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Death Notices from the Wigtownshire Free Press





Where no town is indicated, it is thought to be Stranraer


DOUGLAS, Miss - D9/12/1846 - At Whithorn, on the 9th inst., Miss Douglas, daughter of the late Mr Douglas of Dinnance - much respected.

DOUGLAS, Miss - D6/4/1853 - On the 6th instant, at 24 Chester Street, Belgrave Square, London, Miss Douglas, only surviving daughter of Admiral John Erskine Douglas, aged 87 years.

DOUGLAS, Mrs. - D7/5/1844 - At Chaplecroft of Buittle, on the 7th inst., Mrs Douglas, aged 54 years.

DOUGLAS, Adair - D13/11/1855 - Here, at Bridge Street, on the 13th instant, Mr Adair Douglas, coachbuilder, advanced in years.

DOUGLAS, Adair - D4/6/1869 - At Sheuchan Street, on the 4th inst., after a short illness, Mr Adair Douglas, coachbuilder.

DOUGLAS/CUNNINGHAM, Agnes - in WFP D16/2/1843 - Suddenly, at Bankhead, Kirkpatrick-Durham, on the --------Agnes Cunningham, wife of Mr John Douglas (farm)er in Trondle - deeply regretted.

DOUGLAS, Alexander - D1/3/1844 - Here, on the 1st inst., Alexander, aged 7 months, youngest son of Mr Alexander Douglas, draper.

DOUGLAS, Alexander - D3/5/1845 - At Kirkpatrick Village, on the 3d inst., after a long and severe affliction, Mr Alexander Douglas.

DOUGLAS/TOD, Anabella - D18/7/1847 - At Kilsyth Manse, on the 18th instant, Mrs Anabella Tod, relict of James Douglas, formerly minister of Stewarton.

DOUGLAS, Andrew - D25/6/1845 - At Seabank, here, on the 25th ult., very suddenly, Mr Andrew Douglas, aged 84.

DOUGLAS, Andrew - D8/11/1847 - At Glenluce, on the 8th inst., Mr Andrew Douglas, student of divinity, aged 20 years. He was a young man of superior abilities, of great integrity, and promised fair to become one of the church's brightest ornaments. His death is and will be deeply lamented by every person who was acquainted with him.

DOUGLAS, Andrew - D7/5/1865 - Here, at Fisher Street, on the 7th inst. Andrew, aged 3 years and 9 months, son of Capt. William (Douglas).

DOUGLAS, Arch. - D2/6/1843 - At Garliestown, on the 2d curt., Mr Arch. Douglas, mariner, aged 78.

DOUGLAS, Archibald - D21/9/1843 - At New Galloway, on the 21st inst., after a short illness, Archibald Douglas, Esq., surgeon there, in the 70th year of his age.

DOUGLAS/ALEXANDER, Barbara - D22/8/1845 - At Montreal, on the 25th July, Mr Thomas Alexander, formerly of Girvan; on the 22d Aug. Barbara Douglas, his wife; on the 24th, William, infant son; and on the 28th Robert, aged 20 years - much and justly regretted.

DOUGLAS, Charles - D12/5/1843 - At the residence of his brother in-law, Mr David Martin, Kingston, Canada, on the 12th of May last, Charles Douglas, youngest son of the late Convener Howat, Dumfries. (Also entered as Howat, Charles Douglas) (2)

DOUGLAS, Right Hon. Christian - D17/1/1847 - At London, on the 17th ult., the right Hon(orable). Christian Douglas, sister of the Marquis of Queen(sberry)

DOUGLAS, Edward Sholto - D20/2/1853 - At sea, on board H.M.S. steamer "Vulcan" on 20 February last, Edward Sholto Douglas, R.N. master (of) H.M.S. "Winchester", from which ship he was invalided at Rangoon, and reached the Cape in H.M.S. "Hastings" but sunk on his further passage homewards, and was buried at the Isle of Ascension on the 27th. He was the only son of the late Major Sholto Douglas, and nephew of the Marchioness of Queensberry.

DOUGLAS/WHITHER, Eliza - D9/12/1891 - Here at 47 Hanover Street, Stranraer on the 9th inst. Eliza Douglas, relict of John Wither.

DOUGLAS, Elizabeth - D2/3/1844 - At Garlieston, on the 2d inst., Elizabeth wife of Mr Wm. Douglas, P.C. officer, aged 55 years.

DOUGLAS/CLEMONT, Elizabeth - D2/3/1844 - At Garlieston, on the 2d inst., Mrs Elizabeth Clemont, relict of Mr William Douglas, port-surveyor, and daughter of the late Mr A Clemont, Glen, Kirkmabreck.

