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Dr. Alexander Douglasse


The following is an extract from "Illustrations of the topography and antiquities of the shires of Aberdeen and Banff"


" About the tyme that the Assembly ended in Aberdeene [August, 1640.], Monro lifted his leagwer, and, leaving Strabogye, marches for Banfe, August tenth, a sea towne about thirteen myles distant from Straboggye, north -easte. The reasone of his going ther was to tacke cowrse with Sir George Ogilvye, (at that tyroe called laird of Banfe, though shortly afterward created Lord by the King.) Banfe had been active against the Covenanters, anno 1639 ; and all this yeare, 1640, had made his residence at cowrt with the King, as some other northerne gentlemen and noblemen did, such as the Lord Ogilvye, Walter Urqhward of Cromby, William Seaton of Shythinn, Sir Gilbert Menezes of Pittfodells, etcet. The cittizens of Banfe, for the most pairt, wer Covenanters ; and, albeit in former tymes they depended much upon Banfes familye, who dwelt ordinarlye in their towne, yet now they wer so fair estranged from him, that they were growne his eneinyes, The cheif ringleader and agent amongst them for the Covenant was one Dr. Alexander Douglasse, a modiciner, who was gott into such credite with his townesmen and with the Covenanters, that in the following yeares he came to be provost of Banfe, oftner then any man ther ; as also high sheriff of the shyre of Banfe, and alwayes either a member of parliaments and comittyes of state, etc.,etc.


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Last modified: Thursday, 23 January 2025