English Furniture Makers

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Douglas, —, London, chairmaker (1793). Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793.

Douglas, —, London. Supplied a set of dining tables to Alexander Wedderburn costing £25 4s in 1794. [Scottish RO, GD 164/Box 20/177/2–3]

Douglas, —, address unrecorded, cm (1803). Subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Douglas, Adam, Egypt St, Liverpool, cm and u (1835–39). Trading at no. 3 in 1835; no. 7 in 1837; and no. 13 in 1839. [D]

Douglas, Archibald, Clerkenwell, London, cm (1776). Insured houses for £1,000 with Thomas Richardson, carpenter, in 1776. [GL, Sun MS vol. 248, ref. 368905]

Douglas, Daniel, Bedford Ct, Bedford St, London, cm (1782). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1782 for £200 of which utensils, stock and goods accounted for £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 301, p. 611]

Douglas, Daniel, 19 Mercer St, London, cm (1782). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1782 for £200 of which utensils, stock and goods accounted for £100. [GL, Sun MS vol. 298, p. 312]

Douglas, George, Clothmarket, Newcastle, cm and joiner (1838). [D]

Douglas, J., 9 Bedford Pl., Southampton, Hants., carver and gilder (1834–39). [D]

snippetDouglas (or Dugler), John, Leicester, cm and joiner (1761–69). The John Dugler app. to Joseph Johnson, cm and joiner of Leicester, from 10 October 1761 is probably the John Douglas, admitted freeman on 17 June 1790. Mahogany bureau recorded bearing the words ‘John Douglas, Leicester, January 17th 1769’ written in pencil on the botton. [Leicester freemen rolls; Furn. Hist., 1976, pl. 36A]

Douglas, John, Northampton, cm (1784–98). Recorded in Bridge St in 1784 and Sheep St, 1796. [D; poll bks]

Douglas, John, London, chairmaker, cm and upholder (1809–28). Trading at 5 King St, Old St, Islington, 1809–11; 50 Paddington St, Marylebone, 1817–19; and 8 Richmond St, Old St, Islington, 1820–28. [D]

Douglas, John, Whitehaven, Cumb., cm (1828–34). Trading at 6 Church St, 1828–29, and George St, 1829–34. [D]

Douglas, Joseph, 3 Little Peter St, Westminster, London, carver and gilder (1820). [D]

Douglas, Joseph, 9 Bedford Pl., Southampton, Hants., carver and gilder (1830–39). [D]

Douglas, William, 42 Little Sutton St, Clerkenwell, London, chair and sofa manufacturer (1829). [D]

Douglass, Daniel, Hart St, London, cm (1774). [Poll bk]

Douglass, Francis, Portsea, Portsmouth, Hants., cm and upholder (1775). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1775 for £1,300 of which utensils and stock accounted for £400. [GL, Sun MS vol. 238, p. 164]

Douglass, James, Claypath, Durham, joiner and cm (1816). Announcement concerning end of partnership with Hopper and continuation of business alone, Durham County Advertiser, 16 March 1816. Added that ‘he now has a choice assortment of mahogany dining & claw tables, a variety of chairs & an excellent wardrobe to dispose of.’ See also here>>>

Douglass, Robert, Newport, Isle of Wight, Hants., chairmaker (1722). Took app. named Swaine in 1722.


Sources for this article include:

  • Dictionary of English Furniture Makers 1660-1840. Originally published by W.S. Maney and Son Limited, Leeds, 1986.

  • Any contributions will be gratefully accepted


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    Last modified: Thursday, 23 January 2025