London Merchants
An alphabetical List of the Names and Places of Abode of the
Directors of Companies, Persons in Public Business, Merchts., and
other eminent Traders in the Cities of London and Westminster, and
Borough of Southwark in 1794.
Source: Kent's Directory for the
Year 1794. Cities of London and Westminster, & Borough of Southwark.
Douglas James, Mercht. 4, Crescent, Minories - see
Samuel Douglas
Douglas & Shaw,
Merchts. 1, America Square, Ditto
Douglas C. Stock broker, 6,
Bartholomew la. or Stock Exchange
Douglas F. Coal Mercht. &
Wharfinger, Millbank st. Westminster
Douglas John, Tobacco &
Snuff Manufactory, 20, Artillery street, Bishopsgate without
Douglas Alexander, Mercht. 3, Finsbury Square - of
Baads, and Tobago; possibly the
brother-in-law of Sir James Douglas,
the British Consul General in Naples.
Wakefield's Merchant and Tradesman's General Directory for London

The Post-Office annual directory for 1814 Volume 15
Douglas &
Wilson, Ship & Insur.Brokers, 12, Bishopsgate-within
Douglas &
Chevalier, Stock-brokers, Whalebone-co. Lothbury
Doiiglas & Son,
Silk-weavers, 46, Bow-lane
Douglas & Shaw, Merchts* 11,
America-Square,, Minories - as above
Douglas George, Mercht. 46,.Chiswell-Street
Douglas James, Stationer, 35, Wapping-wall
Douglas J. Tobacco &
Snuff Manuf. 1, Artillery-St. Bishopsgate
Douglas Rob.
Ship-chandler, Sail & Mst Maker, 305, Wapping,
1843 Post Office, London Directory

1. Frances Douglas, goldsmith
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