Robert Douglas of Leith
Extract from the History of Leith...
There was a "sugarie" or
sugar-house in the Old Sugar-house or Candle Close in Tolbooth Wynd, and
two soap-works were now at work in the town. Evidently the good folk of
Leith and Edinburgh were making a beginning at washing every day. The old
one in Riddle’s Close, under the new management of the Balfour family, now
of Pilrig, was in a very flourishing condition, while a new one in the
grounds of Coatfield’s Lodging did much to contribute to setting up the trade with
Its proprietor, Robert
Douglas, was a man of much commercial activity and enterprise, and a great
promoter of industries in Leith, where he had also established a pottery.
The last member of this family to be associated with the Port was Miss
Anne Douglas, who died in Trinity in 1910.
(see also Douglas
and the sugar industry
After the
Restoration towards the end of the seventeenth century the idea of
producing a finer quality of pottery than hitherto produced occurred to
Robert Douglas of Leith. In old Records of 1695 his name appears applying
for permission to erect a kiln and the necessary workshops in Leith. I Te
tells 'is that the expenses of doing so were far beyond his resources, and
he was unable to complete the construction of the factory, and that some
of his troubles were owing to the course of trade for the last five years,
he could get none to join him in such a public and expensive work."
But Scotland, and more
especially the Leith and Edinburgh part of it, had become a manufacturing
centre, and markets for the disposal of her manufactured goods were
urgently needed. Having spent what capital she could gather together in
establishing manufactures, she now gave what money she had left to found
the Darien Company to settle a colony in Darien, which was to be a great
colonial market for the disposal of Scottish manufactures. The maximum
amount of stock one could hold in the Darien Company was £3,000, the sum
subscribed by the Corporation of Edinburgh, but none of the sixteen Leith
shareholders on the list approached this amount. The highest was the share
of James Balfour, the ancestor of the Pilrig family and a partner in the
soap-works in Riddle’s Close and the powder-mills at Powderhall, who
subscribed £2,000, while Robert Douglas, his rival in the
soap trade, with more Scots caution, put his name down for the modest sum
of £100. The Trinity House "adventured" £200, as also did Mr. William
Wishart, the minister of South Leith.
Charles II. died in 1685. For a time after the succession of James II. the
persecution was continued with the utmost cruelty. Then, in 1687, in order
to defeat the penal laws against Roman Catholics, he issued his three
letters of Indulgence, allowing freedom of worship to all save those who
persisted in attending field conventicles. The outed ministers were now
allowed to preach in meeting-houses. In accordance with this "Liberty," as
the Leithers were accustomed to call the Declaration of Indulgence men
like Thomas Stark of Leith Mills and
Robert Douglas of Coatfield (the most enterprising among the Leith
merchants of his time), who were still firm in theft loyalty to the
Covenant in North and South Leith, formed themselves into a congregation
and set up a meeting-house at the Sheriff Brae, where service was
conducted by the aged Mr. Wishart, the outed minister of Kinneil, until a
clergyman should be appointed.
??? Is this one of these the 'Robert Douglas of
Leith' mentioned elsewhere??? ??? is this the 'Miss Douglas of Leith'
who married John Reid of Gogar Bank???
1748: Petition by Thomas Gardner,
merchant in Edinburgh, and Robert Douglas, merchant in Leith, for the
arrest of Hugh Douglas, son of said Robert, who was contracted to sail on
his ship the James of Dundee, for a voyage from Leith to Virginia, but had
subsequently enlisted as a soldier by Lieutenant John Adair of
Marjorybank's Regiment in the service of the States General of Holland and
was then aboard a transport in Leith Roads.
1683. December 18. —Robert Douglas in
Leith, having obtained a decreet of removing against Patrick Johnston,
he suspended, alleging he had obeyed, in so far as he had removed
within twenty days after Whitsunday last. An swered, Though that
latitude may be received in houses, yet this being a brew Sect. ix.
REMOVING. 13893 house, it cannot excuse him; because by the constant
custom of Edinburgh 1^3, and Leith, persons remove from them the very
next day after the term ; and there is this good reason for it, because
such houses, breweries, ovens, &c. have a daily and weekly profit
resulting and arising from the use of them, which is not in other
habitations, (what if they set out chambers ?) and whereof he to whom
they are set is deprived, and therefore this damage should be repaired.
M The Lords, on Forret's report, found him liable for the mail till
Whitsunday next, in regard he did not remove immediately after the
term, but kept it twenty days.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine et al
John Wilson Gillon married Jean Gibb Douglas on 29 Jun 1819 in Leith
North, Leith. (Jean Gibb DOUGLAS was born on 4 Jun 1797 in Leith,
Midlothian, christened on 18 Jun 1797 in Leith North, Leith and died on 21
Oct 1886 in Greenpark, Linlithgow, Scotland .) She was the daughter of
Robert Douglas of Leith.
Rev. James Douglas, son of Robert
Douglas, soapboiler, was minister in Stow. His wife, Jean Allan
presented two silver communion cups to the parish in 1736. James
died in March 1732.
See also:
William Douglas of Leith
Leith Sugar House •
Sugar Refiners & Sugarbakers
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