Douglas Hall

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Douglas Hall, near Rockcliffe, Dalbeattie, Kirkcudbright




Hugh Douglas

In bankruptcy proceedings in 1802 Hugh Douglas was described as 'originally a native of Scotland' who 'had long carried on business in Demerara, from which he returned in November 1800 to Glasgow, where he resided for two or three months' before retuning to Demerara. His partnership of Hugh Douglas & Co in Demerara was dissolved in 1804.

On 8th March 1817 'Hugh Douglas Esq of Douglas Hall, late of Demerara' married Agnes Peters in Glasgow. She was the only daughter of John Peters, a Glasgow merchant.  Douglas was at this time a merchant in Port Glasgow.  In 1835 Hugh Douglas 'a gentleman in Glasgow' claimed compensation of over £7000 for the emancipation of 144 slaves on plantation Hope. There was a counterclaim from J, T and A Douglas & Co.

Also in 1835: Died yesterday afternoon, much regretted Margaret, youngest daughter of Hugh Douglas, Esq., formerly of this colony [Guiana Chronicle Friday 26 June 1835].


Agnes Douglas eldest daughter of the late Hugh Douglas, merchant Greenock, married George F. son of the late John Robertson at Greenock, on 6th September 1841, [as her] 1st husband, Greenock Advertiser 7th September 1841.



The crest on the Welsh hat indicates links with the Queensberry Douglases.




By 1829, Douglas Hall was owned by the Wilson family, as this memorial in Colvend Churchyard attests:
• Erected in memory of John Wilson, Douglas-Hall, who died 7th July 1829, aged 64 years. Also Agnes Turnbull, his spouse who died on the 2nd September 1834, aged 61 years. Also William Wilson, their son, who died August 3rd 1866, aged 66 years. Also Thomas Wilson, eldest son of the above William Wilson, who died at Douglas-Hall, on the 5th day of April 1876, aged 48 years. Also Janet Smith, relict of the said William Wilson, who died at Douglashall, on the 18th December 1878, aged 76 years.


GOWANS, DAVID Pte. R.Innis.Fus. 1 July 1916.
David Gowans, Private (24727) 11th Battalion (Donegal and Fermanagh), Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Age 29.
A former pupil of the Dalbeattie Higher Grade Public School. David enlisted in Fermanagh and landed with his battalion in France in October 1915.
Born 1887 at Dalbeattie. Son of James and Barbara Barr Gowans. Husband of Agnes Gibson Gowans who he married at Douglas Hall, Colvend in 1911.
Missing in Action on 1 July 1916 and named on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France and on the Dalbeattie War Memorial.
1 July 1916 was the first day of the first battle of the Somme where the Ulster Division attacked the German trenches at Thiepval.


In memory of Ebenezer Murdoch, who died at Rock Cottage, 2nd October 1873, aged 18 years. Also Samuel Murdoch, father of the above, who died at Rock Cottage 1st July 1888, aged 64 years. Also Elizabeth Moffat, wife of the above Samuel Murdoch, who died at Douglas Hall 27th February 1916, aged 83 years. Mary Smith, daughter in law, died 25th July 1916, aged 59 years, interred in Cambusnethan Cemetery. Thomas Moffat Murdoch, died at Upper Porterbelly, Kirkgunzeon, on April 19th 1937, aged 89 years.

In memory of Joseph Harries, who died at Douglas Hall, 24th February 1831, aged 29 years. Also Mary, his daughter who died 3rd October 1830 aged 2 years. Also Joseph, his son who died 20th April 1831 aged 6 months, Mary Wilson, spouse of the above, died 25th April 1876, aged 79 years. Robert Watson Harries, grandson of the above who died at Lochend 22d April 1868 in his 16 year.

On the rocky coast leading from Port o' Warren to Douglas-Hall there are several caves and deep fissures in the rocks, admirably fitted for the concealment of contraband goods, until such time as removal could be safely effected. And on the other side of Port o' Warren, in the rocks leading to what is called the Cormorants' Dookers' Bing, there are other caves and fissures, larger and deeper, which can only be approached at low water, and then only by wading. One on the Torr or Douglas-Hall shore is known as the Brandy Cave, a name significant of the use to which it was put.

Douglas Hall Fisheries: Douglas Hall Stake Nets have been fished for generations, they were one of many sets of stake nets along the Solway Firth. However nowadays Douglas Hall Stake Nets are one of the few remaining stake nets left on the Solway.

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Last modified: Friday, 17 May 2024