Glasgow Post Office Directory, 1906

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 DOUGLAS, A. & J., Berlin wool and Shetland warehouse, 338 Sauchiehall st.; ho. 181 Pitt street.
Douglas, Alex, (at H. Gollan & Sons); house, 124 Gt. Hamilton st.
Douglas, Alex. H. (of Douglas & Douglas); ho. 46 Millbrae road, Langside.
Douglas, Alex. secy. Ogston & Tennant, Ltd., 80 Tennant street, St. RoUox.
Douglas, Alex, (of G.P.O.), ho. 234 Allison street
Douglas, Arch. Campbell, of Mains, 150 W. Regent street ; residence. Mains house, Milngavie.
Douglass Bros., Ltd., Blaydon-on-Tyne, makers of Rockliffe's patent steel doors for ships, and furnace fronts for boilers ; agent, Wm. Nimmo, 5 Oswald st
Douglas, Campbell, F.R.LB.A. and J.P., architect, 266 St Vincent street
Douglas, Campbell, & Alex. N. Paterson, M.A., architects, 266 St, Vincent street.
Douglas, Carstairs Gumming, M.D., B.Sc, F.R.S.E., physician, 2 Royal cres.. Charing Cross.
Douglas, Charles J. (of Jas. Haldane & Co); house, 6 Bellahouston ter.
Douglas, Charles R. (of Douglas & Wright), house 85 Oxford drive.
Douglas, Cook & Co., auctioneers and stamp dealers, 562 Sauchiehall st.
Douglas, Daniel (Glasgow Patent Moulders' Blacking Co.), house, 1 Holyrood crescent
Douglas, David M., spirit merchant, 67 Dale street, Bridgeton.
Douglas, David, superintendent, City Orphan Home.
Douglas, D. M , 169 Greenbead street.
Douglas & Douglas, stationers, printers, and rubber stamp makers. 111 and 113 Union st.
onglas, George (of M. Ferguson & Co.); house, Manhauset, Bishop's rd., Jordanhill.
Douglas, G. A. H., & Co., law printers & stationers, 172 Hope St. ; work»i, 68 Renfrew St.
Douglas, G. A. H. (of G. A. H. Douglas & Co.), ho. St. Brides, Douglas av,, Burnside, Rutherglen.
Douglas, G. M. Holmes (of Kyle, Dennison & Laing), civil engineer and land surveyor, 175 Hope st. ; ho. 5 Lauderdale av., Earls' park, Newlands.
Douglas, H. D., & Son, musical instrument
makers and specialists, 36 to 42 Brunswick St.— See Advt. in App.
Douglas, Hunter, & Whitson, measurers, 197 St Vincent St. Telephone Nos., Nat. 223 Argyle; Corp. 422. Telegraphic address, " Surveyors."
Douglas, James, commercial traveller, 81 Oxford dr.
Douglas, Jas., baker, 287 Cathcart rd.; ho. 289 do.
Douglas, Jas., watchmaker, jeweller, and optician, 140 New City rd.; ho. 184 West Graham st.
Douglas, James C, wine and spirit merchant, 12 St. Enoch square ; house, 43 Queen Mary avenue.
Douglas, James C, L.D.S. (Eng.), dental surgeon, 197 Bath street; ho. 20 Montgomerie crescent, Saltcoats.
Douglas, Jas. S., 28 Gray st., Kelvingrove.
Douglas, James J. W. (at Thos. Dunlop & Sons'), 8 Lauderdale av. , Newlands.
Douglas, James Fearn, 'iZ^ Great Western rd.
Douglas, Jas. F., dairy keeper, 413 Govan st. ; ho. 39 Cartvale road.
Douglas, John, wine and spirit merchant, 4 Finnieston St., 465 Cathcart road, and 46 Cook St.; ho. Mount Devon, Holmhead road, Cathcart.
Douglas, John C. , spirit dealer, 1 Ritchie street and 48 Clyde place; ho. 33 Melville st., Pollokshields.
