Douglas in South America

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Miscellaneous Douglases of, from or with connections in South America


Surname           First Name             Year    Country          Town                               Source       
Douglas             Thomas                   1878     Uruguay        Banda Oriental           Medical Directory        
Douglas             William                   c1885    Argentina      Patagonia                Gesta Britanica          
Douglas             Mr                           1864     Argentina      Rosario                  Parliamentary paper      
Douglas             Joan                      c1840    Argentina      Entre Rios               E-mail                   
Douglas             John William             1915     Chile          Punta Arenas             MATEO MARTINIC           
Douglas             Mabel Ann                1919     Chile          Punta Arenas             MATEO MARTINIC           
Douglas             Thomas                   1885     Chile          Punta Arenas             MATEO MARTINIC           
Douglas                                            1880     Chile          Punta Arenas             MATEO MARTINIC           
Douglas             Thomas                   1880     Chile          Punta Arenas             MATEO MARTINIC           
Douglas             William                    1880     Chile          Punta Arenas             MATEO MARTINIC           
Douglas             Margaret                 1880     Chile          Punta Arenas             MATEO MARTINIC           
Douglas             Jessie                     1880     Chile          Punta Arenas             MATEO MARTINIC           
Douglas             Mary Ann                 1880     Chile          Punta Arenas             MATEO MARTINIC           
Douglas             William                    1883     Chile          Punta Arenas             MATEO MARTINIC           
Douglas                                            1883     Chile          Punta Arenas             MATEO MARTINIC           
Douglas             John                      c1890    Argentina      Santa Cruz               LIST OF GRINGOS          
Douglas             Robert                   c1890    Argentina      Santa Cruz               LIST OF GRINGOS          
Douglas             William                  c1890    Argentina      Santa Cruz               LIST OF GRINGOS          
Douglas             F.                           1888     Chile          Magallanes                  MATEO MARTINIC           
Douglas             Thomas                  1889     Chile          Magallanes                  MATEO MARTINIC           
Douglas             William                   1884     Chile          Magallanes                  MATEO MARTINIC           
Douglas             William                  c1850    Argentina      Buenos Aires             Memorial Inscription     
Douglas             Adam Thomson       1871     Argentina      Buenos Aires            Yellow Fever 1871        
Douglas             Thomas                  c1870    Argentina      Cordoba                  FRAILE MUERTO            
Douglas             Adam Thompson      1865     Argentina      Cordoba                 FRAILE MUERTO            
Douglas             Adam Thompson      1870     Argentina      Bell Ville                 FRAILE MUERTO            
Douglas             Alice                         1869     Argentina      Buenos Aires         Consul Record BA         
Douglas             George T                 1909     Peru           Huinac                       Consul Record            
Douglas             William                    1863     Argentina      Buenos Aires           Mulhall foreigners index 
Douglas             James                     1875     Surinam        Unknown                  SCOTTISH WILLS           
Douglas             Robert                    1868     Guyana         Demerara                 SCOTTISH WILLS           
Douglas             Mary                       1881     Brazil         Unknown                     CENSUS UK 1881           
Douglas             Agnes                     1901     Brazil         Unknown                    CENSUS UK 1901           
Douglas             Archibold                1901     Brazil         Bahia                          CENSUS UK 1901           
Douglas             George                   1901     Brazil         Unknown                   CENSUS UK 1901           
Douglas             Mary                       1901     Brazil         Unknown                   CENSUS UK 1901           
Douglas             Mary Jane               1857     Brazil         Rio de Janeiro           Enquiry                  
Douglas             David                                   Argentina      Buenos Aires         Enquiry                  
Douglas             William Francis        c1880    Brazil         Rio de Janeiro           Enquiry                  
Douglas             George William         1881     Brazil         Rio de Janeiro           Enquiry                  
DOUGLAS             James                    1874     Surinam        Paramaribo            SURANIM GRAVES           
Douglas             J. T. M.                      1917     Argentina      Río Gallegos           RED CROSS DONOR WW1      
Douglas             Mr. & Mrs.                 1917     Argentina      unknown                RED CROSS DONOR WW1      
Douglas             Commodore John      1818     Brazil         Rio de Janeiro           GENTLEMANS MAGAZIUNE     
Douglas             Robert                      1868     Guyana         Demerara                Enquiry                  
Douglas             Jas. A.                      1902     Chile          Bethesda                   CHILE MASONIC SOCIETIES  
Douglas Hamilton    Frederick             1887     Ecuador        Unknown                Journal                  
Douglass            William                    1832     Argentina      Buenos Aires            List of subscribers       
DOUGLASS            W.                        1914     Argentina                                      RAILWAY DIRECTOR REPORT  
Douglas            Katharine Violet       1910     Argentina      Hurlingham               Contributed
Douglas            Charles Sholto         1915     Argentina      Buenos Aires             Contributed - brother of above
Douglas            Margaret Elizabeth   1918     Uruguay       Punta Del Este          Contributed - sister of above

Marriage Notices from the Wigtownshire Free Press
DOUGLAS, Helen - M25/3/1863 - At Wigtown, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. James Fleming, Whithorn, Mr James D. Fraser, youngest son of Mr Alexander Fraser, farmer, Kilsture, to Helen, only daughter of the late James Douglas, Esq., merchant, Rio de Janeiro.



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    Last modified: Thursday, 23 January 2025