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Joel Robert lee Douglas, son of Andre Douglas, was
born in Plainfield, Conn., Feb. 23, 1812.
A very large part of
his life has been spent in connection with manufacturing. When
but seven years of age he entered the "Stone Factory " in
Sterling, and from that time until 1856, with the exception of
the time he passed at school, he was engaged in the same
business. He passed successively through all the grades of work
up to the highest position, thus becoming thoroughly acquainted with the minutest
details of the business, and gaining much practical information,
which he was enabled afterward, to turn to good account in the
management of otlier mills.
1831, he removed to Plainfield, and in a short time was placed
in charge of the Union mill at that place. Here he remained six
years, giving unqualified satisfaction in the difficult position which he occupied. In December, 1837, he made an engagement
with Comfort Tiffany to take charge of his mills at
Danielsonville (Brooklyn side), and re- moved to that place. Mr.
Tiffany's death, in 1847, interrupted an arrangement mutually
satisfactory. A new company, the Quinebaug Manufacturing
Company, was then formed, consisting of Warren Lippitt, his two
sons, Robert and Henry, lately Governor of Rhode Island, Peleo-
A. Rhodes and Mr. Douo;las. Under the new arrangement, the
company, being unwilling to lose the benefit of Mr. Douglas's
long experience, prevailed upon him to take the entire charge
of the mills, indoors and out, he receiving therefor a fixed
salary, in addition to his share of the profits as a holder of
one- eighth of the stock.
Mr. Douglas continued these relations until the death of Warren Lippitt,
in January, 1850, when he retired from the firm, and the management of the mills
passed into other hands. In the spring of 1849, the company
began the erection of the large stone mill, now known as the
Quinebaug mill. The building was nearly completed at the time of
Mr. Lippitt's death, but none of the machinery had been placed
in it. Mr. Douglas had full charge of the build ing operations
and of the running of the small mill, until he retired from the
firm. He had now been iden tified with the manufacturing
interests in Danielsonville for over sixteen years. In 1853, he
consented to take charge of the mills in Rhodesville for a short
On the 15th of June, 1854, he married Miss Hannah Aldena
Whitman, daughter of Alden and Hannah Whitman, of Thompson,
where she was born Feb. 22, 1832. She was a lady of refined and
cultivated taste, and the union proved a most happy one.
Douglas had now been engaged in active duties for over forty
years and began to think of a less laborious life.
After some two years spent in charge of the mills
at Rhoclesville, he resigned the position and purchased a farm in that
part of the town of Thompson since included in Putnam. Mrs. Douglas was,
however, much attached to Thompson village, and Mr. Douglas embraced the
opportunity of purchasing the fine estate of Erastus Knight, which was
then for sale, and the following year removed thither. The house, one
of the finest in the village, was built by Mr. Knight, about 1830, and
is delightfully located on the northern side of the village green which
it overlooks. Here, pleasantly occupied with the care of his estate,
enjoying the society of congenial friends, and surrounded by everything
which refined taste could wish, or ample means supply, they passed
seventeen delightful years. But the hand of Death at last intruded even
Mrs. Douglas, after a few months of lingering illness with a
disease which they knew must in the end prove fatal, passed calmly away,
Dec. 25, 1874. To unusual personal attractions she united a most amiable
disposition and a gentleness and grace of manner which won a place in
every heart. A woman who looked well to her household, gentle and
dignified toward her servants, careful and loving to her family, she yet
found time for the performance of numer- ous social and religious
duties, and in all her relations of mother, wife and friend, was found
ever faithful. None knew her but to love her.
Siiice the death of his
wife, Mr. Douglas has continued to reside in Thompson, his time being
occupied in the management of his estate and in the care and edu-cation
of his only son, Joel. A man of tireless energy and unwearied
industry since the years of childhood, his practised eye sees
much which remains to be done where a less careful observer
would detect nothing wrong. His habit is always to do in the
very best manner whatever he does ; and his estate in Thompson
exhibits the perfection of system and good order. Even at the
present time of comparative leisure, he accomplishes more than
many men who call themselves hard workers. His long life of
industry, of uniform fairness and of unimpeachable integrity,
furnishes a worthy example for any young man whose eyes may fall upon
these pages.
He has had but two children : — i. Hannah
ALDENA^ b. and d. May 25, 1863. ii. Joel Egbert Lee^ b. May 8, 1866.