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Gang of Thieves and Pickpockets






This article forms part of our Rogues and Vagabonds section.


House of Correction, Newcastle, January 10th. 1782.

THREE PERSONS (Part of a Gang of Thieves) in PRISON here.

A MAN who calls himself HENRY CUNNINGHAM, appears to be about 30 years of age, 5 feet 9 inches high, of a dark swarthy complexion, thin faced, has black dull eyes, long black rough hair, a small scar of a slight wound under his left eye, lately healed, a scar on his right jaw, and wants the first joints of the thumb and two first fingers of his right hand.- His present dress is an old coarse slouched hat, a black silk neckcloth, a coarse blue half-wide coat, a fine light blue coat and waistcoat, and dirty buck or doe skin breeches: He says he was born at Wigton, in Cumberland, brought up as a Pitman, but for the last ten years has travelled the country, and sold earthen pots and mugs in summer, and coopered and mended lanthorns in winter. His principal residence hath of late been at Bishop Auckland, and at Barlow, near Winlaton, with some others of the gang. A little Woman who calls herself ANN HAMILTON, otherwise BROWN, says she has cohabited with said Cunningham as his wife for about five years, but was never lawfully married to him, and was born at Dalkeith, in Scotland. She appears to be about 35 years of age, has light coloured hair, a fair complexion, a small round face, a slight squint with her right eye; her present dress is a black silk bonnet, a silk handkerchief about her head, a short red cloak, a remarkable beautiful flowered chintz gown, and a black quilted petticoat.

A Woman who calls herself MARY WILSON, says her maiden name was TATE, that she was born at Glasgow, and is the wife of William Wilson, a Pitman, who lately entered into the marine service; she appears to be about 50 years of age, her stature is a degree under the middle size; she has brown hair, a star on her forehead, another on her right cheek, another on her under lip on the right side; Her present dress is a black silk bonnet, a silk handkerchief about her head, a short scarlet cloak, a blue and white checked and spotted bed-gown, a dark copper coloured camblet gown, and a black quilted petticoat.

The above described persons were apprehended in company together, and are part of a Gang of Thieves and Pickpockets, who have for some time past infested the markets in this town, and generally resort to fairs in the country.- Elizabeth Whitebread, the Pickpocket, advertised in this paper the two last weeks, is one of the same gang.

Those who have any discovery to make, or any thing to say concerning them, or who desire to see them, are to apply at the Town Clerk's Office.

A DISCOVERY of more of the same GANG.

THOMAS DOUGLAS and his Wife, JOHN DOUGLAS his Brother, and ELEANOR his Wife, and David their eldest Son, aged about 15 years, and the noted THOMAS COLPITTS, otherwise STUART, and his Wife, who have all lately resided or lodged, at or about the head of Gateshead, and on Gateshead Fell; other part of the Gang reside at or near Bishop Auckland, they often change their names, and frequently rendezvous at the Crown and Cannon on Gateshead Fell, and have a Ware Room for their Stolen Goods, at or near the head of Gateshead, and another on the Fell.




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Last modified: Friday, 17 May 2024