Douglas Scotti of Agazzano

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Agazzano belonged to the Pagus Lurate , mentioned in the Tabula alimentary Trajan of the second century AD The discovery of burials and other objects in the hamlet of Sarturano, confirm the Roman presence , but there are no documented sources relating to the Agazzano area in Roman times.

In December 218 BC , the Battle of the Trebia , documented by the Roman historian Polybius , also interested in the municipality of Agazzano: the ' army of Hannibal , camped near Tavernago, managed to block the Roman infantry nell'alveo swampy Luretta stream; the numidian cavalry, supported by archers, slaughtered Roman soldiers, of which only a third managed to find a way out on the other side of the river Trebbia .

In 1164 Federico Barbarossa destroyed many castles in the area of ​​Agazzano and Piozzano. In the XIII century the town was sacked by the imperial vicar of Frederick II of Swabia.

Agazzano then became the capital of the fief of the Scotti family(1) and, towards the middle of the twelfth century, Alberto Scoto started the construction of the castle. The Scotti remained in Agazzano until 1412 when Filippo Maria Visconti dispossessed them, delivering Agazzano to the Arcelli family who had accused the Scotti of rebellion.

Three years later the Scotti managed to prove their innocence, even if the castle returned to them only in 1431 when it was reacquired by Alberto Scotti.

Later the fief of the Scotti family was repeatedly confirmed by the Farnese lords of the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza.

In the middle of the eighteenth century the castle passed to the Anguissola family thanks to the marriage between Count Giovanni and Margherita Scotti.

1.  Poor and fragmentary are the news we have about the origins of the family documented in Italy in the eleventh century but certainly earlier if we have to give faith to the tradition that wants it descended from a certain William, a Scottish leader who arrived in Italy in the year 774 following the invasion francs. It is said that the same, arrived near Piacenza, fell ill and could no longer join his group, took his wife giving rise to a descent that, with alternating fortunes, still lasts.

The Italian stock, named with the name of Scoto, will take over the years the plural form of Scotti, the name by which the family is known today.

From the same William who probably already had his own family in his native country, originate the Douglasscozzesi, a "clan" among the best known of the entire nation. Almost to relate to a tradition and ennoble the lineage, Marc'Antonio Scotti, around the middle of the seventeenth century writes to the Scottish Douglas referring to ancient chronicles as well as a recent publication that unites the Italian Scots with Scottish Douglas. It is also significant that in the I404 the emperor Sigismondo, grant to the Scotti di Vigoleno, the attribute of Douglas almost to want to remove them the generality of an uncertain origin and to insert them of authority in a prestigious "clan" to which besides, they aspired to belong.

See also:
•  Italian members of the Douglas family
•  Castello Agazzano



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Last modified: Thursday, 23 January 2025