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Crag Douglas
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William 8th Earl of Douglas resolved to retire from the country for a season, and went to
the Jubilee at Rome, in 1450, ‘as his enemies did interpret it,’ says Godscroft, ‘to show his greatness to foreign princes and nations. There
went with him in company a great number of noblemen and gentlemen, such
as the Lord Hamilton, Gray, Salton, Seton, Oliphant, and Forbes; also
Calder, Urquhart, Campbell, Fraser, Lauders of Cromarty, Philorth, and
Bass, knights, with many other gentlemen of great account.’ At Paris the
Earl was joined by his brother James, his successor in the earldom, who
appears to have been at this time prosecuting his studies at the
University there. He was received by the French Court with the respect
due to his rank and the eminent services to France of his grandfather
and his uncle Earl Archibald; and even at Rome his reputation and
ostentatious magnificence seem to have attracted no small notice.
During his absence the turbulent conduct of his vassals disturbed the
peace of the country and drew down upon them the vengeance of the
Government. The King marched in person to the Borders, demolished
Crag Douglas, a fortalice on the Yarrow, and inflicted
summary punishment on the offenders. On his return the Earl sent a
submissive message to the King, expressing his displeasure with the
conduct of his vassals during his absence, and his resolution to observe
the laws and to maintain order among his dependents. He was on this
received into favour.
Douglas Scott contributes:
"Craig Douglas: farm on the Yarrow Water, between the Gordon Arms and
St. Mary's Loch. Blackhouse tower is up the Douglas Burn to the north.
It was formerly also known as `Douglas Craig'.
There was once a tower here, one of the seats of the Earls of Douglas,
which was destroyed by James~II in 1451. The lands were owned by the
Crown after being forfeited (along with much of Ettrick Forest) by the
Douglases. It was leased to Alemoor of that Ilk in the late 15th century
and to John Murray and David Pringle in the early 16th century (formerly
written `Douglascrag' and variants)"
The place is connected with what is sometimes called the "Douglas
Tragedy", whose connection with history is very unclear! Here's my brief
entry on that:
"the Douglas Tragedy: traditional ballad telling of the death (in one
version at least) of the 7 Douglas brothers. This followed the elopement
of their sister Lady Margaret with Lord William, having a tragic ending
near Craig Douglas farm, east of St. Mary's Loch. It was further
pupularised in the 1755 play by John Home - `Lord William was buried in
St Mary's kirk, Lady Margaret in Mary's choir, And from Lord William's
breast there grew a red rose, And from Lady Margaret's a sweet
brier'[traditional ballad]
• Crag Douglas is possibly now a farm 'Craig Douglas' previously
known as 'Craig of Douglas' (or 'Crag of Douglas'?), where the Douglas Burn joins the Yarrow
Water. It is farmed by T Renwick & Son, Selkirk in 2019, together with
Blackhouse farm.

Craig of Dougas was in a good substantial dwelling house and farm
office, situated near the junction of Douglas Burn, with Yarrow Water,
with arable and pasture farm attached. it is on the estate of, and
belongs to, the Earl of Traquair. It was occupied by William Mitchell,
Tennant; James Mathieson, Shepherd; John Linton, Gamekeeper.
Douglas Craig is a precipitous rock on the east side of Douglas Burn
about a mile above its junction with Yarrow Water. At
first look, it gives the impression that it might be the site of the
'fortalice', but on examining the layout of the walls, that seems
unlikely. Current thinking is that is may have been a hunting
• Probably the site of the origins of the
Douglas Tragedy. The
ballad tells of eloping lovers, seven pursuing brothers all killed by
the would-be husband who himself was wounded to death etc. Great stuff
and amply told in Sir Walter Scott’s Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border.
I have never been able to get documentary evidence to ascertain that
this was an actual happening or whether it was a minstrel’s tale that
grew in the telling. There is so great a similarity between The Douglas
Tragedy and The Dowie Dens of Yarrow that I suspect that they may have a
common ancestry; and there again both may be total fiction.
Sources for this article include:
The Great Historic Families of Scotland; James Taylor, M.A., D.D., F.S.A; published in 1887
Any contributions will be
gratefully accepted