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Douglas of Stenhouse



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  • John Douglas of Stenhouse. The following appears in the register of the Decrtta of the Privy Council, of date 5th February 1680:—" The Lords of his Majesty's Privy Council being informed that John Douglas of Stenhouse, in Nithsdale, was lately invaded in his own house by a number of the rebels, who committed divers outrages and violences upon him, robbed and pillaged his house, and carried away his goods, out of malice and prejudice against him because of his affection to his Majesty's Government,—the said Lords do recommend to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury, to cause the said John Douglas of Stenhouse to have reparation of the damage he has suffered by the said rebels, out of the moveables of any persons in Galloway or Nithsdale who were in the late rebellion."
  • In the churchyard a tombstone commemorates William Smith, a youth of eighteen, " who was shot at the bridge end of Moniaive by command of Sir Robert Lawrie, Laird of Maxwelton, and John Douglas of Stenhouse, May, 1685. ...
  • John Douglas of Stenhouse, a Papist, exacted above 5000
  • Janet, daughter of George Maxwell of Carnsalloch, Dumfriesshire, and widow of Colonel John Douglas of Stenhouse. She succeeded to Carnsalloch. They had issue, four sons and six daughters — James, born in 1759. George. William. Albert. ...
  • John Douglas of Stenhouse, equally obnoxious to the Covenanters as a spoiler and a ...
  • Warrant for a gift to John Douglas of Stenhouse of the lands and goods of John Gibson, sometime of Nether Inglistoune, now in his Majesty's gift by reason of the doom of forfeiture pronounced against the said Gibson for treason and ...
  • Moniaive is a pleasant village in the parish of Glencaim, in the county of Dumfries. It lies in the bosom of one of the most delightful valleys in the south of Scotland, and is surrounded with scenery sweetly picturesque. The locality, in the midst of which the sequestered village stands, has been hallowed by the blood of the "martyrs of Jesus," which, in the heavy times of persecuting violence, was made to flow so profusely on the mountains and mosses of Scotland. The month of May, 1685, witnessed a tragic scene enacted at the bridge end of Minihive, when William Smith, a youth of only eighteen years of age, was cruelly shot by the command of Laurie of Maxwelton and Douglas of Stenhouse, for his attachment to the covenanting cause.
  • ... afterwards shot by the dragoons of Douglas and Livingston, his property going to Douglas of Stenhouse ...
  • Col John Douglas, a papist, was appointed Secretary for Scotland by King James VII. He died without issue.
  • Charter dated Apr 1663 mentions John Douglas younger of Stenhouse and John Douglas senior of Stenhouse
  • Charter dated aug 1663 mentions John Douglas junior of Stenhouse
  • One of the above John Douglases, and who died in 1697, had a daughter Henrietta, who inherited Holme of Dalquhairn.
  • Lt Col John Douglas of Stenhouse married Janet Maxwell, daughter of George Maxwell of Carnsalloch. She later inherited Carnsalloch. She married 2ndly William Maxwell of Kirkconnell, who died 13 Apr 1746. She had 4 sons and several daughters by the 2nd marriage.
  • 1690, Oct 2: Petition of Thomas Hunter and his son Thomas Hunter, younger, in Dunduffe, Thomas Harkness and Agnes Hairstons his spouse and John Howatson in Netherkeir, Dumfriesshire, against John Douglas of Stainhouse, Wm Menzies of Raw, and Sir Thomas Kirkpatrick of Closeburn etc.
  • August 10, 1663: Crown Charter granting to John Douglas, senior of Stanehouse, his heirs and assignees whomsoever, - the lands of Holm of Dalquhairn, with buildings and pertinents, extending in the parish of Carsphaim and Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, formerly belonging to John Milligane of Blackmyre and John Douglas, junior of Stanehouse, as having right thereto from James Milligane, according to letters of disposition by the said James to the said John, dated August 1, 1661, and resigned for new infeftment in the favour of the above:- Rendering yearly for the above the sum of 50s. fee-ferm: - Entry of heirs at duplicand.
    [Registry of the Great Seal of Scotland 1660-1668, Vol. 11, no. 499]
  • February 8, 1709: Service of Heir of Henrietta Douglas to her father John Douglas of Stenhouse who died ----- 1697. Heir Special in Holme of Dalquhairne, Kirkcudbrightshire. Registered on February 26. 1709. [Index to Service of Heirs in Scotland (NAS)]
  • In the parish of tynron churchyard a tombstone commemorates William Smith, a youth of eighteen, " who was shot at the bridge end of Moniaive by command of Sir Robert Lawrie, Laird of Maxwelton, and John Douglas of Stenhouse, May, 1685." His epitaph follows :

    " I, William Smith, now here do ly,
    Once martyred for Christ's verity.
    Douglas of Stenhouse, Lawrie of Maxwelton,
    Caused cornet Baillie give me martyrdom ;
    What cruelty they to my corpse then used,
    Living may judge ; me burial they refused."
  • This Douglas of Stenhouse, being a laird of mean estate, was advanced for such services as this, and his excessive harassing, spoiling and fining of the people of God, and because he was a Papist, to the honour of being secretary for Scotland to James VII. But the wicked's honour is short lived; his name is extinct, having neither root nor branch, male nor female, nor any remembrance left unto him.
  • Killewarren, Tynron, Dumfriesshire, may be the ancestral home of Douglas of Stenhouse.


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