Reconstruction by Andrew
The Ramsays of
Dalhousie have reason to be proud of their heritage and their long links
with Scottish history. They held possession of Dalhousie longer than any
other family has retained possession of a castle in Scotland. The Castle,
which is situated in the parish of Cockpen, eight miles south of
Edinburgh, dates from the 13th century, although only the enormously thick
walls at the foundation level and the vaults remain of the original
building. The main parts of the present structure were built about 1450
from red stone quarried from the opposite bank of the South Esk River on
which the Castle stands. In the succeeding centuries there have been
various additions and modifications, but the essential form of the Castle
which had an L-shaped keep surrounded by an outer curtain wall can still
be clearly discerned.
The Drum tower, which dates
from the 15th century, has a well at ground level, which supplied the
Castle and still yields potable water. The 1st Earl of Dalhousie first
built up the area between the keep and the curtain wall in the early 17th
century. The Castle closely resembles nearby Dirleton Castle, which is now
in ruins.
Originally access to the castle was obtained by crossing a drawbridge over
a deep dry moat. this moat was re-excavated during the castle’s
conversion into a hotel. The “rainures” (recesses for the
counterbalance beams) of the original drawbridge raising mechanism can
still be seen above the main door, as can the machicolations used by the
defenders to assail those beneath. Other interesting features are
the mural staircase from the banqueting hall to the vaults. There is also
a spiral stair leading from what was the first floor of the keep, down to
the top of the bottle dungeon which measures 10’10” by 10’3”, it
has a latrine and a ventilation shaft but no window. Prisoners were
lowered into it by rope, the score marks of the ropes can still be seen in
the stonework, once in there was no escape through the 11” thick walls.
An old account claims that Simundus de Ramesie, a freeman, followed King
David I to Scotland from Ramsay, a Huntingdonshire village, in about 1140
and was the founder of the line and the first to have land at Dalwolsey.
Certainly the Ramsay name appears in Midlothian records all through the
13th century. William Ramsay, who witnessed deeds regarding land in 1280,
was the first to be known as Ramsay de Dalwolsey and he was so styled, not
then as receiving his lands, but as his usual and known designation. This
William’s name stands on the Ragman’s Roll of 1296 as doing homage for
those lands to Edward I. The English King spent a night in Dalhousie
Castle before going on to Falkirk where he defeated William Wallace.
William Ramsay later joined the forces of Robert the Bruce and was present
at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 and in 1320 he was a signatory to the
famous Declaration of Arbroath in which the Scottish Barons appealed to
the Pope in Rome against the oppressions of the English.
His son Alexander who became a renowned figure succeeded William. The
Scottish chronicler, John Fordun, wrote of Sir Alexander “in his brave
deeds of arms and in bodily strength he surpassed all others of his
day”. During these times the English had regained the incentive in the
war with the Scots and were in the possession of many of the Scottish
castles including Dalhousie.
Sir Alexander formed a band of loyal knights, and mass troopers, and
organised raids on the English. By the year 1342 most of the castles and
occupied areas were captured and David 2nd was able to return from France.
By Easter of that year only Roxburghe Castle remained in the hands of the
English. The titular constable of Roxburghe Castle was Sir William
Douglas, who had made a number of unsuccessful attempts to retake it. On
the eve of Easter, Sir Alexander and his followers scaled the walls and
surprised the occupants who were celebrating the feast. King David II
delighted at ridding Scotland of the last of the English, rewarded Sir
Alexander de Ramsay by appointing him constable of Roxburgh and Sheriff of
Teviotdale. These appointments aroused strong feelings of jealousy in Sir
Alexander’s former friend Sir William Douglas who, exacted revenge by
seizing Alexander in May 1342, at Hawick and carried him off to Hermitage
Castle. Sir Alexander was incarcerated in a dungeon and was left to
Four and a half centuries later, some masons who were engaged in clearing
up part of Hermitage Castle discovered Sir Alexander’s remains and his
horse furniture. The local minister heard of the discovery and was
fortunate enough to recover the curb bridle and a stirrup. These relics
were given to Sir Walter Scott, the famous novelist and historian, who was
a close friend of the ninth Earl of Dalhousie. Although this sad event
marked the end of Sir Alexander’s glorious contributions to his
family’s history, his successors have been attributed with equally
chivalrous and glamorous contributions to the family and to Scottish
Fordun records Sir William Ramsay of the Dalhousie as having defeated the
English at Nisbet Moor in 1355. In 1400 a later Sir Alexander Ramsay
withstood a 6 months siege at Dalhousie laid by King Henry IV of England.
