Douglas Births in Jedburgh

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Jedburgh, Roxburghshire – Douglas – Baptisms & Births


George Dowglass 24/8/1766 – George Dowglass & Agness Oliver Or Douglas; George a gardener and tenant of Howden, Jedburgh
Benjamin Douglass 28/12/1768 – George Douglass & Agness Oliver  
Robert Duglass birth 2/8/1748 bap 7/8/1748 – Robert Duglass & Margaret Oliver  
Robert Douglas birth 19/12/1810 – Thomas Douglas & Ann Scott. Thomas Douglas was a Carrier in Jedburgh. Thomas and Ann had – John, Janet, Robert, Marion, Ann and Margaret.
Isobel Dowglas birth 20/3/1762 bap 14/4/1762 – George Dowglass & Agness Oliver  
Isabella Douglas 3/4/1826 – Ninian Douglas & Esther Scott  
John Dowglass 28/10/1759 – George Dowglass & Agness Oliver  
John Douglas 26/10/1802 – Thomas Douglas & Ann Scott  
Christian Dowglass birth 2/4/1750 bap 29/4/1750 – George Dowglass & Agness Oliver  
Christian Dowglass birth 5/4/1756 bap 2/5/1756 – George Dowglass & Agness Oliver  
James Duglas birth 8/11/1748 bap 20/11/1748 – George Duglas & Agnes Oliver  
James Dowglass birth 5/3/1759 bap 6/5/1759 – James Dowglass & Agness Hamilton  
James Dowglass 10/5/1761 – James Dowglass & Agness Hamilton  
James Dowglass birth 21/5/1764 bap 27/5/1764 – George Dowglass & Agness Oliver  
William Douglas birth 26/5/1842 bap 6/8/1842 – John Douglas & Agnes Oliver. This John Douglas was a Shepherd. John and Agnes had Robert, Eliza, George, William, Thomas and James. John and Agnes (Oliver) Douglas were buried at Southdean.
Joan Douglas birth 22/7/1821 bap 24/2/1822 – Alexander Douglas & Jean Scott  
Ninian Dowglass 2/9/1753 – George Dowglass & Agness Oliver  
Mary Dowglas 25/9/1757 – George Dowglass & Agness Oliver  
Marion Douglas birth 20/12/1812 – Thomas Douglas & Ann Scott  
Ann Dowglass birth 30/11/1750 bap 21/10/1750 – Robert Dowglass & Margrate Oliver  
Ann Douglas birth 26/12/1824 – Thomas Douglas & Ann Scott  
Jannat Douglass birth 1/1/1752 bap 5/1/1752 – George Douglass & Agness Olipher  
Janat Dowglass 17/12/1753 – James Dowglass & Agness Hamilton  
Janet Douglas birth 31/5/1808 – Thomas Douglas & Ann Scott  
Margaret Douglas birth 6/4/1817 – Thomas Douglas & Ann Scott  
Elizabeth Douglas 25/2/1753 – Robert Dowglass & Margrate Oliver  
Thomas Douglas birth 21/2/1845 bap 12/6/1845 – John Douglas & Agnes Oliver.  This John Douglas was a Shepherd.
Agness Dowglass 6/4/1755 - George Dowglass & Agness Oliver  
Alexander Douglas birth 9/3/1825 – Alexander Douglas & Jean Scott  
James Douglas Mar 1705  
James Douglas 15/2/1702  
James Douglas 15/9/1717- John Douglass  
John Douglas 20/5/1711 – Alexander Douglas  
John Douglass 23/2/1707 – Andrew Douglass  
John Douglas 22/6/1712 – George Douglas  
John Douglas 6/8/1717 – James Douglas. May be the son of James Douglas 1669.
John Dowglas 23/1/1709 – William Dowglas  
Robert Douglas 24/9/1707 – Andrew Douglas  
Robert Douglass 17/10/1703 – James Douglass  
Robert Dowglas 13/2/1709 – Adam Dowglas  
Walter Douglas 5/3/1821 – Charles Douglas & Elisabeth Tait  
Walter Douglas 8/3/1786 – John Douglas & Mary Newton  
Walter Dowglas 23/6/1734 – James Dowglas  
John Douglas or Miller 14/7/1764 – Douglas & Helen Miller  
John Douglas 21/7/1776 – Adam Douglas & Isabel Hope. Adam Douglas was a Tenant in Ulston.
