Henry Douglas of Friarshaw

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Henry Douglas, 6th Laird of Friarshaw, Laird of Belches (or Belses), d1701, 
Andrew Douglas, 5th Laird of Friarshaw
Mother: Jean Hume, of Polwarth
Marriage 1 Martha Lockhart, of Castlehil 13 Apr 1672 They had issue:
A1. George Douglas, of Friarshaw, c1673 - 1753, Marriage 1 Elizabeth Scott  1702. They had issue:
B1. Lieutenant-General Robert Douglas, 1727 - 1809,
1 Helena de Brauw 1754. They had issue:
C1. Mary Douglas, b. 10 Dec 1755, Bergen op Zoom = Caspar, Baron van Breugel.
c2. Elisabeth Douglas, b. 29 Jun 1758, Bergen-op-Zoom = Pieter Jan van Ee. They had issue 
C3. Archibald Douglas, b. 6 Sep 1759, Bergen op Zoom = Anna Juliana Maria Salontay van Salontha. They had issue:
D1 Cornelius Marinus Douglas, b. 9 Apr 1791, 's-Hertogenbosch, d. 1892. 
1 Agnieta Petronella Geertruyd van den Heuvel. They had issue:
E1 Antony Douglas, b. 28 Mar 1823, Bergen, Henegouwen
  A2 James Douglas, baptised Edinburgh 23rd July 1674 ; died 27th April 1757. He was a merchant in London, and married a lady named Russell. They had a son : —
James Douglas, died 2nd June 1751. He was M.P. for Malmesbury, and married Albinia, daughter of Major-General Wm. Farrington of Chiselhurst, and widow of Robert, first Duke of Ancaster. She died 29th July 1745
A3. Thomas Douglas, baptised Edinburgh nth November 1676; died 1730. He was a colonel in the army.
A4. Henry Douglas, baptised Edinburgh 16th May 1679 ; died young.
A5. Samuel Douglas, baptised Edinburgh 13th July 1682.
A6. Henry Douglas, baptised Edinburgh 1st April 1684 ; died 1753. He was a planter in Antigua, and married Mary, and left a daughter.
A7. Andrew Douglas, died in India 1732.
A8. William Douglas, died 1741. He was Commander of H.M.S. Falmouth."
A9. Martha Douglas, ch. Edinburgh 10/Aug/1675; married Edinburgh 04/Apr/1687, John Murray of Corstorphine
A10. Sarah Douglas ch Edinburgh 01/Mar/1678
A11. Elizabeth Douglas ch Edinburgh 22/Apr/1681; married Robert Reid Alexander
A12. Catherine Douglas ch Edinburgh 28/May/1685
A13. Jean Douglas married Corstorphine 09/Jul/1713, George Fordyce
A!4. Alexander Douglas ch Edinburgh 01/Mar/1687

Mary Douglas (d 05.04.1766), daughter of Henry Douglas of Friarshaw married Sir James Cockburn of Eyemouth, 8th Bart of Langton (b c1729, d 22/6.07.1804).  Is this the same generation? She was a niece of Sir James, Bart of Springwood Park.

Research notes:
1.  Henry was possibly a London merchant - with West Indian connections?

2. Mary Douglas (d 05.04.1766 at Bristol hot wells), only daughter of Henry Douglas of Friarshaw married Sir James Cockburn of Eyemouth, 8th Bart of Langton (b c1729, d 22/6.07.1804).  Is this the same generation? She was a niece of Sir James, Bart of Springwood Park.   'I never heard of any person suffering such agonies as she did for seven months before it pleased God to release her,' wrote Lady Mary Coke; 'Her torments were so great that she repeatedly begged of her husband, in the most earnest manner, to put an end to her life, saying she was sure it could be no sin.'"  Buried 10 Sep 1766 Petersham Church, Surrey.  They had three daughters.

3. GEORGE FORDYCE, born 1683, son of Alex. F., minister of Corstorphine, Edinburgh, 1709,  min. of Rafford (Reg. of Deeds, Mack. 22nd Dec. 1709); studied at King's College, Aberdeen, 1696 - 1700; licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh 22nd April 1708; called 29th July, and ord. 18th Oct. 1709; died 30th Aug. 1767. He marr. 9th July 1713, Jean, daugh. of Henry Douglas of Friarshaw, and had issue Anne (marr. John Dickie, W.S.); Sarah (marr. David Moubray, min. of Liberton).


See also:

•  Douglas of Friarshaw
•  Will of Henry Douglas of Friarshaw [pdf] proved in London in 1753
•  History of Antigua [pdf]

Further details on this entry would be welcome.


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