William Douglas


Translated from Portuguese - help would be welcomed

Is he actually a Douglas?

  WILLIAM DOUGLAS RESINENTE Dos Santos is Federal, Titular Judge of 4ª Federal Pole of Niterói - Rio De Janeiro. Graduated for the Of the state of Rio de Janeiro Federal University? UFF, Master in Right for the University Gamma Son and Postgraduate in Public Politics and Government for the EPPG/UFRJ. It still acts as Professor and Pedagogical Person who orientates of the Courses in Extension in Direito (CEPREC) and preparatory for public competitions (UCP), in the Salty University of Oliveira? UNIVERSE. Professor in the School of After-graduation in Economy of the Getúlio Foundation Vargas - EPGE/FGV. Lecturer of the School of the Magistracy of the State of Rio De Janeiro? EMERJ, good thus in diverse Symposiums and Seminaries. She was President of the Board of examiners of Criminal law of the V Public Competition for Commission agent of Polícia/RJ. He is article author diverse published in the press and specialized magazines (the Day, Periodical of the Commercio, Tribune of the Press, Braziliense Post office, Reviewed of the Courts, Doutrina/ID, Reviewed of Right Tributário/Malheiros, Magazine In Verbis/IMB. Consulex, ADCOAS, Adv-coad and of the Magazines of Right of the IEJ, Public Defensoria, AJUFE, TRF of 1a Region, Federal/RJ Justice, among others). Already it exerted the activities of Lawyer, Commission agent of Policy, Counsel for indigents, Professor of Procedural law in Of the state of Rio de Janeiro Federal University - UFF and Professor of some preparatory courses. Organizador of Seminaries and Courses on Constitucional law, Administrative and Techniques of Otimização de Estudo. Author of some studies in the legal area, as the proposal of creation of the Federal Special Courts (1994) and the thesis of anticipated self defense, already related for Juarez Tavares and Julio Fabbrini Mirabete. Beyond professor and board of examiners member, he possesss wide public experience in the accomplishment of tests and competitions: 1º placed in the Public Competition for Judge of Direito/RJ; 1º placed in the Public Competition for Público/RJ Defender; 1º placed in the Public Competition for Commission agent of Polícia/RJ; 4º placed in the Public Competition for Professor of Right in the Of the state of Rio de Janeiro Federal University? UFF; 5º placed in the Public Competition for Judiciary Analyst/TRF of 2ª Region; 8º placed in the Public Competition for Federal Judge/TRF of 2ª Region; 1º placed in the CPOR/RJ (Weapon of Infantry); 1º placed in the Vestibular contest for Direito/UFF; 3º placed in national competition of monographs on Federal Justice. William Douglas is Pedagogical Coordinating Professor and of the COMPANY Of the MODULES, situated course in the city of Rio De Janeiro, in the Franklin Avenue Roosevelt, 126/2º to walk, room 205, Telephone (21) 220-3236

Source: http://www.vemconcursos.com.br/ensino/index.phtml?page_autor=1 


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