John Douglass 2/9/1724 – Archibald Douglass  
John Douglas 13/7/1726 – George Douglas  
Ninion Douglas 27/3/1792 – James Douglas & Jean Oliver  
Patrick Douglass 2/9/1753 – Robert Douglass  
Robert Douglas 20/12/1829 – John Douglas & Helen Smith  
Robert Douglas 15/8/1780 – Robert Douglas & Isabel Taylor.  Robert Douglas was a tenant and Carrier in Ulston.
Robert Douglas 28/9/1804 – Robert Douglas & Margaret Dickieson  
Robert Douglas 30/7/1810 – Robert Douglas & Margaret Dickieson  
Robert Douglas 16/1/1774 – Adam Douglas & Isabel Hope  
Robert Douglas 24/8/1774 – Archbald Douglas & Hellen Bennet  
John Douglass 26/3/1721 – James Douglass  
John Douglass 5/4/1724 – James Douglass  
John Douglass 26/3/1727 – James Douglass  
John Douglass 19/3/1721 – John Douglass  
John Douglas 19/10/1794 – John Douglas & Mary Newton  
John Douglas 15/9/1812 - Robert Douglas & Margaret Dickieson  
John Douglas 20/2/1720 – William Douglas  
Andrew Douglas 11/3/1781 – Adam Douglas & Isabel Hope  
Andrew Douglass 22/1/1772 – Archibald Douglas & Helen Bennet  
Andrew Douglass 4/12/1726 – James Douglass  
Mungo Douglass 9/8/1719 – John Douglass  
Andrew Douglass 28/11/1742 – Thomas Douglass  
Archibald Douglas 28/10/1832 – John Douglas & Helen Smith  
Archibald Douglas 17/3/1778 – Archibald Douglas & Helen Bennet  
Archibald Douglas 26/10/1751 – John Douglass, This John Douglas was a Surgeon and Baillie in Jedburgh. He may have been John Douglas 1720, brother of Archibald Douglas 10 th of Timpendean. John and Archibald Douglas were witnesses to some of the Baptisms of each other’s children.
  John Douglas Surgeon was the father of another child born in 1753.
Archibald Douglas 29/9/1725 – William Douglas  
George Douglass 18/9/1720 – James Douglass  
George Douglas 18/2/1788 – James Douglas & Jean Oliver  
George Douglas 15/11/1826 – John Douglas & Helen Smith  
George Douglas 28/6/1825 – William Douglas & Janet Selkirk  
Douglas 28/5/1842 – Walter Douglas  
Robert Douglas 21/3/1671 – James Douglas  
Jonet Douglas 21/12/1639 – William Douglas  
Margaret Douglas 19/5/1672 – Archbald Douglas  
Mergaret Douglas 15/8/1644 – Adam Douglas  
Rebecka Douglas 22/10/1674 – Archbald Douglas  
Issobell Douglas 14/8/1692 – James Douglass  
Isabell Dowglas 12/3/1661 – George Dowglas  
Isabell Dowglas 6/9/1674 – William Dowglas  
Isobell Dowglas 15/2/1674 - Fancie (Lancie?)Dowglas  
Isobell Dowglas 9/4/1676 – Adam Dowglas  
Isobell Dowglas 4/4/1677 – William Dowglas  
Issabell Dowglas 1/3/1674 – John Dowglas  
Janett Dowglass 20/6/1667 – John Dowglas  
Janett Dowglass 26/6/1670 – George Dowglass  
Janett Dowglas 9/2/1673 – John Dowglas  
Jonatt Dowglas 14/2/1677 – Walter Dowglas  
Jonet Dowglas 26/12/1675 – James Dowglas  
Jonet Dowglas 2/10/1687 – Andrew Dowglas  
Jonett Dowglas 7/9/1679 – John Dowglas  
Jonett Dowglas 3/5/1685 – Adam Dowglas  
Margaret Dowglas 17/6/1666 – George Dowglas  
Margaret Dowglas 24/2/1672 – George Dowglas  
Margaret Dowglas 4/1/1688 – George Dowglas  
Marion Dowglas 25/12/1683 – William Douglas  
Francis Douglas 17/9/1674 – James Douglas  
Adam Douglas 3/12/1671 – Lancie Douglas  
Adam Dowglas 4/5/1679 – George Dowglas  
Adam Dowglas 17/8/1681 - Adam Dowglas  
Andrew Douglas 23/12/1677 – James Douglas  
Andrew Dowglas 20/3/1681 – John Dowglas  
Archbald Dowglas 27/2/1678 – Archbald Dowglas  
George Dowglas 27/2/1681 – George Dowglas  
Thomas Douglas 26/5/1762. This child was born to Margaret Douglas (Unknown father). He was baptised on 10/8/1770.
