Count Lemmo Cesare Rossi-Scotti

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Count Lemmo Cesare Rossi-Scotti (24 February 1848, in Perugia – 23 December 1926, in Rome) was an Italian painter, mainly of battle scenes, in a late-Romantic style.

He studied under Tommaso Minardi. Among his masterworks are: Perrone a San Martino; Ultimi ora; and Una Ninfa nei boschi. The latter painting was awarded a silver medal all' International Exposition of Nice, and a gold medal at the Umbrian Exposition. He made copies of the Pinturicchio frescoes in the Borgia Apartments; these were commissioned by the Kensington Museum. In 1894, he made a reproduction of the frescoes in the Sala del Cambio in Perugia for that museum. In 1880 Exposition of Turin, in 1880, he sent: Carica delle guide a Mazambano (Battle of Solferino); Saroia!; Last Hour, Ulans of Bavaria repelled at Villafranca (Battle of Custoza)[3] Captain Roberto Perrone defends the Belvedere at the Battle of Custoza (1866). His grandiose military paintings garnered him commissions from the Royal family.

In 1881 at Milan, he exhibited: Ricordi militari; and at the same exhibition in 1883: Silvia e Satiro, Tasso, Aminta; and La Ninfa dei boschi. In the 1883 Mostra of Rome, he displayed: Il colonnello Bolegno ferito nel caricare alla testa del 14° reggimento fanteria nella giornata di San Martino, e che trasportato dal suo cavallo cadde morto su un'altura di Roccoletto. Rossi-Scotti was named to many National Academies. He had been a member since the late 1880s of the Artists' society, based in Rome, of In Artes Libertas

As a young painter in Rome, he had his studio on Via Margutta, but once he had gained prominence and success, he was granted the title of Count of Montepetriolo, and bought a medieval castle outside Perugia, and it was transformed into a villa.


Lemmo and his brother Luigi were brothers of the more famous Count Giovanni Battista Rossi Scotti(1).  All were sons of Count Caspare Rossi Scotti and Countess Eleanora Baldeschi.  Luigi married Lucia Donini, a noted mountaineer.


See also:

•  Villa Rossi Scotti

•  Scotti Counts of Perugia
•  The Douglases in Italy


Research Notes:
1.  'more famous'?  I have yet to identify Count Giovanni Battista Rossi Scotti. 

•  Cousins Giovanni Battista Scotti and Pietro Scotti decorated the Tauride Palace in St Petersburg in 1819

A student of Carlo Scotti, Giovanni Battista (Ivan Karlovich) Scotti (1776-1830) later became the most famous expert in decorative and monumental painting.

Pietro Scotti (1768-1838) painted eight rooms in the west wing of the palace, behind the theatre, where Alexander I lived with his family.

•  He may be a travel writer, born in 1836.    Giovanni Battista Rossi Scotti (died 1926) was one of the founders of the Museo Archeologico Nazionale.

•  A younger Giovanni Battista Rossi Scotti (also known as Giovanni Rossi Scotti) was an Italian painter born in 1876 and died in 1949.  Another Giovanni Battista Rossi Scotti was an Italian travel writer and adventurer who lived from 1913 to 1998. He is known for his extensive travels and writings, particularly on the Middle East and Central Asia.

•  Rossi Scotti was born in Milan, Italy, in 1913. He was educated in Italy and Switzerland, and went on to study law at the University of Milan. However, his true passion was travel, and he soon embarked on a series of journeys to remote and exotic destinations.

Rossi Scotti's travels took him all over the world, from the deserts of Arabia to the mountains of Central Asia. He documented his adventures in a series of books and articles, many of which were published in the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera.

One of Rossi Scotti's most famous books is "The Road to Oxiana," which recounts his journey through Iran, Afghanistan, and Central Asia in the 1930s. The book is considered a classic of travel literature and has influenced generations of writers and travelers.

Rossi Scotti's other works include "The Arab World," "The Mountains of Central Asia," and "Travels in Arabia Deserta." He also worked as a journalist, reporting on political events in the Middle East and North Africa.

In addition to his writing, Rossi Scotti was an accomplished linguist and spoke several languages fluently, including Arabic, Persian, and Turkish. He was also a skilled photographer and took many photographs on his travels.

Rossi Scotti died in 1998, but his writings continue to inspire and entertain readers interested in travel and adventure.

•  Giovanni Battista (Carlo) de Rossi (23 February 1822 – 20 September 1894) was an Italian archaeologist, famous even outside his field for rediscovering early Christian catacombs.

Born in Rome, he was the son of Commendatore Camillo Luigi De Rossi and Marianna Marchesa Bruti, his wife, who had two sons, Giovanni and Michele Stefano. Two days after birth Giovanni was baptized in the parish church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva. De Rossi showed an early interest in Christian antiquity. In 1838, in company with his parents, he visited Tuscany, where the innumerable treasures of art completely absorbed his attention.

•  Giovanni Battista Rossi Scotti (1937-2017) was an Italian travel writer, journalist, and photographer. He was born in Parma, Italy, and began his career as a journalist, working for various newspapers and magazines in Italy.

In the 1970s, Rossi Scotti turned his attention to travel writing, and over the course of his career, he published numerous books and articles on travel, culture, and history. He traveled extensively throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, and his writing often focused on off-the-beaten-path destinations, cultural encounters, and the natural world.

Some of Rossi Scotti's most notable works include "The Forgotten Kingdom: Nine Years in Yunnan, 1939-1948," which chronicles the author's travels in China's Yunnan province, "The Whale Shark: On the Trail of the Giants of the Sea," which explores the world of these magnificent creatures, and "The Deserts of Africa," which documents the author's journeys through the Sahara, Kalahari, and Namib deserts.

Rossi Scotti was also an accomplished photographer, and his books often featured his own stunning images. In recognition of his contributions to the world of travel writing, he was awarded the Marco Polo Prize in 1998.



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