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Index of first names

Ministers of the Synods of Lothian and Tweeddale 





ALEXANDER DOUGLAS, licen. by Presb. of Biggar 14th June 1716; ord. to Skirling 29th April 1718; dep. 1719; reponed 1721; pres. by George I., and
adin. 28th Oct. 1725; died 5th Sept. 1749. He marr. Isabella (died 4th June 1775), daugh. of Andrew Houston of Calder, and had issue-Sholto;
Alexander, merchant in St Kitts; Jean (marr. Aretas B. Akers of St Kitts); Robert, planter in St Kitts; Isabella; Mary (marr. James Stoddart, min. of
Kirkintilloch); John Leigh, lieut. R.N.-[Acts of Ass., Wodrow's Anal., Burke's Commoners.]

ALEXANDER DOUGLAS, M.A.; pres. by James, Marquess of Douglas, and inst. 28th Sept. 1675; trans. to Douglas in 1678.

ALEXANDER DOUGLAS, called 11th Nov. 1717; ord, 29th April 1718; dep. 12th Nov. 1719; reponed 8th Nov. 1721; [afterwards of East Calder].

ALEXANDER DOUGLAS, M.A. (Edinburgh, 25th July 1607); janitor of Edinburgh Univ. 6th Jan. 1608; ord. 1612; died in June 1653, aged about 66. He
marr. (1) (cont. 25th Oct. 1615, Reg. of Deeds, cclxviii., 275) Agnes Messer, who died July 1633, and had issue-William; Archibald, buried 8th April
1647: (2) Janet Paterson, and had issue-James; Helen; Agnes. - [Craufurd's and Bower's Hists., Univ. Edin., Haddingt. Presb., and Test. Reg.

ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS, son of John D., burgess of Edinburgh; pres. by James VI. 30th July 1574, when Linton and Newlands were also under his care;
removed to West Linton before 1576, but returned about 1585; was refused collation to Skirling 20th June 1592, and died before 19th April 1616. -
[Reg. Assig.; Edin. Preb Test. and Edin. Comte. Regs.; Calderwood''s Hist., Wodrow Miscell.]

ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS, attended the Synod 12th Oct. 1586. Being min. of Peebles, he had also charge of Manor; died 1610.-[Calderwood's Hist., iv.]

ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS, son of William D. of Cavers; pres. to the Archdeaconry of Glasgow by James VI. 8th June 1573; died before 20th April 1610.
His son John, “parson of Kilbucho," was served heir 28th Dec. 1610; another son was killed by William Horsburgh of that ilk, 1610; and his daugh.
Agnes marr. John Galloway, M.A., writer, Edinburgh (P. C. Reg,, lx., 44; Reg. of Deeds, ccclxi., 6).-[Reg. Assig., Edin. Presb. Reg., Booke of the Kirk,
MS. Tak of Ettilston; Calderwood's Hist., iv.; Inq. Ret. Peebl., 45, 129-et Gen., 517; Wodrow, Miscell.]

ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS, removed from Kirkurd, Kirkurd and Newlands being also in the charge; continued in West Linton in 1578, but returned to Kirkurd
in 1585.-[Reg. Assig.]

1681 ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS, M.A.; trans. from Newton, and inst. New Battle 7th July 1681; deprived 23rd Nov. following, for refusing the Test; adm.
to Saltoun in 1684.—[Wodrow's Hist.]

ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS, M.A.; trans. from Cavers to Newton and Woomet; pres. by John, Duke of Lauderdale, and inst. 24th Sept. 1673; trans. to
Newbattle in 1681.-[Reg. Collat., New Stat, Acc.]

ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS, M.A.; app. by Presb. jure devoluto, 11th May 1642 in Baro; adm. 5th, coll. 19th April, and
inst. 8th May 1643; trans. to Saltoun 23nd Sept. 1646.

ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS, M.A. (Edinburgh, 28th July 1627); schoolmaster of Musselburgh; licen. by Presb. of Dalkeith 27th Oct. 1631; min. of Bara
1643; trans. and adm. 23rd Sept. 1646; pres. by Charles I. 30th Oct. following; died 1658, aged about 51. He marr. Helen Mawer, who survived him,
and had issue - Helen (marr. William Ogilvie, merchant, Edinburgh) (Privy Seal Reg. Eng., ii., 214). She was alive and had many children, 1697
(ibid.).-[Reg. Sec. Sig. and Old Dec., i.]

ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS, youngest son of Douglas of Tilwhilly; M.A. (Edinburgh, 19th July 1661); licen. by Presb. of Kelso 1663; ord. to Douglas 1663;
traps. to Cavers 1664, to Newton 1673, to Newbattle 1681; deprived for refusing the Test 1681; adm. (interim preacher) in Jan. 1683; inst. 24th
July 1684; died 31st March 1696, aged about 55. He marr. 27th July 1694, Janet, daugh. of William Carmichael, min. of Ewes, and had issue
Archibald, merchant, Pittenweem, wagon master-general to British Forces, died 1743, whose son, John, D.D., became Bishop of Salisbury; Helen;
Janet.[M.S. Acc. of Min., 1689; Scots Mag., lxix.]

JOHN DOUGLAS of Escheillis [Eshiels], son and heir of Archibald D., archdeacon of Glasgow, M.A. (Edinburgh, 29th July 1603) ; min. of Kilbucho
1.614; trans. and adm. 1616; died between 24th Oct. and 21st -Nov. same year. He marr. Margaret, sister of William Douglas of Cavers, who
survived him, and marr. secondly, Robert Livingstone, min. of Skirling, having had issue by her first husband - William; James (Peebles Inhib., ii., 60;
Reg. of Deeds, dxlv., 511).

JOHN DOUGLAS, M.A., min. in 1614; trans. to Broughton 1616. - [Reg. Assig.]

JOHN DOUGLAS, reader at Clerkington -1576; is styled vicar and reader 1577; pres. by James, Lord Torphichen, 16th July 1577; removed in
1588.— [Acts and Dec., 71, 285.]

NINIAN DOUGLAS, adm. (at Peebles) 17th Dec. 1640; dep. 6th Nov. 1644, for falsifying and vitiating a bond, etc.; reponed 4th Nov, 1647. He marr.
Margaret Reid, who died 31st Oct. 1663. [Canongate Reg. (Bur.).]

ROBERT DOUGLAS, styled " perpetual vicar of Stobo,'' 1580.