James Douglass 22/1/1693 – Andrew Douglass  
William Douglass 20/4/1692 – George Douglass  
William Douglass 5/11/1699 – James Douglass  
Walter Douglas birth 1825 – Charles Douglas & Thomasina Douglas  
Charles Douglas 1797  
Thomasina Douglas birth 1801  
Janet Douglas birth 1826 – David Douglas & Thomasina Douglas  
Jean Douglas c1738  
Ebenezer Douglass 4/6/1756 – Robert Douglass. Robert Douglas was a Tailor in Jedburgh.
Georg Douglas 24/5/1719 – James Douglas. 'Ours'
Gabriel Douglas 30/11/1784 – John Douglas & Mary Newton  
Janet Douglas c1817  
Jean Douglas 23/2/1819 – George Douglas & Janet Caverhill George was an innkeeper in Jedburgh
Douglass 4/9/1728 – Thomas James Douglass  
Douglass 7/7/1755 – Robert Douglass  
Douglass 25/10/1747 – Robert Douglass  
Douglass 1/4/1753 – John Douglass. Likely a child of John Douglas, Surgeon.
Douglass 16/1/1754 – John James Douglass  
Douglass 22/8/1742 – Adam Douglass  
Thomas Dowglas 22/7/1733 – George Dowglas  
Thomas Douglas 17/3/1815 – Robert Douglas & Margaret Dickieson  
Thomas Douglas 4/8/1792 – Robert Douglas & Isabel Taylor  
John Sword Douglas 16/3/1834 – Andrew Douglas & Christina Sword  
Helen Douglas birth 1814 – John Douglas & Ann Brunton John was a blacksmith
Margaret Douglas 25/2/1650 – John Douglas  
John Dowglas 4/8/1667 – Thomas Dowglas  
Thomas Douglas 19/11/1648 – Andro Douglas  
Walter Douglas 24/6/1640 – James Douglas  
William Douglas 15/10/1647 – George Douglas  
Johne Dowglas 25/7/1656 – Williame Dowglas  
Johne Dowglas 9/9/1660 – Archbald Dowglas  
Johne Dowglas 6/4/1662 – Archbald Dowglas  
Robert Dowglas 26/1/1655 – James Dowglas  
Robert Dowglas 14/12/1658 – James Dowglas  
Robert Johne Dowglas 5/8/1660 – Williame Dowglas  
Thomas Dowglas 9/12/1657 – Harrie Dowglas  
Thomas Dowglas 30/3/1660 – James Dowglas  
William Dowglas 6/8/1668 – John Dowglas  
Williame Dowglas 22/12/1655 – Archibald Dowglas  
Williame Dowglas 5/12/1658 – William Dowglas  
Williame Dowglas 21/10 1660 – Johne Dowglas  
Agnes Douglas 28/11/1823 – William Douglas &Janet Selkirk  
Elisabeth Douglas 16/11/1826 – George Douglas & Janet Caverhill  
Helen Douglas 16/11/1845 – George Douglas & Helen Goodall  
Betsy Douglas 9/12/1844 – James Douglas & Margaret Brown  
Mary Douglas 4/1/1832 – Robert Douglas & Helen Tait  
Mary Douglas 5/4/1837 – William Douglas & Jane Turnbull  
Marey Douglas 15/4/1838 – Robert Douglas & Helen Tait  
Margaret Douglas 28/9/1796 – John Douglas  
Jean Douglass or Wight 28/2/1827 – Douglass & Jean Wight  
Catharine Douglas 26/2/1834 – Robert Douglas & Helen Tait  
Christian Douglas 4/5/1834 – George Douglas & Christian Hall  
Janet Douglass – 6/9/1830 – Robert Douglass & Helen Tait  
Agnes Douglas 24/6/1835 – James Douglas & Margaret McDougal  
Christian Douglas birth 1844 – William Douglas & Christian Ballantine  
Douglass 23/10/1717 – Thomas Douglass  
Adam Douglass 24/10/1703 – Adam Douglass  
Andrew Dowglass 29/7/1714 – Walter Dowglass  
