Lieutenant William Henry
Douglas, aged 23. Son of Lt-Col. Claud Douglas, Bengal Army.
HMS Queen (Naval Brigade) - killed - 11th April
Royal Naval Brigade cemetery, near Third Division Camp.
"To the memory of Lieutenant W.H. Douglas RN, Killed 11th April 1855 while
in battery with the RN Brigade at the siege of Sebastopol."
Captain Charles Aytone
Douglas - 51st Foot - killed near Lezaca, in the Pyrenees - 31st August 1813. Son
of Colonel Robert Douglas.
Captain John Graham Douglas
- 1/52nd Foot - wounded at Nive, 10th December 1813. died 23rd December.
Officers Killed -
Afghanistan 1838-42
Captain James Dundas DOUGLAS - 9th N.I. - Aged
39. Son of General Sir Howard, G.C.B. and Anne, of Edinburgh. Killed in action
in the Nazian Valley, Afghanistan 25th February 1841.
DOUGLAS - Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Baird -
3/Cameron Highlanders
Killed in action at Roodeval. 7th June 1900.
Douglas - Lieutenant Adam - 2/6th Bengal
Native Infantry - died 7th May 1812.
Grave at Karnal - "This monument .... memory of Lieut. A. Douglas late of
the 2 B. 6 Regt ob. Aug 7 1812. Ann Act 23 by his brother officers as a mark of
their esteem for the deceased."
Douglas - Captain Archibald Philip - 7th
Dragoon Guards - died 5th September
Grave at Kasauli - "To the memory of Archibald Philip Douglas Captain 7th
Princess Royal's Dragoon Guards who died at Kussowlie on the 5th of September
1863 aged 31 years. This monument was erected by his brother officers in token
of friendship and regard."
Douglas - Major Charles - 61st Foot -
died 30th July 1847.
Grave is in Ambala Cemetery - "Sacred to the memory of Major C. Douglas.
H.M.s 61st Regiment. Eldest son of Lieut. General Sir Howard Douglas, GCB, who
departed this life at Umballa on the 30th July 1847, Aged 40 years. deeply and
sincerely regretted by his friends who have erected this simple monument to his
memory and worth."
Douglas - Lieutenant-Colonel Hugh Maxwell -
Bombay Artillery - died 23rd July 1862.
Memorial at Dryfesdale Cemetery, Dumfries, Scotland - "Lt. Col. Hugh
Maxwell Douglas of the Royal Late Bombay Artillery who died in Edinburgh on 23
Jul 1862 age 38 after distinguished Service with his Reg. in India and
Douglas - Lieutenant-Colonel James - Bengal
Army - died 10th February 1878.
Grave at Cheltenham Borough Cemetery, Gloucestershire - "In loving memory
of Lieutenant Colonel James William Douglas, late of the Bengal Army and for
many years in the Political Department, Indore, Malwah. Deceased 10 February
1878 and of Fanny Douglas his wife, Deceased May 3rd 1893."
Douglas - Major James Mainwaring - Royal
Artillery - died 12th February 1887.
Served Afghanistan 1879-80 (medal and bar, star).
Grave at Kasauli - "In remembrance of Major James Mainwaring Douglas R.A.
born February 8th 1840 at Lankbeare House, Talaton, Devon. died at Jutogh 12th
February 1887."
Douglas - Captain John - 54th Foot - died
11th July 1796.
Douglas - Major-General Robert - died 7th June 1798.
Memorial in St. Mary Magdalen's church, Taunton, Somerset - "Sacred to the
Memory of Major-General Robert Douglas, who died June 7th 1798, aged 54,
Sincerely regretted by all his relatives & friends. After serving his
country forty years In all quarters of the globe, he fell a victim to the fatal
effects of climate. His remains lie interred near this spot. Also to the memory
of his son, John Douglas, Captain in the 54th Regt. of Foot, who died of the
yellow fever, at St. Kitt's, July 11th 1796, In the 22d year of his age. This
tribute of gratitude is erected by her who lives to deplore the loss of the best
of husbands and a beloved son
Guards Officers Memorial at the
Royal Military Chapel, Wellington Barracks (1882)
Campaign in Flanders, July 1691
Lieut-General Douglas , Colonel, Scotch Guards.
Battle of Fontenoy, May 11th 1745
Lieut-Colonel Douglas, 3rd Guards
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