Douglas, John, draper, 35 Montague st.
Douglas, John, Harris tweed merchant, 146 Ingram st.
Douglas, John, stationer and newsagent, 1054 Dumbarlon road, Whiteinch ; ho. 1052 do.
Douglas, John P. (of Wm. Hollins & Co. Ltd., Brookside Factory); res. Langavat, Kilmacolm.
Douglas, John W., writer, 136 Wellington St.; ho. Invercraig, Lenzie.
Douglas, J. B. (at J. B. Sherriff & Co., Ltd.), ho. 62 Gt. George st, Hillhead.
Douglas, J., hatter and hosier, 1060 Argyle street.
Douglas, J. H. & Co., Scotch whisky merchants, 46 James Watt street.
Douglas, Johnston & Co., Scotch whisky merchants, 46 James Watt street
Douglas, J. R. (G.P 0.), ho. 63 Gardner st., Partick.
Douglas, Malcolm P. (of Douglas & Douglas), ho. Dunnre, Quadrant rd., Newlands.
Douglas, R. Jeffray (of Robt. Douglas & Son), res. Ashlea, Bellahouston.
Douglas, Robert, granite merchant and scuiptor, Bridgeton cross ; ho. Ballochmyle, Airdrie.
Douglas, Robert, & Son, sail makers and ship chandlers. Plantation Sail Works, Eaglesham street; telephone No. 88 Govan Nat., and 240 Corp.
i)onglas, Robert H. (at Clutha Paint and Oil Co.); ho. Ihornlea, Craigton.
Douglas, Robert (at Merry & Cuninghame, Ltd.) ; ho. 232 Darnley St. ???
Douglas, Robert, M.A., teacher, 13 Rupert street. I
Douglas, Stewart (of Jas. Osborne & Co.), Hazelbank, Mikgavie.
Douglas, Thos. L., bookkeeper. Police Treasurer's OflBce, 285 George street; house, 122 Darnley street.
Douglas, Thos. W., & Co., oil merchants and whole-sale grocers, 12 and 16 Carlton court.
Douglas, Thomas, buildings inspector, 5 Lauderdale avenue, Newlands.
Douglas, Thos., traveller, Ogston & Tennant, Ltd., St. Rollox.
Douglas, W., cashier, accounts branch, Post OflBce; ho. St. George's ter , Bridge of Weir.
Douglas, William (of Robert Douglas & Son), res, Ashlea, Bellahouston ; telephone No. 96 Ibrox.
Douglas, William, painter and decorator, 254 West George street; house, 29 Leven street.
Douglas, Wm. , electric clock and overmantel maker, 61 Finnieston St.; ho. 89 do.
Douglas, Wm., green grocer and confectioner, 89 Finnieston st.
Douglas, Wm., jun. (of Black & Douglas), ho. Ashlea, Bellahouston.
Douglas, William M., supt. Western Police Office; ho. 155 North st.
Douglas, Wm. M.A., teacher, U.F. Church Training College; ho. 110 Gt. Western rd.
Douglas, Wm. Park (of William Douglas), 254 West
George st. ; ho. 45 Edgemount gdijs., Langside.
Douglass, Wm 16 Barnwell terrace, Govan.
Douglas, W. Holmes (Clyde Navigation Chambers) ; house, 6 Laudervale avenue, Newlands.
Douglas, Wm. T. (at John Jackson & Co.) ; ho. 18 Clincart road. Mount Florida.
Douglas & Wright, measurers and valuators, 102 Bath street.
Douglas, Mrs. M., draper, 136 Great Hamilton street; house, 197 Claythorn street.
Douglas, Miss, 21 Herriet street, Pollokshields.
Douglas, J., dairy keeper, 217 Mathieson st.; ho. 101 do.
Douglas Temperance Hotel, 193 Bath street. W. Armstrong, proprietor.



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