Arthur C. Douglas
Arthur C. Douglas is the of Atmospheric Sciences, Graduate Program
Director at the Atmospheric Sciences Creighton University, in Omaha,
He was written a number of technical reports and publications.
1971 B.S. University of California at
Graduation with honors in Biology and Geology (Paleobiology).
1973 M.S. University of Arizona, Geosciences with field in climatic
1976 Ph.D. University of Arizona, Geosciences with field
in climatic change.
1976-1980 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University
of Nebraska at Lincoln.
1978 Visiting Research Scientist
(National Science Foundation sponsored), Climate Research Group,
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San
1980-1981 Research Associate, Climate Research Group,
Scripps Institute of Oceanography, University of California at San
1988 Visiting Research Scientist, Universidad Nacional
Autonomia de Mexico, Mexico DF, Mexico.
1994 Academic
Advisor, Creighton Semester Abroad Program, Santiago, Dominican
1996 Visiting Professor, Diplomado Program,
Universidad Nacional Autonomia de Mexico, Mexico DF, Mexico.
1982-1997 Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Atmospheric
Sciences, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska.
Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Environmental and
Atmospheric Sciences, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska
2004-Present Professor and Chair, Department of Atmospheric Sciences
American Meteorology Society
American Meteorological Society, Omaha-Offutt Chapter
Sigma Xi
Nebraska Ornithological Society
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