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Archibald Douglas
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Born: 5 May 1872; Tarrytown, Westchester County, New York, USA
Died: 14 Dec 1943 (aged 71); Manhattan, New York, USA
Archie was the son of Henry Livingston Douglas(3), 1824–1887, and Hortense
Pauline nee Armstrong, 1842–1898; grandson of James Douglas, 1778–1851,
and Catherine nee Waldo, 1791–1878.
Archibald (Archie) Douglas of 233 Broadway(1), New York City; and a
member of various clubs and societies. He [is] director of the Bank of
America and other corporations.
He was a member of the law firm, Douglas, Armitage and McCann.
He was Chairman of the Columbia Stadium Committee.
Funeral services for Archibald Douglas, lawyer and a life trustee of
Columbia University, who died yesterday at St. Luke’s Hospital after a
two-week illness, will be held at 4pm tomorrow in the Christ Episcopal
Church, Riverdale, where he was a vestryman. He was 72 years old and
lived in Spuyten Duyvil, the Bronx.
Mr. Douglas was active in civic and educational affairs here for many
years. He was a specialist in mining law and was a senior member of the
law firm of Douglas, Armitage & Holloway, 30 Rockerfeller Plaza.
Mr. Douglas was elected two terms of six years each as alumni trustee of
Columbia University, serving from 1919 to 1931 and in 1932 was named to
a life trustee. He succeeded the late Justice Benjamin N. Cardozo of the
United States Supreme Court.
A law school graduate at Columbia in 1896, Mr. Douglas was chairman of
the board of managers of the Memorial Hospital for Treatment of Cancer
and Allied Diseases, 444 East 68th street.
He was general counsel and a director of the United Verde Extension
Mining Company(2) and was also connected with other
mining organizations. For many years he was a member of the Seventh
Regiment of the New York National Guard.
Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Edith M. Douglas, a daughter and two
1. Possible address of Douglas, Armitage and
Douglas, r.,
or "Rawhide Jimmy" (1867-1949), followed in his father's footsteps, and
built a major fortune with the United Verde Extension mine in Jerome,
Arizona. The family relationship is yet to be determined. 3. Henry was the youngest one of three brothers by his father's second marriage
to Catherine Waldo, and the only survivor of them. His brothers, Rev. John W. and George Douglas had died some two years ago. A sister, Miss Juliette Douglas is now the only survivor of his mother's family.
Mr. Douglas [leaves] two sons, Archie and Percy and a daughter, Miss Katherine Waldo Douglas.
Sources for this article include:
Columbia Spectator, Volume XLIV, Number 109, 22 March 1921
The New York Sun, Wednesday, December 15, 1943.
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