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Dr Alexander Douglas of Downies









Alexander Douglas (c1590-1663) was a covenanter and supporter of Cromwell. He was doctor of medicine by 1628, and provost of Banff by 1647.


Tomb of Provost Alexander Douglas"Tomb of Provost Alexander Douglas This tomb was originally in the old kirkyard in Banff, but the second Earl of Fife had it moved here (Duff House mausoleum) and rebuilt on the wall of his mausoleum. The inscription is in Latin and records that Master Alexander Douglas, Doctor of Medicine and Provost of Banff, 'met his fate' on 9 October 1663. It also mentions his daughters Isabella and Christina, and Christina's husband Walter Leslie of Tullich."


"November, 1666. Saising Issobell Douglas off and upon the just and equall half off the toune and lands of Slogmoholl, and toune and lands of Breauch and uthers."

"6th November, 1667. Saising Issobell Douglas, spous to James Andersone of Westertoune, of all and haill the toune and lands of Westertoune of Ardbrek, Ardbroddine, mylne of Ardbroddine, mylne lands, toune and lands of Lochend and Ryzell, and uthers." 1

Issobell married Reverend Mr Alexander CANT Minister of Banchory Ternan, son of Reverend Mr Andrew CANT Minister of Aberdeen and Unknown. (Reverend Mr Alexander CANT Minister of Banchory Ternan was born about 1615 and died on 30 March 1665 in Aberdeen, Scotland.) But see note 2

Issobell next married James ANDERSON of Wester Ardbrake, Banffshire, son of John ANDERSON in Ardbrake, Banffshire and Ann GORDON, before 6 November 1667.1 (James ANDERSON of Wester Ardbrake, Banffshire was born about 1626.)


"24 Febri, 1668. Saising Christan Douglas, spous to Walter Leslye off Tullich, off the toune and lands of Meikle Tullich and others, with the pertinents."

Christen married Walter LESLIE of Tullich, son of Lauchlan LESLIE of Miltown of Balveney and Tulloch and Janet BAILLIE of Dounian. (Walter LESLIE of Tullich was born about 1614.)

Walter Leslie had three children, probably by his first wife.



1.  An Alexander Douglas of Downies was "nominated and appointed ... to be colonel(s) or commander(s) of horse and foot" in the Act for putting the kingdom in a posture of defence, 1707

2.  Alexander Cant 1646-1662 son of Alexr Cant, min. of Aberdeen; M.A. Kings Aberdeen 1636; adm. bef. 29 Jul 1646; dep. 1662; d. 30 Mar. 1665 Aberdeen; mar. Isobel, dau. of Alexander Douglas of Downies; issue: Andrew, min. of Trinity College Kirk, Edinburgh and later a bishop; Isobel (mar. James Stuart, min. of Inveravon); probably also Margaret (mar. Wm Mitchell, min. of Dundee).  He joined the Protesters in 1651, and was thus deprived of the ministry at the Restoration.



Ratification in favour of Doctor Alexander Douglas [of Downies] of the infeftment granted to him of the lands of Drumdollo

At Edinburgh, 5 July 1650. The estates of parliament, now presently convened in this fifth session of this second triennial parliament, ratify and approve the letters of alienation and disposition made, given and granted by James [Crichton], viscount of Frendraught, lord Crichton, heritable proprietor of the towns and lands particularly underwritten, to and in favour of Doctor Alexander Douglas, provost of Banff, his heirs and assignees whatsoever heritably and irredeemably of all and whole the town and lands of Drumdollo, with the crofts thereof and teind sheaves of the same included, as likewise with all and whole the two part of the town and lands of Downies and croft thereof, with all and sundry houses, buildings, yards, mosses, muirs, meadows, pasturage, common ground, common pasturages, parts, pendicles and pertinents whatsoever appertaining and belonging to the said towns and lands of Drumdollo and two part of Downies above-written, with their pertinents, all lying within the barony of Frendraught by annexation, parish of Forge and Inverkeithny and sheriffdoms of Aberdeen and Banff respectively; with the precept of sasine contained therein of the date 18 June 1647, acted and registered in the books of council and session upon 14 June 1649, with the instrument of sasine following upon the said disposition and precept of sasine contained therein made and given to the said Doctor Alexander Douglas of the said towns, lands and others above-written of the date 13 July 1647, with all and sundry other infeftments, charters, precepts and instruments of sasine, procuratories and instruments of resignation and other rights following and to follow upon the said disposition already made and granted or to be made and granted to the said Doctor Alexander Douglas and his aforesaids of the said town, lands, teinds and others above-written, with the pertinents, in all and sundry heads, points, clauses, articles, circumstances and conditions contained therein, and after the forms and tenors thereof in all points; and will and grant and, for them and their successors, decree and ordain that this present general ratification and confirmation of the said disposition, precept of sasine contained therein and sasine following thereupon and other rights following and to follow upon the same is and shall be as valid, effectual and sufficient, and of as great force, strength and effect to the said Doctor Alexander Douglas and his aforesaids for possessing the said towns, lands, teinds and others above-written with their pertinents heritably, irredeemably and perpetually in time coming, as if the same ratification and confirmation had been granted thereupon before the sasine already taken by the said Doctor Alexander Douglas by virtue of the said disposition and precept of sasine, and as if the said disposition, precept and sasine and whole other rights following and to follow thereupon, hereby ratified in manner aforesaid, were all at length word for word engrossed, inserted and contained in this present ratification, notwithstanding of the said sasine already taken and notwithstanding the said whole rights generally and specially above-written hereby ratified as said is are not nor will be inserted and contained in the said ratification, with the which, and with other faults, defects, imperfections and objections that may be proposed or alleged against the aforesaid rights and this present ratification thereof, the said estates have dispensed and by this act dispense forever.

See also:
Dr Alex Douglas, 1556


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Last modified: Thursday, 23 January 2025