William Selby Douglas

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The death is -announced, in his eightv second year, of Mr. William Selby Douglas, of North Adelaide, who was at one time the Adelaide manager of the Bank of South Australia. Mr. Douglas arrived at Adelaide by the ship Thames, which reached the lighthouse' on the evening of August 1, 1853, and landed the next morning. The late Mr. W. Townsend came by the Fopschmidt on the same day. Mr.Douglas soon after his arrival joined the service of the Bank of South Australia, and rose to be the manager in Adelaide which position he resigned in 1870. He then visited England with his family, and on his return entered into business as an estate agent. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas paid a second visit to Great Britain in 1901.

Mr. Douglas was born at Kelso, Scotland in December, 1826, and was educated at the High School in that town, in which Sir Walter Scott received a portion of his early training. After seven years' banking experience in Scotland he entered the service of the Bank of South Australia, and rapidly rose in the service. In 1856 he was transferred to the bank at Port Adelaide, in the following year to Gawler, in 1862 to Robe, and two years after that he was promoted to the management of the Adelaide office. On his retirement from the bank's service in 1870 he was made the recipient of a handsome piece of plate from his brother officers; while the Adelaide public showed its appreciation of his services by making him a presentation, accompanied by a purse of sovereigns. The presentation took place in the Old Exchange - Green's Exchange. The late gentleman was an enthusiastic member of the Church of England. Immediately on arrival in Adelaide Mr. Douglas, who had till then been identified with the Episcopal Church of Scotland, attached himself to St. John's, of which the Rev. J. C. Bagshaw was incumbent, and for three years assisted the late Mr. G. W. Hawkes in the work of the Sunday school. At Gawler he worked zealously for the church as warden under the late Canon Coombs. In 1860 the foundation stone of the new St. George's at Gawler was laid by the Metropolitan; and Gawler people still remember Mr. Douglas's banquet on that occasion, when he entertained the Bishops, clergy, and visitors.

Mr. Douglas, at Robe in 1862, took the Sunday services whenever the clergyman was away from home visiting the outlying stations. This was prior to the granting of licences by the Bishop to lay readers. Mr. Douglas had consequently served the church in this capacity as long as, if not longer than, any-other layman in the diocese. In 1S69 he first took his seat in Synod as representative of St. John's, Mount Pleasant. He evinced a warm interest in the building of St. Paul's, Pulteney street, and St. Peter's, Glenelg, of which he was a trustee. His name was one of the first placed on the building committee of 'St. Peter's Cathedral. When the Cathedral was opened for service in 1876 he was appointed one of the honorary wardens by Bishop Short, and continued in that office during many years'. Since 1875 he had been, an attorney' of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel; for a long period he was a member of the standing committee of Synod, and had a seat at the board of governors of St. Peter's Collegiate School since November, 1865.

Mrs. Mary Bevis Douglas, who died at Victor Harbcur at the age of 93, came to South Australia 83 years ago in the ship Gipsy Queen, sailing from Plymouth on May 11, 1850. Born in Devonshire, she was a daughter of the late Mr. Robert Poole. She attended Miss Rowland's school in Adelaide (where Tavistock Buildings now are situated in Rundle 6treet). She married the late Mr. William Selby Douglas at Gawler, the late Canon Coombs officiating at the ceremony. Her husband was manager of the Bank of South Australia, and they after wards lived at Robe, and from there went to the metropolitan area to reside. After living for many years at Glenelg the family moved to Adelaide, and for the past 33 years has lived at the Cathedral Lodge, North Adelaide. The late Mr. Douglas died 20 years ago. For many years Mrs. Douglas has spent the summer months at her residence at Victor Harbour. She was keenly interested in the home for girls at Mitcham.

She leaves four sons, including Dr. F. J. Douglas, of Victor Harbour.
9th March 1888



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