This page was last updated on 11 August 2021

Colonel William Douglas of Kilhead’s Regiment of Foot













Also known as The Nithsdale and Annandale Regiment

Active 1643 to 1646  
Country Scotland  
Allegiance Covenanter  
Conflicts First Civil War  
Colonel William Douglas  
Area Raised Nithsdale & Annandale  
Coat Colour Grey; The regiment was probably dressed in ubiquitous Scots hodden grey with blue bonnets.  
Field Armies Leven 1643-4  
  Leslie 1644-5  

Colonel William Douglas of Kilhead’s Regiment of Foot was a Covenanter Regiment of Foot raised for service in England, forming part of the Earl of Leven’s army

Service History


1643 Raised in Nithsdale and Annandale  
1644 February: Siege of Newcastle  
  March: Battle of Hylton  
  April to July: Siege of York  
  2nd July: Battle of Marston Moor  
  July: Siege of York  
  July to October: Siege of Newcastle  
  October to July 1645: Siege of Carlisle  
1645 25th June: Taking of Carlisle  
  July: Garrison of Carlisle  
  July: Garrison of Dumfries (det)  

At the Battle of Marston Moor, 1644, the second line was entirely composed of Scots under Major-General Sir James Lumsden including William Douglas of Kilhead's Regiment

At the Siege of Newcastle, 19 October 1644, the Regiment was part of The "Third Brigade", sited opposite Pilgrim Street Gate, which they successfully assaulted that day, leading to the fall of the city.

Colonel William Douglas of Kilhead was appointed governor of Carlisle after its surrender in July 1645

Notable Officers


Lt Col John Hogg; Major Thomas Macburnie

A list of the regiment's officers is shown in Stuart Reid's Scots Armies of the 17th Century 1. The Army of the Covenant 1639-1651 Partizan Press 1998 ISBN 094652550


Covenanters Section
  • The Killing Times
  • Battle of Bothwell Brig
  • The Wreck of The Crown
  • Henry & Francis
  • Jamie Douglas - poem
  • Incident at Martyrs Moss
  • Col James Douglas
  • Battle of Airds Moss
  • Battle of Bothwell Brig
  • Battle of Drumclog
  • List of Covenanters
  • Rev. Thomas Douglas
  • Capt. Thomas Douglas
  • Col Richard Douglas's Regt
  • Sir James Douglas of Mouswald’s Regiment of Foot
  • Colonel Robert Douglas’ Regiment of Foot
  • Colonel William Douglas of Kilhead’s Regiment of Horse
  • The storm of Dundee
  • Sir William Douglas’ Regiment of Foot
  • Sir William Douglas’ Troop of Horse

  • See also:
    •  The Douglas of Kelhead family


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    Last modified: Friday, 17 May 2024