William Campbell Douglass II, MD
The following is taken from his website - not everyone supports
his views!
Douglass comes from a distinguished family of physicians. He is the
fourth generation Douglass to practice medicine, and his son
(William Campbell Douglass III) is also a physician. Dr. Douglass
graduated from the University of Rochester, the University of Miami
School of Medicine, and the Naval School of Aviation and Space
Dr. Douglass reveals medical truths, and
deceptions, often at risk of being labeled heretical. He is consumed
by a passion for living a long healthy life, and wants his readers
to share that passion. Their health and well-being comes first. He
is anti-dogmatic, and unwavering in his dedication to improve the
quality of life of his readers. He has been called “the conscience
of modern medicine,” a “medical maverick,” and his medical
experiences are far reaching-from battling malaria in Central
America – to fighting deadly epidemics at his own health clinic in
Africa – to flying with U.S. Navy crews as a flight surgeon – to
working for 10 years in emergency medicine in the United States.
This dedicated physician has repeatedly gone far beyond the call
of duty in his work to spread the truth about integrating the best
science-based medical therapies from all medical disciplines
(“alternative medicine”). For a full year, he endured economic and
physical hardship to work with physicians at the Pasteur Institute
in St. Petersburg, Russia, where advanced research on
photoluminescence was being conducted.
These learning
experiences and his keen storytelling ability and wit make Dr.
Douglass’ numerous books on this website and his newsletters – The
Douglass Report and Daily Dose – uniquely interesting and fun to
read. He shares his no-frills, “no-bull” approach to health care,
often amazing his readers by telling them to ignore many
widely-hyped good-health practices (like staying away from red meat,
avoiding coffee, and eating like a bird), and start living again by
eating REAL food, taking some inexpensive supplements, and doing the
pleasurable things that make life livable.
Readers of Dr.
Douglass´ books and newsletters get all this, plus they learn how to
burn fat, prevent heart disease and cancer, boost libido, and so
much more. And Dr. Douglass is not afraid to debunk latest research
reports that are published, and share the real story with his
readers. He has led a colorful, rebellious, and crusading life! Not
many physicians would dare put their professional reputations on the
line as many times as this courageous healer has. A vocal opponent
of “business-as-usual” medicine, Dr. Douglass has championed
patients’ rights and physician commitment to wellness throughout his
Research note:
A William Campbell Douglas, born
26th July 1935 and died 24th January 2023 is buried in the Sandhills
State Veteran Cemetery in Spring Lake, North Carolina, USA.
See also:
William Campbell
Douglas, 7th great-grandson of Deacon William Douglas who was
born in 1610.
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