Dukes of Brandon
article is extracted from Catton's English Peerage of 1790, without
DOUGLAS HAMILTON, duke of Brandon in the county of Suffolk, and
baron Dutton in the county of Chefter ; duke of Hamilton,
marquis of Hamilton, Clydefdale and Douglas, earl of Angus,
Arran and Lanerk, baron Macanfliire, Polmont, Abernethy and
Aberbrothic in the kingdom of Scotland ; and duke of
Chattelherault in the kingdom of France; knight of the thiftle,
hereditary keeper of Holyrood Houfe, keeper of the palace of
Linlithgow and callle of Blacknefs, and a captain in the army.
This nobleman was born 24 July 1756. He fucceeded to the
title upon the death of his brother 7 July 1769, and was
appointed 25 November 1777 keeper of his majefty's palace of
Linlithgow and caftle of Blacknefs in the kingdom of Scotland.
Upon his grace's petition to the houfe of peers it was adjudged
6 June 1782, that he had a right to fit in that houfe as duke of
Brandon notwithflanding the former determination of the houfe to
the contrary, and he received fiammons to parliament
The duke of Hamilton married 5 April 1778
Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Burrel of Beckenham in the county
of Kent efquire, and fifter to lir Peter Burrel knight, deputy
lord great chamberlain of England.
The dukes of Brandon
are faid to be defcended from Bernard, chief counfellor, and
fecond in command to Rollo firft duke of Normandy.
de Beaumont, fourth in defcent from Bernard, came over to
England with William the conqueror, and his poflerity were
fuccefiively created earls of Warwick, Leicefter, Worcefler and
Bedford. Robert de Beaumont, fourth earl of Leicefter, was
father to William, who took the furname of Hambleton or Hamilton
from a manor of that name in the county of Buckingham, and by
fome genealogifts is faid to have died without iffue, but by
Douglas in his peerage of Scotland is reprefented as having
removed into that kingdom in the year 1 21 5, and been die
anceftor of the prefent illuftrious family of Hamilton, as v/ell
as of the earls of Haddington, and barons Belhaven in the
kingdom of Scotland, and the earls of Clanbraffil in the kingdom
of Ireland, Sir James Hamilton, created baron Hamilton by James
the firft king of Scots, was father to James, fecond lord
Hamilton, who married in the year 1474 Mary, daughter to king
James the fecond. James, third lord Hamilton, his fon, was by
king James the fourth created earl of the ifle of Arran.
James, fecond earl of Arran, his fon, was by Henry the fecond
king of France created duke of Chattelherault in the county of
Poitou, and in the year 1543 was declared by the ftates of the
kingdom of Scotland, governor to Maiy their young queen, and
regent of the kingdom during her minority, as well as next heir
to the crown failing her iffue. He fuffered both imprifonment
and forfeiture for his faithful adherence to that princefs, and
died 22 January 1573. He was anceftor by a younger fon to the
earls of Abercorn.
John, third earl of Arran, his fon,
was by James the fixth, king of Scots, created marquis of
Hamilton, being the firft perfon who bore the appellation of
marquis in ikst kingdom, James, fecond marquis of Hamilton, his
fon, was by that prince 16 June 1619 created baron of Ennerfdale
in the county of Cumberland, and earl of Cambridge.
James, third marquis of Hamilton, his fon, was by king Charles
the firft created duke of Hamilton, and for his faithful
adherence to that prince was beheaded 9 March 1649.
William, fecond duke of Hamilton, his brother, had been created
earl of Lanerk and baron Macanfhire and Polmont in the kingdom
of Scotland. He was killed fighting for the caufe of king
Charles the fecond at the battle of Worcefter 3 September 1651.
Anne, duchefs of Hamilton, daughter of James firfl duke of
Hamilton, married William Douglas marquis cf Douglas, who by
king Charles the fecond was created duke of Hamilton. He had a
principal fliare in the revolution in 1688, and was twice lord
commiffioner to reprefent the king in the parliament of
Scotland, as well as lord prefident of the privy council of that
kingdom. He had iffue, i. James, fourth duke of Hamilton. 2.
Charles, created earl of Selkirk. 3. John, created earl of
Ruglen. 4. George, created earl of Orkney. 5. Bafil, anceflor
to the prefent earl of Selkirk.
The duke of Hamilton
died 18 April 1694, James, fifth duke of Hamilton, bore during
the life time of his father the appellation of earl of Arran. He
attached himfelf to the caufe of king James the fecond, and,
being prefent at a meeting of the peers of Scotland then in
London, ftrenuoufly diifuaded them from placing the crown upon
the head of the prince of Orange. He was twice fent to the Tower
upon fufpicion of holding correfpondence with the court of Saint
Gerraains. He was at the requeft of his mother lo Auguft 1698
created duke of Hamilton, with precedency in the fame manner as
if he had fucceeded to the title by her death. He flrenuoufly
ogpofed the projed of the union, and was 1708, upon a rumour of
the intended invafion of the fon of king James the fecond,
arrefted and brought prifoner to London. Three years after this,
he was created baron of Button in the county of Chefter and duke
of Brandon in the county of Suffolk ; but his confequent right
to a feat in the houfe of peers M'as not allowed, that affembly
refolving that no peer of Scotland was capable of being created
a peer of Great Britain. His f-race was 29 Auguft 1712
conftituted mafter general of the office of ordnance, and in the
following year arabaffador extraordinary to the court of France
J but, before he fet out, he was engaged in a duel with Charles
lord Mohun 1 5 November, in which both the parties were killed
upon the fpot. General Macartney, lord Mohun's fecond, abfconded;
but, being 13 June 171 6 tried in the court of King's Bench upon
fufpicion of th« murder of the duke of Hamilton, he was
James, fecond duke of Brandon, his fon,
married, firft, Anne, daughter to John fourth earl of Dundonald
in the kingdom of Scotland ; by which lady, who died 14 Auguft
1724, he had iffue James, third duke of Brandon. He married,
fecondly, Elizabeth, daughter and heirefs of Edward Spencer of
Rendlefliam in the county of Suffolk efquire ; by which lady,
who died 9 Marcli 1771, lis had iffue, i. Archibald, born 27
July 1740, and married 25 May 1765 to Harriet, daughter of
Alexander feventh earl of Galloway in the kingdom of Scotland ;
by which lady he has iffue a fon, born 20 Odober 1775. 2.
Spencer, born June 1742. He was appointed 20 November 1783 one
of the gentlemen of the bedchamber to the prince of Wales.
James, third duke of Brandon, married Elizabeth,
daughter of John Gunning efquire i by which lady, who married
fecondly John duke of Argyle, and who is in her own right
baronefs Hamilton in Great Britain, he had iflue, i. James
George, fourth duke of Brandon. 2. Douglas, prefent and fifth
duke of Brandon. 3. Elizabeth, born 26 January 1753, and married
to Edward Smith earl of Derby. His grace died 19 January 1758.
CREATIONS. Baron Dutton of Dutton in the county of
Chefter, and duke of Brandon in the county of Suffolk 10
September 1711.
CHIEF SEATS. Hamilton in the county
of Lanerk, and Kinniel in the county of Sterling in Scotland.
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