Click to enlarge family tree |
Anguissola , daughter of Ludovico and
Giovanna Scotti Douglas, married to Gerardo Bravi |
Balbo Bertone 1824-1861, daughter of
Vittorio Amedeo and Luisa Carlotta Pallavicino, married to Gian
Filippo Gallarati Scotti in 1848 |
Calciati , married to Gaetano Scotti
Douglas (Ancestors not located) |
Marsciano (di) 1718-1792, daughter of
Alessandro and Maria Renea Scotti Douglas, married to Giovanni
Scotti |
Meli Lupi di Soragna , daughter of
Diofebo and Isabella Sanvitale, married to Paolo Scotti Douglas
Scotti , married to Giovanni Taverna |
Maria Scotti , married to Giovanni Taverna
Ancestors not located) |
Maria Scotti , married to Camillo Cavazzi
della Somaglia
(Ancestors not located)
Descendancy chart [pdf} |
Maria Scotti Douglas , daughter of
Paolo, married to Carlo Torelli d'Aragona Visconti |
Maria Scotti Douglas (of Piacenza), married to Camillo
Cavazzi della Somaglia
(Ancestors not located - but note the descendants include Visconti
and Scotti Douglas) |
Maria Scotto , married to Giovanni
Groppo |
No details available |
Maria Scotto , daughter of Leonardo and
Bartolomea Cattaneo Mallone, married to Ambrogio Noaro
Maria Scotto , daughter of Argone and Caterina
Spinola, married to Pietro Framura, Luciano Recco, Marco Spinola |
Ettore Scotti Douglas, Conte d'Fombio
married Luiga d'Adda |