner. At a right angle and in small distance from the magnificent castle to build a riding hall with a gable and four small corner turrets. Around the castle which has existed since 1810 park was after 1894 transformed into a landscaped park with many dendrological rarities and expanded, including the large lawns that extend from the Castle up to the Great Jasmund. The small wooden chapel at the entrance was the Count in 1907 to build up; he had bought them at the World Exhibition in Sweden. out - In 1909 Hugo Sholto Graf Douglas gave his memoirs under the title "Aphorisms on the wisdom of life considerations".

Through his career of Graf learned at the end of the 19th century the Belgian interior designer Henry van de Velde (1863-1957), who is known for his artistic work in Art Nouveau style throughout Europe. Together they planned the reconstruction of some parts of the castle. Henry van de Velde provided the templates for the elaborate paneling with gilded ornaments in the entrance area, the design of the large entrance hall with magnificent fireplace and the representative staircase to the upper floor, the Salon (today library), large living room with the paneling and the incorporated therein buffets, the wall lights as well as the elegant brass door handles in modern van de Velde room and the beautiful stained glass windows in the hall of the upper floor. Furthermore, derived from him the design for the connecting building between the castle and riding home. However died Graf Douglas 1912 at his 75th birthday and was buried in Ralswiek near the mansion. Now it was the task of his son Angus, to deal with the design draft. Implementation of the Van de Velde designs inside the house and the construction of the connecting tract between houses 1913-14 headed the Stralsund Baumeister Franz Juhre.

At Schloss Ralswiek among others lingered great personalities of German history as Kaiser Friedrich Wilhelm II, the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess. They were enthusiastic about the castle and park.

Until expropriation in 1946 the estate was owned by the Douglas family. After the land reform, the castle was initially used as a homeless shelter, later it housed many years a retirement home. To create more space for the patient, the late 1950s were fed false ceilings in the former stables. Until the 90s, the German Red Cross ran a home for the disabled here. After four years of vacancy the Kurimmobilien Raulff OHG acquired the ramshackle building. Between 2000 and 2002 extensive renovation and restoration interventions. Placed great value family Raulff to receive all details of the interior from the period around 1914. That van de Velde gave the designs for the representative rooms in the castle, had hitherto hardly known, since these valuable works not yet mentioned in the relevant literature had been. Only with the restoration of the castle and its reconstruction on Schlosshotel this fact came to light. Now the public has access to these artistic particularly valuable interiors from the period of Art Nouveau. The window from the time it was built are preserved in their original wood color. The roof was covered with slate. At the opening ceremony for the Schlosshotel in March 2002 the grandson Count Hugo Sholtos, Earl Angus Douglas and his son, Archibald Angus, were present as guests of honour. Until his death in 2007 Angus Douglas kept close contact to our home and was thrilled that it is family Raulff managed to have formed from this fairytale property hotel for culture vultures.

Since 2003 Schloss Ralswiek is official branch of the registry office Bergen auf Rügen. Every year there are about 150 marriage ceremonies here. Every year in February invite the wedding planner of the house interested newlyweds a the two-day wedding gala. The traditional Turmblasen always takes place at Christmas time. 2009 was the Castle Park correspondence project BUGA and was attended by many guests. On the shore below the castle place every year from mid-June to early September, the festival are on the beautiful nature stage at the Great Jasmund place that they can watch as a spectator on site or from the castle terrace.

The 1,000-year Ralswiek
During the Ranen (9th to 12th century.) Was Ralswiek one of the largest Slavic settlements on the entire German Baltic coast and therefore a very important Seehandelsplatz. Trade relations ranged time up in the Orient, such that the recovered during excavations in 1974 and 2000, consisting of gold and silver coins dirham treasure proves. In further excavations in the area four to 13 meters were long and 3 meters wide Slavonic oak boats found. After Christianization was Ralswiek TafelGUT the Bishop of Roskilde. End of the 15th century it came into the landlord's possession. With interruptions, the estate belonged to 1891 the Barnekow family that it was sold to Count Douglas, who then changed the village fundamentally. The old thatched farm workers cottages were demolished and in their place brick houses. Also the location of the 15th century by the bay mansion fell pickaxe victim; It was partially rebuilt. Above the old estate, the wealthy Count created a befitting place to live, where you spend the night today.

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Last modified: Thursday, 23 January 2025