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Douglases involved in the book trade


DOUGLAS, Archibald apprentice bookbinder Edinburgh
Edinburgh 1717
Son to the deceased Colonel James Douglas of the Foot Guards, apprenticed to Herbert Wilson bookbinder 15 November 1717.

DOUGLAS, Edward printseller and publisher Edinburgh
33 West Register Street 1838
lithographer same address 1839
Edin Dir; Schenck

DOUGLAS [DOUGLASS], Francis printer and bookseller Aberdeen
Aberdeen 1748-51
Francis Douglass & William Murray Broadgate 1752-7
Francis Douglas Broadgate 1757-60
Aberdeen 1761-68
Born 1719; Printing-House Castle Street 1762; succeeded by John Boyle; died 1786.
NLS Impr Ind

DOUGLAS, George paper merchant Edinburgh
Edinburgh 1774
James Dodsley of London sued him for publishing an edition of Chesterfield's Letters printed by Colin M'Farquar in Edinburgh 1774-75.
McDougall. Smugglers

DOUGLAS, George bookseller and stationer Edinburgh
69 George Street 1850-52
Edin Dir

DOUGLAS, George Abercromby bookseller and stationer Edinburgh
19 Castle Street 1826-37
EdinDir; Pigot 1837

DOUGLASS [DOUGLAS], John bookseller, stationer and stampseller Port Glasgow
Town Buildings, Fore Street 1834-36
Fore Street 1837
bookseller Town Buildings 1852
Fowler 1834; 1836; Pigot 1837; Slater 1852

DOUGLAS, Kenneth bookseller Tain and Inverness
Tain 1820-25
Inverness 1826-36
2 High Street 1837-52
and engraver and lithographer same address 1853-ca 1866
2 Bridge Street ca 1866-ca 1870
Purchased the business of the deceased Robert Baillie Lusk in 1826. Circulating Library 1852. Advertised in Inverness Advertiser 9 August 1853 for apprentice for engraving & lithographic business.
Pigot 1837; Slater 1852; William Simpson. Old Inverness Booksellers. Inverness, 1931; Schenck

DOUGLAS, Niel printer Glasgow
161 Stockwell 1815
Glas Dir

DOUGLAS, Robert paper maker and stationer Edinburgh
Edinburgh 1775
Opposite Old Fish Market Close 1778
Foot of the Horse-wynd Cowgate 1780
East End of Grassmarket 1782
Married Isobel daughter to James Ker merchant 3 November 1765. David Willison printed a pirated edition of Sterne's Works for him in June 1775, for which Willison was prosecuted in Edinburgh by the London booksellers, Becket, Cadell and Strachan. Takes in cloth for the Inglis Green bleachfield Edinburgh Evening Courant 19 February 1780.
EdinMarr; NLS Impr Ind; McDougall. Smugglers

DOUGLAS, Robert apprentice bookseller Edinburgh
Edinburgh 1791
Son of Robert Douglas, gardener at Glencorse, apprenticed to Adrian Watkins, H.M. Stationer for Scotland for 7 years 31 March 1791.

DOUGLAS, Robert bookseller &c. Tain
Kenneth Douglas 1820-25
Douglas & Co 1826
Robert Douglas Terrace 1837
Pigot 1837; William Simpson. Old Inverness Booksellers. Inverness, 1931

DOUGLAS, William engraver Edinburgh
5 College Street 1837-39
50 South College Street 1840
5 Roxburghe Place 1841-43
10 Buccleugh Place 1844-45
22 Society 1846
5 South College Street 1847-49
2 Greyfriars' Place 1850
engraver and house agent same address 1851-52
Edin Dir; Johnst3

DOUGLAS, William bookseller, stationer and writing ink maker Glasgow
61 Nelson Street 1844-49
Glas Dir

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Last modified: Thursday, 23 January 2025