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Douglases with Burns Connections





Dr Patrick Douglas of Garrallan


Charles Douglas - Brother of Dr Patrick Douglas of Garallan, whose Jamaican estate, near Port Antonio, he managed. He offered Burns the position of book-keeper when the poet meditated emigration.


Daniel Douglas - Daniel or Dawnie. A highlander who kept a tavern in Anchor Close, off the High Street, Edinburgh, where the Crochallan Fencibles met. His singing of the Gaelic air 'Crodh Chailein', or 'Colin's Cattle' gave the Club the first part of their name. (The Crochallan Fencibles was not as the name implies, a military organisation, but a drinking club)


Dunbar Douglas, fourth Earl of Selkirk


Sir William and James Douglas -brothers of Carlinwark. Sir William had the name of the town changed to Castle Douglas by Royal Warrant. They also owned Orchardton.

Burns mentions them in his Second Heron Election Ballad:

"An' there'll be Douglasses doughty,
New christening towns far and near..."


William Douglas,  third Earl of March and fourth Duke of Queensberry


"All hail, Drumlanrig's haughty Grace —
Discarded remnant of a race
Once godlike, great in story!
His forbears virtues all contrasted —
The very name of Douglas blasted
His that inverted glory!
"Hate, envy, oft the Douglas bore;
But he has superadded more
And sunk them in contempt!
Follies and crimes have stained the name,
But, Queensberry, thine the virgin claim,
From aught that's good exempt!"



See also:

  • Burns and the Douglas connection

  • Burns and slavery


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    Last modified: Thursday, 23 January 2025