Janet Douglas birth 1831 – Douglas  
Elisabeth Douglas birth 12/1/1820 – William Douglas & Janet Selkirk  
Elisabeth Douglas 15/2/1829 – Walter Douglas & Agnes Douglas  
Helen Smith Douglas 22/8/1835 – John Douglas & Helen Smith  
Hannah Douglas birth 7/7/1844 – James Douglas & Barbara Oliver  
Helen Douglas birth 4/12/1832 – William Douglas & Janet Selkirk  
Betty Douglas birth 21/8/1823 – John Douglas & Helen Smith  
Mary Douglas 6/12/1824 – John Douglas & Helen Smith  
Sarah Douglas 27/4/1816 – William Douglas & Janet Selkirk  
Annie Douglass 17/5/1789 – John Douglass  
Betty Douglass 19/5/1782 – John Douglass & Agnes Hall  
Bettie Dowglass 19/7/1767 – Thomas Dowglass & Bettie Scot  
Isobel Dowglass 4/4/1762 – George Dowglass & Agnes Oliver  
Jean Dowglass 21/5/1769 – Thomas Dowglass & Bettie Scot  
Jean Dowglass 15/3/1775 – Thomas Dowglass & Bettie Scot  
Thomas Dowglas 4/3/1677 – George Dowglas  
James Dowglas 18/4/1677 – James Dowglass  
James Dowglas 18/12/1679 – Walter Dowglas  
John Dowglas 18/3/1669 – John Dowglas  
John Dowglas 17/12/1671 – John Dowglas  
John Dowglas 21/9/1673 – John Dowglas  
John Dowglas 12/10/1673 – John Dowglas  
John Dowglas 16/8/1674 – George Dowglas  
Douglas birth 28/5/1842 – Walter Douglas  
Adam Douglass 18/5/1740 – Adam Douglass.  This Adam Douglas (the father) was probably a Butcher in Jedburgh
Adam Douglas 10/1/1790 – James Douglas & Jean Oliver  
Adam Douglas 28/9/1788 – Robert Douglas & Isabel Taylor  
Thomas Douglas birth 13/3/1666 – John Douglas & Helen Graham  
Jean Douglas c1738  
Agnes Douglas 24/6/1835 – James Douglas & Margaret McDougal  
Andrew Dowglas 2/9/1666 – James Dowglas  
Andro Dowglas 5/12/1658 – William Douglas  
George Dowglas 10/11/1661 – Williame Dowglas  
Hew Dowglas 11/2/1666 – Archibald Dowglas  
James Douglas 4/3/1659 – Archibald Dowglas  
James Dowglas 27/12/1662 – James Dowglas  
James Dowglas 17/10/1664 – John Dowglas  
Anna Dowglas 16/4/1663 – John Dowglas  
Anna Dowglas 28/8/1664 – John Dowglas  
Barbrie Dowglas 25/10/1657 – James Dowglas  
Bessie Dowglas 25/11/1657 – Archbald Dowglas  
Christian Dowglas 17/12/1680 – John Dowglas  
Agnis Douglas 20/9/1662 – Johne Douglas  
Alieson Douglas 14/7/1670 – James Douglas  
Alisone Douglas 22/1/1663 – William Douglas & Alison Turnbull William is 7th of Timpendean
Alisone Douglas 21/7/1686 – John Douglas  
Deborah Douglas 15/8/1651 – Harie Douglas  
Elisabeth Douglas 13/9/1657 – Williame Douglas & Alison Turnbull  
Elspeth Douglas 25/12/1653 – Johne Douglas  
Helen Douglas 18/3/1666 – John Douglas  
Isobell Douglas 28/7/1639 – Andro Douglas  
Jenat Douglas 16/2/1646 – Johne Douglas  
Christian Douglas 7/1/1790 – John Douglas & Mary Newton  
Jean Douglas 28/2/1788 – John Douglas & Mary Newton John was a Master Clock and Watch maker, Jedburgh




Sources for this article include:
  • Sally E. Douglas

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    Last modified: Friday, 17 May 2024