DOUGLAS, Erskine - D5/7/1845 - At 11, Randolph Crescent, Edinburgh, on the 5th instant, in his 9th year, Erskine Douglas, youngest son of Erskine Douglas Sandford, Esq., Steward of Kirkcudbright. (1)

DOUGLAS/M’CAIG, Isabella B. - D13/6/1850 - At George St., here on the 13th instant, Isabella B. Douglas, wife of Thomas M'Caig, Esq., of the British Linen Bank.

DOUGLAS, Isabella Robinson - D15/3/1853 - At 5 Greenwood Terrace, Liverpool, on the 15th instant, after a long illness borne with Christian patience, Isabella Robinson, youngest daughter of Mr James Douglas, shipbuilder, Stranraer.

DOUGLAS, James - D2/3/1843 - At Halfmark, Colvend, on the 2d inst., Mr James Douglas, aged 88 years.

DOUGLAS, James - D6/11/1846 - At Smithston, parish of Maybole, of cold fever, on the 6th ult., James Douglas, late farmer in Legartrie, Colmonell, aged 55 years. Friends at a distance will please accept of this intimation.

DOUGLAS, James - D17/1/1871 - At Shore Bank, Stranraer, on the 17th inst., Mr James Douglas, coach builder.

DOUGLAS/GULLINE, Jane - D19/12/1844 - Here, on the 19th inst., Jane Gulline, wife of Mr Alex. Douglas, draper here.

DOUGLAS, Mrs John - D18/11/1843 - Suddenly, at Muirclauch, parish of New Luce, on the 18th inst., Mrs John Douglas.

DOUGLAS, John - D17/4/1844 - At Manchester, on the 17th ult., Mr John Douglas, formerly draper in Dumfries.

DOUGLAS, John Alexander - D??/6/1842 - At Calcutta, of fever, in June, 1842, John Alexander, eldest son of the late William Douglas, writer, Stranraer. (Most probably son of William Douglas and Sophia Black as per

DOUGLAS, John James - D6/2/1869 - At 36 Sheuchan Street, on the 6th inst., John James Douglas, aged 7 months, son of Mr James Skimming, blacksmith.

DOUGLAS, Jonathan - D14/9/1843 - At Chapelcroft, Buittle, on the 14th inst., Jonathan Douglas, son of Mr Robert Douglas, farmer, Chapelcroft.

DOUGLAS, Joseph - D24/3/1843 - At Knowe Village, by Newton-Stewart on the 24th ult., at an advanced age, Joseph Douglas, blacksmith.

DOUGLAS, Margaret - D6/1/1844 - At Douglas Farm, on the 6th ult., in her 6th year, Margaret, only daughter of Mr George Douglas, Douglas Farm, Long Island, North America.

DOUGLAS/M'KERLIE, Margaret - D14/2/1869 - At Isle of Whithorn, on the 14th instant, Margaret M'Kerlie, relict of the late Mr John Douglas, in her 83rd year.

DOUGLAS/COATS, Penelope - D17/11/1845 - Here, at Sun Street, on the 17th curt, in the 90th year of her age, Penelope Douglas, relict of John Coats.

DOUGLAS, Peter - D9/3/1878 - Here, at 4 Academy Street, on the 9th inst., Peter, aged two years, son of Mr John Douglas, engineer.

DOUGLAS, Rachel - D26/1/1846 - At Glenluce, on the 26th ult., Rachel Douglas, aged 66.

DOUGLAS, Robert Kelly - D25/11/1847 - ??????? of Robert Kelly Douglas, Esq., formerly of the Dumfries Times.

DOUGLAS, Robert Kelly - D22/1/1855 - At Bridge of Allan, on the 22d ultimo, Robert Kellie Douglas, Esq., of No 1 Minto Street, Edinburgh, late of Birmingham, and formerly editor of the Dumfries Times.

DOUGLAS, Samuel - D25/7/1887 - At Amhurst, Victoria, on the 25th July, Samuel Douglas, blacksmith, native of Sandhead, Wigtownshire, aged 76 years.

DOUGLAS, Sarah - D17/9/1847 -At Castlecary, suddenly, on the 17th instant, Miss Sarah Douglas, sixth daughter of the late Mr Wm. Douglas, Little Park, Galloway.

DOUGLAS/M'WHINNIE, Wilhelmina - D28/12/1843 - At Mertonhall, parish of Penninghame, on the 28th ult., Wilhelmina M'Whinnie, wife of Mr Thos. Douglas.

DOUGLAS, William - D28/8/1843 - At Tongue, parish of Inch, on the 28th inst., after a short illness, William Douglas, Esq., aged 66 years.

DOUGLAS, Rev. William - D22/2/1874 - At the Free Church Manse, Muthill, on the 22nd inst., the Rev. William Douglas. - Friends will please accept this intimation.



1.  This would appear to be a misprint.  He was very probably Erskine Douglas Sandford.

2.  This would appear to be a misprint.  He was very probably Charles Douglas Howat.



See also:
•  Wigtownshire Free Press Birth and Marriages Notices



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Last modified: Thursday, 23 January 2025