Text taken from the Dubh Ghlase Newsletter December 1996
(Clan Douglas Society of North American Ltd.)
by Wayne Foster, Sr.
(after attending the Black Douglas Homecoming Celebration)
Black Douglas, the name that brings to mind thoughts of adventure,
strength, and leadership to all Clan Douglas members. The
Black Douglas legend has been a beloved story for schoolboys for
centuries in Scotland. And so, this great Scottish leader's name
was given to a three-masted schooner built at the Bath Iron Works, Bath,
Maine, 66 years ago. [SkIO note: Designed by Henry J. Gielow
and built in 1930, Yachting Magazine described the Black
Douglas as "probably the largest and roomiest of craft of her type
yet to be built."]
The Black Douglas, once a proud member of the Savannah,
Georgia community, returned to the Modena Plantation recently to
celebrate her birthday, June 9, with the ones who owned, loved, sailed
and lived aboard her.
majestic beauty, which has been completely refitted and restored to her
once proud state, is an awesome sight to behold. She's 175 feet
long, 32 feet wide, and has a draft (depth below water level) of 12.5
feet. Her bare teak decks and internal woodwork are
impeccable. All metal sailing tackle is either shining brass
or chromed steel.
...The Black Douglas is a thing of beauty and something you
could easily fall in love with! Her massive 120 foot tall masts
are made of aluminum. At full sail, she can move the all-steel
hull through the water at a brisk 10.5 knots. She is also equipped
with twin Volvo in-line engines that drive a single propeller. She
grosses 480 tons and carries 11,400 square feet of sail. She has a
range (distance she can travel without refueling) of 7,500 miles at 10.5
knots under power, but under sail her range is indefinite! She
carries 9,990 gallons of fuel and 8,800 gallons of fresh water.
She requires a crew of 12 to sail and care for her. She can be
steered from an enclosed wheelhouse completely equipped with the latest
electronic navigational gear or from a massive wooden wheel on the
fantail (rear afterdeck) equipped with only a magnetic compass - the
"old way."
Originally, she was to be named Grenadier. Robert
Roebling, her original owner and the man who commissioned her
construction wanted a name that was associated with strength and
adventure. But, the yard foreman at Bath, who was closely
involved with construction, suggested the name Black Douglas.
Seems this man, a Mr. Main, was born and raised in Scotland. As a
boy, he was fascinated with the stories of the Black Douglas and felt
that it was a fitting name. Mr. Roebling loved it and immediately
named her, Black Douglas. A helmeted wooden figurehead of
the famous Scottish knight was carved and set in place on her bow.
After she was launched, Mr. Roebling and his wife with a couple of
friends and a crew of 14 took the Black Douglas on her maiden
voyage down the west coast of South America, through the Straits of
Magellan, and back up the east coast.
purchasing Modena Island near Savannah, the Roeblings used the Black
Douglas to shuttle supplies from the mainland to build their home
while living aboard. All the plantation animals and the beginning
of the Black Angus cattle herd that Mr. Roebling developed and built
were brought to the island aboard her. Sounds like an excerpt from
The Swiss Family Robinson doesn't it?
In 1941, she was sold to the United States Government to do seal
research in the Aleutian Islands off Alaska. She was in San Pedro,
California when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. So she was
immediately impressed into the Navy as a patrol craft. On
her way to Seattle, a Japanese submarine lobbed a couple of shells
across her bow off the Oregon coast, but she escaped. She even had
a torpedo fired at her but came out unscathed!
She was stripped of her sails, sailing tackle, masts, spar and the
Black Douglas figurehead. Guns and sonar (underwater detection
gear) were mounted on her. You can still see the scars on the hull
where the sonar was attached! She was painted haze gray and
renamed PY-45. From 1942 through part of 1944, she
patrolled the water of Neah Bay, Washington.
After the war, she fulfilled her original mission in the Aleutians.
For 18 more years, she was the flagship of the Scripps-Southwest
Fisheries ocean survey [SkIO note: California Co-OP Sardine
Research Program, later known as California Cooperative Oceanic
Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI)]. In 1966, she went treasure
hunting in the Caribbean searching for the famed Spanish galleon, "Atocha."
In 1972, she was sold to George Stoll of Sarasota, Florida. Mr.
Stoll had her masts replaced, refitted her for sailing, renamed her "te
Quest," and turned her into a floating classroom for intellectually
gifted children. She made many voyages to enlighten and further
educate these young people.

In 1983, she was sold to a group of investors and completely rebuilt
and restored to her present majesty in Germany at a cost of $4 million.
A bottle of water from the Kennebec River, where she was originally
christened, was flown to the re-christening ceremony. Her new name
is "Aquarius." But she will always be known as the Black
Douglas by those who lived, loved and sailed aboard her.
So an illustrious career has come full circle. She
started out as a home for the Roeblings and has returned after 55 years
of absence and adventure to celebrate her birthday. She even
remained in Savannah during the 1996 Olympic sailing competition held
If you can, don't miss the opportunity to see her. It's the
chance of a lifetime. ...I've been aboard and had a chance to see
the beauty of this "Mistress of the Sea!" I spent a couple of
years in the Navy aboard ship myself, but never have I seen a craft like
this one!

original below deck plan
See also:
Ships named Douglas |