Dalhousie proved to be the last castle in Scotland to be besieged by an
English king in person. However, Sir Alexander himself was killed 2 years
later at Homildon Hill, a battle mentioned in Shakespeare's Henry IV (part
1). His great great grandson, also Alexander, was slain at Flodden in
1513. When Mary Queen of Scots escaped from her imprisonment at Loch Leven,
and raised her standard, the Laird of Dalwolsey is mentioned by
chroniclers as on of those who met her at Hamilton and fought for her at
The family received Royal recognition in 1618 through a charter granting
Sir George Ramsay of Dalhousie, his initials can be seen on the wall of
the keep. His brother John was a favourite of King James VI of Scotland.
In 1600 this John saved the Kings life by killing the Earl of Gowrie, who
in the famous “Gowrie Conspiracy” was plotting to kidnap the King. As
a reward John was granted the titles of Earl of Holderness and Vicount
Haddington by King James. In 1633 George's son William was raised to Earl
of Dalhousie and Lord Ramsay of Keringtoun. Eight years later he appears
to have changed his allegiance for he fought on the side of the
Parliamentarians in the civil war, and commanded a regiment of horse at
Marston Moors in 1614. Cromwell himself spent sometime at the Castle,
using it as his lowland headquarters, with dispatches dated from there in
October 1648.
The act of union in 1707 had a slow pacifying effect in Scotland’s
quarrels with England and the Ramsay family turned gradually from warfare
to politics although some descendants made notable appearances on
battlefields. In 1710 the 5th Earl served with a brigade sent to aid
Archduke Charles in the wars of the Spanish succession, another Ramsay was
signatory to the capitulation of Quebec to General Wolfe in 1759.
The 9th Earl George, Captain-General of the Grand Order of Archers,
appeared prominently in public life, beginning as a colonel in the
Cameronian regiment and ending as Governor-in-Chief in North America. He
was present at Waterloo, where Wellington, having watched him outflank the
enemy, was moved to comment “By God that man has more confidence in him
than any other general officer in the army”. In 1816 he was appointed
Lt-Governor of Nova Scotia and although he continued in this post for only
four years, he found time to sow the seed for what now has become one of
the finest educational establishments in Canada - Dalhousie University in
Meanwhile, Dalhousie castle had fallen into disrepair. The Civil War, 150
years before, had proved a lasting drain on the family’s finances, and
when the 8th Earl brought his bride home she had to pick her way to the
accommodation across bare beams. The Earl and his lady made considerable
improvements, unfortunately not in the best of taste.
The 9th Earl, with the aid of the architect Burns, undid much of the
previous Earls work and restored the building in keeping with its original
form. Inside the front door there was formerly an open courtyard across
which one went to gain access to the main building through a low door in
the keep and up a turnpike stairway. The courtyard was roofed in and
converted into an entrance hall, further buildings were added between the
keep and outer wall. The 9th Earl died in 1832, mourned amongst others, by
his old school friend Sir Walter Scott.
However, his youngest son James, the first and only Marquis, was to prove
to be every bit as accomplished as his forebears.
Prominent in debate in the House of Lords, he became President of the
Board of Trade at the age of 33, and three years later travelled to
Calcutta as the youngest every Governor-General of India. He died in 1860
still only 48. His remains are buried in the family vault at Cockpen
church a few 100 yards from the castle. His life was summed up by Lord
Curzon, representing the British Government in India, with the words “No
man ever gave his life to his country more completely or with more
consuming devotion”.
Queen Victoria visited the Castle in 1840 “to take tea with her devoted
servant” the 10th Earl.
The Marquis, having no son was succeeded by his cousin Lord Panmure, as
11th Earl and since the turn of the century, the Earls of Dalhousie have
resided at Brechin castle. The 16th Earl, Governor General of Rhodesia and
Nyasaland before their dissolution, passed away at the age of 93 on 16th
July 1999.
Dalhousie Castle itself has been leased to a series of tenants. Before its
conversion to a hotel in 1972 it was a private Boarding School. The
present owner believes that the long tradition of service and hospitality
associated with the Castle should continue, and with this in mind, much
has been done to restore the Castle to its former glory, whilst providing
the comforts of living in the latter half of the 20th century.
Further details on this entry would be