The Douglas Archives need your help


This database has the potential to help lots of people with their research and generate interest in the family and clan. 

Thousands, use it each week to research their family history.  It is already a big job that is getting bigger and I could use some help. There are over 7,700 and 170,000 individuals* in the database. It has the capacity to grow rapidly as people submit their data. 

I would like to start a group of people to help edit submissions and get them ready to be
added to the database. Also to extract data from books and records they may have
access to. If you would be interested in getting involved let me know.

Our goal of gathering, preserving and making available genealogical and historical
information requires everyone with an interest in the Douglases to contribute their stories, whether by sunmitting material for inclusion, or links to where it cam be found.

  • If your data is computerized you can send either

    A GEDCOM file (.GED)
  • An ASCII or ANSI text file (.TXT)

    as an email attachment to: william @ (with no blanks)

    Please note that if you employ Spam Assassin, or similar email blockers, then you must ensure that you can receive emails from

Or, if you wish to supply the information on disk, please let me know, and I will supply an address.

Areas that need work are:

  • Biographies
  • Castles, and places generally
  • Battles
  • Cemeteries and Headstones
  • Histories
  • Photographs, images and video
  • Regimental histories
  • Music and poetry

Additional material could include downloads that would help others with their research, website design, etc.  I am considering introducing a newsletter, and would welcome an editor. Is anyone willing to submit a design?

* As at September 2014

This page was last updated on 11 October 2021

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