Chelsea pensioners

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A Chelsea pensioner is an in-pensioner at the Royal Hospital Chelsea, a retirement home and nursing home for former members of the British Army located in Chelsea, London. Historically, however, the phrase applied more widely, referring to both in-pensioners and out-pensioners.

Still to research, but with these army numbers, I assume that they were Crimean War veterans.

Douglas, Alexander, 690, Cpl, 3rd WIR

Douglas, Andrew, 390, Private, 2nd D Gds

Douglas, George, 819, Cpl, 10th Hussars

Douglas, James, 2089, Private, 48th Foot

Douglas, John, 1582, Private, 72nd Highs

Douglas, Robert, 828, Private, 3rd WIR

1.  Prior to 1920 each regiment issued their own service numbers which were unique only within that regiment, so the same number could be issued many times in different regiments. When a serviceman moved, he would be given a new service number by his new regiment.

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Last modified: Thursday, 23 January 2025