Record of Burials at Hardingstone
Parish Church |
Record of Burials at Hardingstone
Parish Church |
Chipping Warden (CW) & nearby Parish Records + additions
LRR 2016 |
CW Parish Records + additions LRR 2016 |
CW births indexed 1580-1885 |
CW births with serial number 1580-1812 |
Douglas births in Northamptonshire |
Douglas births, deaths and marriages in
England |
Douglas births 1470 to 1901 Northants
updt Jan23 |
Daniel Bateman Douglas 1851 census |
John Innes Douglas- accident |
A correspondence exchange relating to
various families |
Richard Douglas line (to New Zealand)
But it should be read together with the above |
Extracts from land registers for
Chipping Warden, c1720 |
Extract from land registers for Chipping Warden, c1720 |
Byfield Parish records - Douglas
baptisms, marriages and burials |
Byfield Parish records - baptisms, marriages and burials |
Correspondence relating to parish
records, burials, etc |
Mrs Reeson is daughter of Robert
Douglas |
William Douglas, 1609 baptism
certificate |