ROBERT DOUGLAS, son of Robert, an illegitimate son of Sir George D. of Lochleven, brother of William, fifth Earl of Morton. Educated at Univ. of St
Andrews; M.A. (1614); licen. about 1617. Almost immediately afterwards he was engaged as chaplain to one of the brigades of Scottish auxiliaries
co-operating with Gustavus Adolphus in the Thirty Years' War. During that period he is said to have had no other book to read but the Bible, and
committed nearly the whole of it to memory. Returning to Scotland he became min. of Second Charge, Kirkcaldy, in 1628. He was a member of
Assembly in 1638, and was trans. in 1639 to the Second Charge of St Giles, Edinburgh. In 1641 he was removed to the Tolbooth Parish. He was
Moderator of Assembly 1642 also in 1645, 1647,1649, and 1651. In 1643 he was elected acommissioner to the Assembly of Divines at Westminster.
In 1644 he was chaplain to one of the Scots Regiments in England. In 1649 he was again min. of St Giles, and assisted in the presentation of the
Solemn League and Covenant to Parliament. In 1650 he was one of the mins. who waited on Charles II. at Dunfermline, to obtain his signature to a
declaration of religion, when Charles refused to sign, and a serious division of the Church ensued. Douglas became a leader of the Resolutioners, the
moderate party. On 1st Jan. 1651 he preached at the coronation of Charles II. at Scone. Sent prisoner to London by Cromwell in 1653, he was soon
released. In 1654 he was summoned to London (with others) to consult with the Protector upon the affairs of the Church of Scotland. In 1659 he
preached the sermon at the opening of Heriot's Hospital. In 1661 he preached before Parliament. After the Restoration he was offered the Bishopric
of Edinburgh, but indignantly declined, and remonstrated with Sharp for accepting the Archbishopric of St Andrews. On 27th June 1662 he was
translated to Greyfriars, Edinburgh, but refusing to conform to Episcopacy, he was deprived 1st Oct. of the same year. He was admitted as an
"indulged minister" to Pentcaitland 2nd Sept. 1669, and died (buried 6th) Feb. 1674. " No man," it was said, " contributed more to the Restoration,
and received less benefit from it." He marr. (1) Margaret Kirkaldy, and had issue -James, of Earnslaw (life Sas., xii., 289); Thomas, who died before
1667, when Alexander is called second son (G. R. Inhib., 12th March 1680); Janet; Alexander, min. of Logie; Patrick, bapt. 28th Jan. 1642 (marr.
Margaret Lothian), died before 1673 (G. R. Inhib, 26th Jan. 1674); Elizabeth, bapt. 3rd Jan. 1643; Archibald, bapt. 8th Jan. 1644; Robert: (2) 20th
Aug. 1646, Margaret Boyd, who survived him, and was buried 13th July 1692, and had issue-Robert; Margaret, bapt. 18th July 1658. Publications-
The Diary of Mr. Robert Douglas when with the Scottish Army in England (1644); The Sermon preached at Scone, January the first, 1651, at the
Coronation of Charles II. (1651) Mlaster Douglas, his Sermon preached at the Down Sitting of the last Parliament of Scotland (1661). [Kirkton's,
Burnet's, and Wodrow's Hists.; Law's Memorials, Guthrey's Memoirs; Notes and Queries (1st series), iv., 299, (2nd series), vi., 50-1 ; Dict. Nat.

THOMAS DOUGLAS, adm. May 1570; trans. to Dalkeith about 1573 from Strathbrock. [Reg. Min. Colleg. Ch., Mid-Lothian.]

THOMAS DOUGLAS, in the service of Archibald, Earl of Forfar; passed trials before Presb. of Dalkeith, and received a testimonial 4th Sept. 1684 for
license, and was ord. a deacon; inst. before 18th May 1686. He deserted his charge (Skirling?), and was deprived by the Act of Parliament 25th April
1690, restoring the Presbyterian ministers. He marr. 27th Jan. 1687, Helen Forrest.-[Edin. Reg. (Marr.); MS. Acc. of Min., 1689; Rule's Sec.

THOMAS DOUGLAS of Clapperton, son of Robert D. of Pumpherston, min. of Strathbrock, now Uphall, 1570; adm. here 1573; pres. to the Deanery of
Restalrig by James VI. 10th Nov., with consent of the prebendaries and chapter; in 1575 he had also charge of Lasswade and Glencorse; died in
June 1575. He marr. Marion Hamilton, who survived him, and had issue—James, his heir.—[Reg. Assig., Colleg. Ch. of Mid-Lothian, Test. Reg.,
Wodrow Miscell.]

WILLIAM DOUGLAS of Stoneypath, brother of Sir Archibald D. of Whittingehame; a decreet arbitral between him and John Sinclair anent the Kirk of
Spott was given in Douglas's favour 8th July 1641 (Reg. of Deeds, dxxx.); died 1642. He marr. Elizabeth Cranstoun, who survived him, and had
issue-Isobel (marr. Arthur Douglas, afterwards of Whittingehame).

WILLIAM DOUGLAS, pres. by Robert, Earl of Roxburghe, and Sir Archibald Douglas of Whittingehame, his own brother, 19th June 1627 (Reg. of Deeds,
cccxcvii., 20th June 1627); trans. to Spott 1631 from Whittingehame.





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