Samuel Douglas

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Samuel Douglas, was a merchant in Savannah, Georgia, where he was described as a 'Loyalist in 1776', and later (by 1782) as a plantation owner in Jamaica.

Samuel was the son of Nathaniel Douglas and Margaret Heron. He may have been the eldest and born in 'Eldrick', Penninghame parish.  Samuel's paternal grandparents were Peter Douglas and Margaret Ferguson.

William, Samuel, George, James and Mrs Margaret McKaffy (McHaffie) are 1st Cousins of Samuel of Jamaica, and his siblings, sharing the same grandparents.

William, Samuel, etc, are the grandchildren of William Douglas and Grizel McKeand, by their son John and Mary Heron (sister to Margaret, above).

So, not only are they 1st cousins, they are 2nd cousins as well, sharing Gilbert Douglas and Margaret McIlroy (or Milroy) as great grandparents.

This may be the same Samuel Douglas, a merchant in Jamaica, who was admitted as a burgess and guildsbrother of Ayr on 4 April 1751

At the time of his death in 1799 Samuel Douglas had amassed a great fortune. He left a large sum of money for the sole purpose of establishing a school in the town of Newton Stewart, Wigtownshire, which is the present day Douglas Ewart High School although the building itself is now an antique shop.

In 1811, Douglas, Samuel, deceased, Windsor Castle, was recorded as having owned 171 slaves and 10 stock. He apparently started the Windsor Castle plantation. It appears to have been sold to John Crosman, owner of Change Hill, Decoy Pen and Hazard plantations. (See document below)

Samuel Douglas of 'Windsor Castle' plantation, Jamaica, died Charleston, NC., on 9th January 1799. Extracts from his will are below.  He is buried in a mausoleum in  Pennighame Burial Ground, Newton Stewart.

Extract from his will   JAMAICA, ss.—IN CHANCERY.

The ATTORNEY-GENERAL ex rel. MURPHY & al. vs.
Brother William of County of Galloway; brother Nathaniel of County of Galloway; sister Merriam Murphy of County of Galloway; sister Susannah Douglas of County of Galloway; sister Jean Young (appears to be married to William Young). Other beneficiaries are; Deborah Anderson (widow of Captain George Anderson) residing in Georgia North America ; Polly daughter of Deborah Anderson and married to John Wallace a merchant of Georgia; first cousin William Douglas of Castle Douglas county of Galloway; first cousin Samuel Douglas merchant of city of London; Betsy - daughter of first cousin Samuel Douglas by his late wife (unnamed); first cousin Mrs Margaret McKaffy (county of Galloway); first cousin Susannah Heron (county of Galloway); first cousin George Douglas (merchant, city of New York); friend John Rainer late captain of the ship London; friend George Franklyn (city of London); friend James Thomson (town of Kingston); Thomas Tucker (late clerk to SD of Spanish Town); friend John Mundock (surveyor); friend Alexander Forbes (physician); friend William Higginson; cousins Samuel & Hugh McClymonts (each of Girvon merchants); negro woman Francis; negro man slave Tony. Will mentions parish of Kirkmabuck as place of 'nativity' of his parents and parish of Penningham as his own place of nativity. Will makes reference to 'money lying at interest in hands of Messieurs Douglas and Shaw of London merchants...'; Executors in W indies were George Harrison & John Hart, Walter Pollock, Colonel John Douglas (of one of the Bahamas islands); executors in Great Britain were first cousins William Douglas and his younger brother Samuel Douglas + Samuel MCClymont & Hugh McClymont   IN Pursuance of the Final Decree of this Honourable Court, made in the above Cause the 1st day of August instant, I do hereby give notice, That I will, on Monday the 20th day of January next ensuing the date hereof, between the hours of 11 and 12 of the clock in the forenoon, at the Tavern commonly called the Cross-Keys, in the town of St. Jago de la Vega, set up to sale, and actually cause to be sold, to the highest and best bidder or bidders, and upon the best terms that can be gotten for the same, the Lands comprising the Plantation or Settlement called WINDSOR CASTLE, in the pleadings mentioned, situate, lying, and being, in the parish of St. Mary, either together or in parcels, and the Slaves, and the offsprings of the females of them, together or in families, and all other the estate of the Testator, Samuel Douglas, dec. in the Pleadings named, in such manner as shall appear to be most advantageous for carrying into effect the said Testator's Will.

And whereas I am directed by the said Final Decree (after applying the first of the proceeds of the sales in manner therein mentioned) to apply and appropriate the remainder of the monies to arise from the said sales, and the means in the said Decree mentioned, in payment and satisfaction of the Debts and Legacies of the said Testator remaining unpaid (if any), for which debts and legacies application shall be made within six months, I do therefore hereby give public notice thereof to the said Creditors and Legatees of the said Samuel Douglas, to make application to me, at my Office, in the town of St. Jago de la Vega, on or before the 24th day of February next ensuing the date hereof.

Given under my hand, this 24th day of August,
1811. J. J. VIDAL, M. C. C.

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